Note from the Publisher

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well said, mr. meme. i must apologize as i thought your post of the picture of forrest gump was somehow meant as a slight towards my post. after this response, i see that you were just given a visual response to reflect your feelings.
It sucks that you were forced to take down that story. DJK doesn't have much for credibility but where there is smoke there is fire and with everything else that has came out I tend to believe that some of what DJK said has some truth to it. I think that information is important for us to read so changes can be made. DJK may not have been good enough to ever played a down of NFL football but he was certainly good enough to have been brought in to some teams camp and I do believe KF played a part in that.
It's not the fact that Kirk played any part in his not being brought into teams camps, as he played NO part in it. I think he chose to not be a part of any endorsement, wrote no letters of recommendations, and probable called none of his coaching contacts in the NFL. That is Kirk's right. Kirk was burned professionally and personally by DJK over and over. The fact that he lived with and got high with a drug dealer and his adoptive family could afford a good lawyer that got the heavy charges taken off and thrown on his friend, does not make him innocent. I don't believe Kirk "blackballed" him or even has that ability, and it's ludicrous to think he tipped off the police with everything the Iowa program had to lose. Outside of the garbage can incident, which is mentioned by other players, I don't believe 90 % of his story. It does make one more check against Doyle though. Doyle is looking more and more like the out of control coach that was at Maryland and made that such a toxic culture.
I grew up in a home with an abusive father. For years, I supported him to relatives and friends out of fear and also denial. Once I got into therapy, I realized it was terribly damaging and I no longer have any relationship with him.

Dragging up old social media posts by James and others to try to prove they are lying does not do that. They are speaking out now. You don't have to believe them. Chris Doyle is saying he's innocent as it pertains to racism. He should have a chance to face his accusers.

I feel bad for Dillon Doyle. I sat down with him for about an hour long interview right before he enrolled and wrote a long feature. In every interview I ever conducted with him, he was polite and friendly.

I had an abusive father growing up too Rob. So I can empathize. I never went to therapy, instead I left and joined the military. When I returned from service, he once threaten to kick my ass. I looked at him with very angry eyes said “ What did you say to me?” He turned around and walked away with a little fear and hesitation in his eyes. Since that time, we’ve came to that unsaid understanding and we’ve had a great relationship until his passing. That was therapy enough for me. Since that time, I’ve never backed down from nobody.
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if the iowa team kneels for the anthem, i will take it as a metaphor for kneeling on the neck of this country. no more iowa football for me, in that scenario. let's see how 68k fans feel, should that happen. disrespecting the country is not going to solve one damn issue. you flip the entire country the bird, then demand respect back? nope, the world doesn't look that way. i wonder how the man in charge apparently was absolutely clueless this had been going on for years and years and years and "change in that culture is long overdue" but he gets to say "gee, i didn't know." right.
Your opinion of what America is or isn't, that's your right. Every American gets to believe what they want to believe on the necks and backs of thousands of US soldiers and patriots who fought tyranny and injustice around the world and at home for you and others to have the right to an opinion. They love the flag. Yes, some will be upset that it isn't respected, but most will be proud that they defended the freedoms that it represents more than the flag itself.

My grandfather fought in WWII and was the hardest working man I ever knew. He worked 16 hours a day until he died at 80. He was proud of his family and his country. He made America what it is today. I didnt fight and serve. If you did, thank you! If you didn't, don't speak for our veterans on this subject. You and a lot of people are missing the point. I missed it at first. Initially I was upset at Kaepernick, but I wasn't listening. He loves America. He wants it to be better for ALL Americans but all Americans aren't listening. He is protesting police brutality in a moment where he has America's attention. He doesn't hate the flag or America. He is doing what you would do if you truly understood empathy.

