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  1. DarthKinnick

    I just want to get this post out of the way now

    Amazing. 4 million per to suck.
  2. DarthKinnick

    Four downs with the receivers

    Since KD cannot catch, yes
  3. DarthKinnick

    Davis likes what he sees in JVB

    Does G Davis like what he sees in K Davis? Does he know his "stud" WR can't catch? How will he fix that issue? Can it BE fixed?
  4. DarthKinnick

    From JVB thread....what is KD's deal anyway?

    Why does KD consistently drop passes thrown to him? I never saw him as a HS player, so I don't know how he looked before coming to Iowa. Has he improved as a WR?
  5. DarthKinnick

    What is JVB's deal anyway?

    There is a lot of sense in this post. JVB being the best QB at Iowa right now may not say a whole lot. Or it might speak volumes.
  6. DarthKinnick


    You don't think giving Iowa a 1/6 probability of the champ game is optimistic? The very point is that all things are NOT equal. We gonna be bad. If the Hawkeyes win 7 this will be a Kurt is God kinda year.
  7. DarthKinnick

    What is JVB's deal anyway?

    Why the bizarre meltdowns last year? He's been in the program long enough and has taken enough snaps. Any former QBs on the board who could opine? Why did he pull the Christensen act with balls in the ground, balls sailing over heads, and eating the ball so much? Just asking.
  8. DarthKinnick

    question marks for football

    The last "monster" year any of us will ever see was 2009. The recruiting is only part of it. Kids leave because they see the program sucks. They leave because they want to excel not just exist. There is a difference.
  9. DarthKinnick

    Team this year?

    K-dav has no hands. Not much quicks, either, and his routes are bad. A Sr WR who has made no noise at all is going to explode? Uh huh. CJ? You mean that big kid that runs around looking lost? Is he a SO or JR?
  10. DarthKinnick

    our record next year, what's your guess?

    You lose at home to the clowns and Debbie and folks will be packing his bags. Probably even drive him to the border if he likes. Better learn how to win in the off seasons because the pressure is about to his Mr. Cool right in the mouth. Kurt ain't the Old Man. He doesn't have the hearts of...
  11. DarthKinnick

    our record next year, what's your guess?

    With this head coach and staff? ROFLMAO. We need about 4 classes of receivers who can run and catch the ball. We need RBs who can run fast and hold the ball. Iowa's backs always do one of those two things but never both. TEs? Seen a TE around Iowa recently? CBs? Any bump and run...
  12. DarthKinnick

    Will new Cordinators give Ferentz new energy!

    Get real. The man has no pulse. It's not a matter of energy it's a matter of robotics. See, it isnt about winning, it's about sending a crop of moderately functional offensive linemen to the League. Winning is not important. Iowa winning is not sexy. It's about selling tickets and...
  13. DarthKinnick


    LOL. I'd settle for beating Debbie and the Suckeyes. Lose at home to the clowns and Captain Clown can start looking for a new job.
  14. DarthKinnick

    When was the loudest you have ever heard Kinnick?

    1985 Michigan State game. Smaller crowd but louder, rowdier bunch than anything we see these days.
  15. DarthKinnick

    Kirk NOT Kurt!

  16. DarthKinnick

    My favorite part of the Greg Davis presser

    I hope so. Otherwise I also hope this isn't like having a favorite part of edible underwear. I am pretty blase about Kurt in general after the past 2 years of suck.
  17. DarthKinnick

    question marks for football

    If this is true then I suspect we learned everything we need to know about the likelihood of this happening last season. Reminds me of Sarge back in boot camp. With the worst marksmen, I mean the really poor ones who missed the target with a majority of their shots, Sarge would always hope...
  18. DarthKinnick

    If Davis sucks....

    IF? wut?
  19. DarthKinnick

    question marks for football

    The team has also been hobbled by special teams that are wandering out in Siberia or Greenland somewhere. You forgot those. Iowa football right now reminds me of my neighbor's motorcycle. He fires it up and revs it every Spring right after I throw the battery in mine and he's like "Let's...
  20. DarthKinnick

    Who will be the 1st and how many?

    Wouldn't it be just as pertinent to identify who will be the first either to quit completely or transfer to another school out of the sample population of recruits we already have? There might be birds in hand who will fly the coop if given half a chance. :eek: