What a bunch of babies...


Well-Known Member
What did people expect a blowout? We are playing in Happy Valley, one of the toughest places to play in the conference. Penn State wanted this one very badly and have played like a team that wanted this win. A whole lot of breaks went their way, but that aside they played a good game, and it was not Iowa's day.

Some fans need to stop acting like they are bi-polar or worse and take this game like men (No offense ladies).
Here is what I know-I expected more than 3 points and 227 yards of offense. :)

I agree, I am disappointed, but the reactions on this board and others is way out of whack in my opinion. I did not expect 3 turnovers on Vandy, I did not expect McNutt to drop as many easy passes as he did, but still not a reason for the reaction I am seeing...unless there are a whole lot more 12 year olds on this thread than I realized....
Here are my thoughts.. and I agree that every time we lose it is absolute melt down. Every team has their awful games... think about the year we pounded Michigan 34-9 in ann arbor and the reaction their fans had. I as there for that game... and they just looked stupid. What about Illinoy after we beat them in 07. Crap happens!

1. Coming off of a bye week, the hawks were rusty. I am by no means saying we are a good team. But there were a lot of dropped passes and miscues. Penn State caught some breaks early and allowed them to build some confidence. I think it would have been a completely different story had we gotten that pick 6 on psu's first drive.

2. Not all of the blame can be on the coaching staff. Do I agree with everything that they do... no. However, they are in practice everyday and we are not. They also have a significantly higher football IQ than probably all of us combined. So I don't think it is right that people can make judgments based on what they see on Saturday's, M-F is what matters.

3. I am picturing a team similar to the team we had in 01. Pretty inexperienced, but we have some talent. Defensively we have to, and WILL get better. Offensively... our oline is overrated at this point. BUT they will get better also and when Coker can get some room to run, we will be fine.

4. This was the 5th game of the year... it is a long season and good things are going to happen... there will probably be some rough spots mixed in... but come on!!! As a fan base, lets come together and cheer for this team to get better every week, and see what happens. I don't want to be like the ISU fans I was around last week that made excuses for their team. We aren't that good... YET. I have faith that we can be good by the end of the year.
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This is a bad PSU team. 3 points? Common. Can we dispense with the "aw shucks?" routine? That was a horrendous display of "offense".
What did people expect a blowout? We are playing in Happy Valley, one of the toughest places to play in the conference. Penn State wanted this one very badly and have played like a team that wanted this win. A whole lot of breaks went their way, but that aside they played a good game, and it was not Iowa's day. Some fans need to stop acting like they are bi-polar or worse and take this game like men (No offense ladies).
Let me guess, you love losing. thats why your sorry behind is in nebraska, probably never darkened a door way in a class room in Iowa City.
What did people expect a blowout? We are playing in Happy Valley, one of the toughest places to play in the conference. Penn State wanted this one very badly and have played like a team that wanted this win. A whole lot of breaks went their way, but that aside they played a good game, and it was not Iowa's day.

Some fans need to stop acting like they are bi-polar or worse and take this game like men (No offense ladies).

logic is appreciated:)
Here are my thoughts.. and I agree that every time we lose it is absolute melt down. Every team has their awful games... think about the year we pounded Michigan 34-9 in ann arbor and the reaction their fans had. I as there for that game... and they just looked stupid. What about Illinoy after we beat them in 07. Crap happens!

1. Coming off of a bye week, the hawks were rusty. I am by no means saying we are a good team. But there were a lot of dropped passes and miscues. Penn State caught some breaks early and allowed them to build some confidence. I think it would have been a completely different story had we gotten that pick 6 on psu's first drive.

2. Not all of the blame can be on the coaching staff. Do I agree with everything that they do... no. However, they are in practice everyday and we are not. They also have a significantly higher football IQ than probably all of us combined. So I don't think it is right that people can make judgments based on what they see on Saturday's, M-F is what matters.

3. I am picturing a team similar to the team we had in 01. Pretty inexperienced, but we have some talent. Defensively we have to, and WILL get better. Offensively... our oline is overrated at this point. BUT they will get better also and when Coker can get some room to run, we will be fine.

4. This was the 4th game of the year... it is a long season and good things are going to happen... there will probably be some rough spots mixed in... but come on!!! As a fan base, lets come together and cheer for this team to get better every week, and see what happens. I don't want to be like the ISU fans I was around last week that made excuses for their team. We aren't that good... YET. I have faith that we can be good by the end of the year.

That's all well and good... But we've pretty much been a 7-5 program since 2004 and it's looking like we will be lucky to get to even that point this year. At what point is it fair to wonder if 2002-04 was a fluke?
This is a bad PSU team. 3 points? Common. Can we dispense with the "aw shucks?" routine? That was a horrendous display of "offense".

Not a bad PSU team... they have been a BAD offense. Defensively they have been pretty dang good. They took advantage of an inexperienced offense. This wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to the hawks. When all is said and done... they lost against a good defense in a hostile environment against a team that has a chip on their shoulders because the hawks have been kicking their butts for the last decade.
That's all well and good... But we've pretty much been a 7-5 program since 2004 and it's looking like we will be lucky to get to even that point this year. At what point is it fair to wonder if 2002-04 was a fluke?

wow! you can stop drinking now.
I agree, I am disappointed, but the reactions on this board and others is way out of whack in my opinion. I did not expect 3 turnovers on Vandy, I did not expect McNutt to drop as many easy passes as he did, but still not a reason for the reaction I am seeing...unless there are a whole lot more 12 year olds on this thread than I realized....

I can understand why people are upset. This was one of the worst all around performances by Iowa in years when you factor in all of the circumstances:

Huge game
Coming off a bye week
PSU has a bad offense that plays into Iowa's hands
PSU's defense is good, but it has several injuries, TR FR on McNutt all game

Just a really bad game all around against an average team. More turnovers than points.

I don't agree with all the gloom and doom stuff. I've learned this under KF: Things are never as good as the seem and they're never as bad as the seem.
I'm sick of the they wanted it more excuse. Why don't we want it more any more? ISU wanted it more and now PSU wanted it more too. When does it end?
Iowa is lucky that PSU has no clue what to do at QB or it would have been a blow out! If #11 had played the whole game it would have been an absolute cake walk for PSU!
Look at Kirk's win/loss record coming off of a bye week...then take a deep breath and look at his win/loss record coming off a loss the next week after that bye week loss.
Let me guess, you love losing. thats why your sorry behind is in nebraska, probably never darkened a door way in a class room in Iowa City.

First, what does my name/state have to do with anything, let alone the topic of this thread? As a matter of fact, I lived in Nebraska when I created my name used here and have since moved to beautiful Wyoming and am still a Hawk fan! Oh yeah, I am also a U of W Cowboy fan, so what...

Second, what does it matter if I 'darkened a door way in a class room in Iowa City'? As a matter of fact, I did not, I graduated from UNI, but went to Iowa games every weekend they had a home game during my time in Cedar Falls. Big deal...Ask Marc Morehouse or Stormin' where they went to college...

Third, see my second post in this thread and grow up...

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