If Davis sucks....

Interesting read. I know the purpose of hiring Davis under those conditions wasn't to "have an out"...but would be very interesting to see what happened if we had a completely rubbish season.

(Disclaimer: I'm not hoping for said awful season)
Davis is not a one year hire, and you guys are foolish if you think a bad year would get him axed. You think KF will go from having one OC for 13 years to replacing the new one after one year? Please....
Davis is not a one year hire, and you guys are foolish if you think a bad year would get him axed. You think KF will go from having one OC for 13 years to replacing the new one after one year? Please....

Crack's a helluva drug.
Guy comes in 2 months before spring practice.....come on he gets atleast 3-4 and by then Kirk might be done coaching.
I would not worry about Davis, the O will be ready to go come Sept. I would worry more about Parker, Davis has been around the block I think the Hawks come out next season and finish better than most think they will. But it will be the D that will be the weak link in the up coming season. Davis is a great hire, now that KOK is gone teams will not know what to expect, yeah I know the O wont change that much, but it will be different enough to cause some problems for teams that had a pretty good idea of what we do and would have done on 2nd and 3rd downs.
I would not worry about Davis, the O will be ready to go come Sept. I would worry more about Parker, Davis has been around the block I think the Hawks come out next season and finish better than most think they will. But it will be the D that will be the weak link in the up coming season. Davis is a great hire, now that KOK is gone teams will not know what to expect, yeah I know the O wont change that much, but it will be different enough to cause some problems for teams that had a pretty good idea of what we do and would have done on 2nd and 3rd downs.
I don’t see any staff dismissals at the end of one year unless someone just isn’t working out at all. There’s going to be some growing pains. It will take time to come up to speed and some stuff just won’t work out.
Davis will do great once Derby becomes our starter. Our version of Vince young will be great. Go hawks, go Davis and go Derby!!
Calm down I'm sure every loss will be his fault and every win will be because the other team screwed up.
What I took from the article was that Iowa didn't have enough time to advertise in publications from the time KOK left until the hire date of Davis? Heck, they could have met that timeline just from the time his name first got thrown out there until the day of the press conference announcing his hire, couldn't they?

Can someone explain that better? Was it just a long day at work and I am brain dead, or am I missing something on this?
It's an "emergency hire" because they didn't follow the normal posting and hiring procedures before naming him. Because time was an issue and the new OC needed to be in place and up and running before spring drills they enacted some side steps so that Davis could be hired. However, to comply with EOE guidelines next year Iowa will have to go through the whole process in accordance with law. This has nothing to do with creating an "out" and you would be absolutely nuts to think after they properly conduct the hiring process next year that anybody other than Davis is OC.
Calm down I'm sure every loss will be his (Davis) fault and every win will not be because the other team screwed up
but because of Iowa's defense.

Fixed it for you. Yeah, mine is sarcasm as well. Unfortunately, there are way too many on this board who think this way.
It's an "emergency hire" because they didn't follow the normal posting and hiring procedures before naming him. Because time was an issue and the new OC needed to be in place and up and running before spring drills they enacted some side steps so that Davis could be hired. However, to comply with EOE guidelines next year Iowa will have to go through the whole process in accordance with law. This has nothing to do with creating an "out" and you would be absolutely nuts to think after they properly conduct the hiring process next year that anybody other than Davis is OC.
I thought the timing issue was that they needed to post it for two weeks in a public forum before the hire was made. They had almost a month to satisfy that part. Was there more that they didn't comply with besides that?
I need a second to the following motion: I move to declare this the dumbest post topic so far in 2011.

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