Our brothers and sisters of color are hurting. Pride is one of the deadly sins. Im proud to be a Hawkeye but I'm not too proud to understand that America needs to change, Hawkeye football needs to change. I'm proud of America BECAUSE we are unique. It is the land of opportunity. The land of dreams. Work hard and all of your dreams will come true. That's not true for all races in America. They are my brothers and sisters. They are us. We are them. There should be no divide. That was my fellow American brother getting suffocated by the police in Minnesota. That was your American brother getting run down by vigilantes in Georgia. That was our American sister getting killed by police in Kentucky for being black in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is the right time to listen to our black brothers and sisters and embrace them as one. This is America. They are America. You are America. We are America. Lets love America by making it a place that future Americans want to fight and die for.

The flag. It represents a united people living in America. If the flag could speak it would say I'll stand with you brother. I'll kneel with you brother. I'll fight for you and next to you brother. I support my brothers and sisters kneeling to be heard so they can stand tall someday as proud Americans in a land that they love and, as important, in a land that loves them.
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That's me.

I apologize for not being around here more the last week to answer your questions. I've spent a lot of time on the phone with former players and their parents, listening to their stories.

I haven't looked closely on here, but I'm guessing it's like Twitter where people are sideways with me for how I've reported on the Iowa football story. I wanted to explain my approach and how I covered it as a lot of false information is shared with news moving fast on all of these channels.

James Daniels first spoke up on inequalities last Wednesday, June 3.

The next day, Mike Daniels followed up.

And Rafeal Eubanks and Jaleel Johnson

Then James Daniels again on that Thursday.

Despite the continuing flow of former players that followed with concerns, I waited. I just Retweeted and shared on these boards. The players were getting hammered by fans for speaking out.

Then Friday, I wrote a column (you can read most of the player stories within it) suggesting Iowa address the situation. Still nothing from Iowa.

Then the floodgates opened Friday night. A flurry of former players came out with their stories. KF released a short statement. The accounts continued rolling in throughout the weekend.

Saturday, a joint statement from KF and Gary Barta, saying they were looking into the matter and Chris Doyle was put on leave. Still more stories.

Sunday afternoon, KF holds a press conference. We're publishing stories on all of this.

Monday, current players begin Tweeting in a show of unity. We published them.

Monday night at about 6, I receive a statement from Derrell Johnson-Koulianos. He asked me to share it like I had with all the other player statements. All of those accounts were from social media and caused Iowa to investigate and suspend Doyle. Media members did not speak to any of those players to vet their stories.

I posted Derrell Johnson-Koulianos' statement Monday night at around 9. I realized his credibility would be disregarded but I talked to some of his former teammates and they encouraged me to publish it. As I said, I hadn't vetted any of the other player stories before publishing.

I'm sure some of you think I know what happened here with DJK. I don't know what's true and not true. I've heard a bunch of stories, just like I have with other players. He was charged with some bad shit. He was convicted of weed possession. And yes, I know cases are pleaded down.

Bottom line, I thought his voice should be heard, too. I hoped all of these players were telling the truth but I didn't know. I was sharing all their stories and then letting readers decide. Again, that's what got the investigation rolling.

If there's one thing I wished I would have done, it's asked the UI last night for a comment on DJK's statement. I waited until the morning. They had no comment and I added that to my post.

The owners of HN decided this afternoon to take down the statement. They did not feel DJK was credible. I should have cleared it with them before publishing even though I still believe it should be posted. It's their site. We've talked it over.

When I set out to cover this story, I wanted to do it as impartially as possible. I Retweeted most of the stories. On a few, I added a reaction like "disgusting" and "powerful" because that was my reaction to reading them. I didn't publish those feelings. I shared human emotions about stories from players who I covered during my 23 years reporting on the team. Everyone was hurting.

I received nice notes from a number of the former players, on social media and personally, thanking me for sharing their stories. Some of the current players reached out to me and thanked me.

Everyone is free to believe who and what they want. They'll be an investigation/review and we'll see what comes of it.

I never called for any coaches' heads. I never badmouthed anyone. I shared stories from the players, the university's press releases and press conferences.

