What a bunch of babies...

Wow! Really? We knew coming in this team would struggle. SEVERAL new key positions will do that. Many of us - me included, had this as a loss anyway in the beginning of the season. Nothing from that has changed.

That said, if I lived near Cedar Rapids, I'd be at the airport cheering the team on when they came home. But that's just me - A Hawkeye!
Hey TNH if you don't like the people on the board....see ya. Nobody is making you sign in everyday. It's a MESSAGE BOARD. This is where people come to vent/discuss/complain/voice opinion. Sorry we all aren't as mature as you but I'm sure we'll get over it.
First, what does my name/state have to do with anything, let alone the topic of this thread? As a matter of fact, I lived in Nebraska when I created my name used here and have since moved to beautiful Wyoming and am still a Hawk fan! Oh yeah, I am also a U of W Cowboy fan, so what...

Second, what does it matter if I 'darkened a door way in a class room in Iowa City'? As a matter of fact, I did not, I graduated from UNI, but went to Iowa games every weekend they had a home game during my time in Cedar Falls. Big deal...Ask Marc Morehouse or Stormin' where they went to college...

Third, see my second post in this thread and grow up...

So you admit to being a 'tavern hawk' and are proud of it?
Ferentz refuses to play aggresive against Paterno.

Do you think that had anything to do with winning 8 out of the last 9 against PSU prior to today?

The game plan sucked in hindsight but Iowa didnt execute at all. If we played better we couldve won and KF wouldnt be getting lynched
What did people expect a blowout? We are playing in Happy Valley, one of the toughest places to play in the conference. Penn State wanted this one very badly and have played like a team that wanted this win. A whole lot of breaks went their way, but that aside they played a good game, and it was not Iowa's day.

Some fans need to stop acting like they are bi-polar or worse and take this game like men (No offense ladies).

If it doesnt **** you off that Iowa didnt want this game very badly and played like they want to win, then you are the one with the vagina.
" think about the year we pounded Michigan 34-9 in ann arbor and the reaction their fans had. I as there for that game... and they just looked stupid".

9 years later, they look like geniuses with their finger directly on the pulse of the Michigan program.
Why does it matter if you went to Iowa for your degree? If you can't figure that one out it explains why you didn't go there. We alumni get tired of those with no skin in the game telling those of us with just a little more commitment to the University of Iowa than buying a T-shirt defining what we should accept from programs at our alma mater. And yes, 4th generation UI graduate, 2 degrees myself, 2 kids on campus now.
I don't think anyone expected a blow out. Though in this series a 13-3 loss is a blow out.
The offense which we hoped would carry the team scored a single field goal. 3 measly points in four quarters. The defense allowed a bad offense to walk all over them.

With this loss it will be tough to get to 7 wins.

"I've learned this under KF: Things are never as good as the seem and they're never as bad as the seem." Very true.
Why does it matter if you went to Iowa for your degree? If you can't figure that one out it explains why you didn't go there. We alumni get tired of those with no skin in the game telling those of us with just a little more commitment to the University of Iowa than buying a T-shirt defining what we should accept from programs at our alma mater. And yes, 4th generation UI graduate, 2 degrees myself, 2 kids on campus now.

Sorry, I am still trying to stop LMAO...I did not realize that being a U of I graduate or not being a U of I graduate was a required to be considered a fan. Your statement truly is idiotic. You do have a right to be proud that you come from a long line of U of I graduates, but the only thing that gives you is the 'alumni' status, it does not mean that you are a bigger fan than anyone else. I chose the college that would give me the best education for my major and that was UNI. I was the third generation to graduate from UNI, but I would never make such an arogant statement such as yours when it comes to supporting UNI or the U of I.
If it doesnt **** you off that Iowa didnt want this game very badly and played like they want to win, then you are the one with the vagina.

I did not say, nor did I hint towards not being ****** off. Yes, I am ****** about the loss, but my post was in reference to how poorly some people handle the fact that we lost. For instance, childishly accusing someone of having the opposite sexes anatomy...hmmm, maybe the OP was directed at you without my even know it.

Seriously, grow up...
I did not say, nor did I hint towards not being ****** off. Yes, I am ****** about the loss, but my post was in reference to how poorly some people handle the fact that we lost. For instance, childishly accusing someone of having the opposite sexes anatomy...hmmm, maybe the OP was directed at you without my even know it.

Seriously, grow up...

Well in your original post you said that some fans need to take "this lost as a man".. men dont have "the opposite sexes anatomy" term that used.. thats all i was getting at there
Why does it matter if you went to Iowa for your degree? If you can't figure that one out it explains why you didn't go there. We alumni get tired of those with no skin in the game telling those of us with just a little more commitment to the University of Iowa than buying a T-shirt defining what we should accept from programs at our alma mater. And yes, 4th generation UI graduate, 2 degrees myself, 2 kids on campus now.

So even though I grew up 2 blocks from Kinnick Stadium and started going to games when I was 7, lived in Iowa City my whole life (just moved back to U.Heights)- you're saying I can't be a Hawkeye fan because I never attended the University? I guess I better quit my full-time carer job and go back to school so I can be a REAL Hawk fan, duh.
Why does it matter if you went to Iowa for your degree? If you can't figure that one out it explains why you didn't go there. We alumni get tired of those with no skin in the game telling those of us with just a little more commitment to the University of Iowa than buying a T-shirt defining what we should accept from programs at our alma mater. And yes, 4th generation UI graduate, 2 degrees myself, 2 kids on campus now.

Coming from a U of I grad, I would never have guessed this from the rest of your post. Your statement that one has to have graduated from a university in order to be a "better" fan is arrogant and short sighted.
Tavern hawks and bandwagen jumpers, I've been tired of them for 40 years since my grandfather (UI 1930) explained to me what they were. I can count on one hand how many "Iowa fans" I know who were just as passionate when Bob Commings and FXL where the coaches and Iowa truly stunk. I'd rather have 40 K fans who truly cared about the program and the University than fill Kinnick with 30 k more tavern hawks. Tavern hawks are a big part of why the leg, both parties, wear black and gold on sat and on monday work to gut the funding of academics. I get angry because these games make the university seem like a joke for paying a coach for such pitiful performance and arrogent attitude when said coach is questioned about it. So excuse me for expecting elite performance for elite pay.