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  1. D

    Frans future

    We are going to be stuck with this guy for a long time. Why would he want to leave when he gets a bonus for being mediocre and a contract with such a huge buyout? The only way he leaves is if the fans harass he and his kids so badly that he just can't take it anymore. I'm not advocating that...
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    Hoiberg to Nebraska

    I've even seen reports of a 7 year $28 million contract being in place.
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    Howe: Big Dance a Watershed Moment for Hawkeye Program

    This is a very fair and reasonable post. I'm sick of Fran and would prefer we moved on, but I can get behind your thinking here. We will have a nice mix of veterans and young players and if we aren't progressing at all with that team and are missing on big recruits, then I will be all in on...
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    Frans future

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    Fire Barta, Fire Fran, fire them all.

    I don't hate Patrick at all. He may very well be good, but not good enough that I want to deal with his dad for 4 more years. I honestly just don't like our coach. I love passion but he just comes off as an angry idiot. I'm sick of the late season collapses. I'm sick of watching a team that...
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    Fire Barta, Fire Fran, fire them all.

    I would hate to lose Joe T. but whatever, it's worth it. Don't care about Patrick and really don't care about Connor.
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    Fire Barta, Fire Fran, fire them all.

    Thank you. I'm so tired of the Lick BS. Yes it could be worse than Fran, but it most likely won't be. Most athletic departments that have a choice don't stick with such a crappy coach who also happens to be an embarrassment to the program by the way he acts.
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    Not a good team

    Iowa basketball under Fran sucks. Always has and always will. But hey let’s gice him another extension.
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    So is it fair to say that Fran's next incident will be his last as Iowa's coach?

    I’m happy we are having a good season. I’m not sure we are set up for long term success under Fran. I want him badly to prove me wrong. And I want him to stop embarrassing the university.
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    So is it fair to say that Fran's next incident will be his last as Iowa's coach?

    Historically good? I guess our history is pretty bad. Especially recent history. I love JOBO, and bailed this team out. Joe W's luck shot did also. We are 3 shots away from having losses against 3 terrible teams and being squarely on the bubble. It's been exciting and fun, but let's not pretend...
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    So is it fair to say that Fran's next incident will be his last as Iowa's coach?

    I think he has the same number of games suspended as NCAA tournaments made. #winning What a joke.
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    So is it fair to say that Fran's next incident will be his last as Iowa's coach?

    They should just fire him now. He's not a good enough coach to keep embarrassing the university like this.
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    Keith Murphy Chimes In

    I really hope you are taking the least popular side of this just of the sake of debate. This whole thing is just a ridiculous joke. Anyone who truly believes that he deserves to be suspended for this is either A. Stupid B. Maybe racist themselves? C. Has a personal issue with Dolph
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    It's "Grind Time" in the B10

    This is insensitive. You are suspended until the end of basketball season. Signed ‘anonymous gutless AD’ There will be no questions.
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    Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

    But was it offensive to some white guy who wants to appear to be fighting the good fight, or did this come from somebody else? I think that's a fair question. The black people I know can't see it, or say that anyone who would think that is probably the real racist. I admit I have a small circle...
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    Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

    It was meant as a compliment. I'm not sure how it could possibly be insensitive. I would like to know who reported it, and what their motives were. I have asked people I know of all races including women who hadn't heard about the story and I haven't found anyone yet who thinks "that was racist"...
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    Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

    I hope you aren't serious. The only thing that makes it racist is white people who are finding something racist about it. Announcers say "he's a monster on the boards" all the time; that's exactly what he meant and anyone with half a brain knows that. To find anything racist about that comment...
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    OK, assuming we make the tourney...

    It’s going to be a tough ride. We need 6 more wins to guarantee a tournament bid. That means we have to win all of the games we are expected to plus 1 on the road against a decent team or 1 at home against a good team. If we do that I think we win a tournament game also.
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    A loss to a bad WVU team yesterday. They may not end up with that high of a seed.
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    I want to be in a scenario where we are matched up with Kansas in round 2. They are the most beatable of what is considered the top tier teams.