I don't want to be covering this story, but I don't regret doing so.
That's me.

I apologize for not being around here more the last week to answer your questions. I've spent a lot of time on the phone with former players and their parents, listening to their stories.

I haven't looked closely on here, but I'm guessing it's like Twitter where people are sideways with me for how I've reported on the Iowa football story. I wanted to explain my approach and how I covered it as a lot of false information is shared with news moving fast on all of these channels.

James Daniels first spoke up on inequalities last Wednesday, June 3.

The next day, Mike Daniels followed up.

And Rafeal Eubanks and Jaleel Johnson

Then James Daniels again on that Thursday.

Despite the continuing flow of former players that followed with concerns, I waited. I just Retweeted and shared on these boards. The players were getting hammered by fans for speaking out.

Then Friday, I wrote a column (you can read most of the player stories within it) suggesting Iowa address the situation. Still nothing from Iowa.

Then the floodgates opened Friday night. A flurry of former players came out with their stories. KF released a short statement. The accounts continued rolling in throughout the weekend.

Saturday, a joint statement from KF and Gary Barta, saying they were looking into the matter and Chris Doyle was put on leave. Still more stories.

Sunday afternoon, KF holds a press conference. We're publishing stories on all of this.

Monday, current players begin Tweeting in a show of unity. We published them.

Monday night at about 6, I receive a statement from Derrell Johnson-Koulianos. He asked me to share it like I had with all the other player statements. All of those accounts were from social media and caused Iowa to investigate and suspend Doyle. Media members did not speak to any of those players to vet their stories.

I posted Derrell Johnson-Koulianos' statement Monday night at around 9. I realized his credibility would be disregarded but I talked to some of his former teammates and they encouraged me to publish it. As I said, I hadn't vetted any of the other player stories before publishing.

I'm sure some of you think I know what happened here with DJK. I don't know what's true and not true. I've heard a bunch of stories, just like I have with other players. He was charged with some bad shit. He was convicted of weed possession. And yes, I know cases are pleaded down.

Bottom line, I thought his voice should be heard, too. I hoped all of these players were telling the truth but I didn't know. I was sharing all their stories and then letting readers decide. Again, that's what got the investigation rolling.

If there's one thing I wished I would have done, it's asked the UI last night for a comment on DJK's statement. I waited until the morning. They had no comment and I added that to my post.

The owners of HN decided this afternoon to take down the statement. They did not feel DJK was credible. I should have cleared it with them before publishing even though I still believe it should be posted. It's their site. We've talked it over.

When I set out to cover this story, I wanted to do it as impartially as possible. I Retweeted most of the stories. On a few, I added a reaction like "disgusting" and "powerful" because that was my reaction to reading them. I didn't publish those feelings. I shared human emotions about stories from players who I covered during my 23 years reporting on the team. Everyone was hurting.

I received nice notes from a number of the former players, on social media and personally, thanking me for sharing their stories. Some of the current players reached out to me and thanked me.

Everyone is free to believe who and what they want. They'll be an investigation/review and we'll see what comes of it.

I never called for any coaches' heads. I never badmouthed anyone. I shared stories from the players, the university's press releases and press conferences.

I don't want to be covering this story, but I don't regret doing so.

I just wished you would have checked his story, now you say you are not sure of it yet Dan Wolken of USA Today spit it it out as the truth. You as a reporter who has been around for a while should know to research your information. Guys like Wolken pick up pieces from decent reporters as you and let it go as if it was theirs. He tortured a decent man based upon what you expressed. Rob, you are better than that!
put that into words, mr. meme. i can tell you thought really long and hard on your post.

I like shrimp. Does anyone else here like shrimp? Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it."
if the iowa team kneels for the anthem, i will take it as a metaphor for kneeling on the neck of this country. no more iowa football for me, in that scenario. let's see how 68k fans feel, should that happen. disrespecting the country is not going to solve one damn issue. you flip the entire country the bird, then demand respect back? nope, the world doesn't look that way. i wonder how the man in charge apparently was absolutely clueless this had been going on for years and years and years and "change in that culture is long overdue" but he gets to say "gee, i didn't know." right.

Oh F YOU. This country has been disrespecting black folks for 400 years.

PS Arvada is a shithole
Oh F YOU. This country has been disrespecting black folks for 400 years.

PS Arvada is a shithole

rofl. i'm a minority. now do you see how you only puke out talking points? you are so damn off base that you may not even know where you are. the REAL problem is that everyone is trying to get the upper hand on everyone else and no one really...REALLY wants to talk about true equality. you know, there's an old saying when discussing who has won an argument and who has lost. the saying is "the first person to call the other one a name is the one who knows they've lost the argument. congratulations, thunder, you just admitted you lost.
Your “argument” is so anti-American and unworthy of serious discussion that the only appropriate retort is to instruct you to go F yourself.
Your “argument” is so anti-American and unworthy of serious discussion that the only appropriate retort is to instruct you to go F yourself.
Why’s his wrong and yours right?

if it’s really about the message why choose a stance that no matter what is going to divide some people? You say “come together and kneel” he says “stand together” one common word in both but two ideas.

Why not stand for the anthem, and then 1 min kneel in silence protest and have it aired on TV so the message is heard and take away the divide.

All I hear is it’s not about the disrespect of the flag, it’s the message, yada yada. Well why not change the approach and make its sole focus on the movement without angering some?

Calling people racist and telling them they shouldn’t care/get over it/my family was in the military I or they don’t care sounds like the “I have a black friend argument”

No one here has a right to tell anyone they are wrong in this so why not make it after as stated above and nothing is lost in the message. If it’s really not about disrespecting the flag this seems like a very simple change as the message is still getting out and heard.

no matter what you do some people will always look at the kneeling as disrespecting the country we all live and make a living in, no matter what. Just think it can be done in a way that provides a chance for all to embrace and not have that friction by Not doing during anthem.
I had an abusive father growing up too Rob. So I can empathize. I never went to therapy, instead I left and joined the military. When I returned from service, he once threaten to kick my ass. I looked at him with very angry eyes said “ What did you say to me?” He turned around and walked away with a little fear and hesitation in his eyes. Since that time, we’ve came to that unsaid understanding and we’ve had a great relationship until his passing. That was therapy enough for me. Since that time, I’ve never backed down from nobody.

That’s awesome. You reversed the power structure. That must have felt great after years of abuse. That would be therapeutic.

However people can find a way to recover from abuse I’m all for it and happy to see it. It’s complicated. A lot of layers with many different situations, scenarios and types of abuse.

I’m happy you’re happy now.
You have to weed out things. Not speaking about his credibility it is not uncommon for abuse victims to take blame and build up an abuser. Later when the abuse is in the rearview mirror by a long way it is properly processed.

Please...stop with the victim mentality. There was a completely acceptable alternative: say nothing, or just say it's time for the next leg of the journey. He met with the coaches regarding evaluation, draft potential, etc.

You can't possibly read that original statement and say, "Yep, victim". Not objectively, anyway.
Please...stop with the victim mentality. There was a completely acceptable alternative: say nothing, or just say it's time for the next leg of the journey. He met with the coaches regarding evaluation, draft potential, etc.

You can't possibly read that original statement and say, "Yep, victim". Not objectively, anyway.

What is the definition Bob? Just stop with victim blaming.

If your daughter gets raped by definition, is she a victim? Or not.
I grew up in a home with an abusive father. For years, I supported him to relatives and friends out of fear and also denial. Once I got into therapy, I realized it was terribly damaging and I no longer have any relationship with him.

Dragging up old social media posts by James and others to try to prove they are lying does not do that. They are speaking out now. You don't have to believe them. Chris Doyle is saying he's innocent as it pertains to racism. He should have a chance to face his accusers.

I feel bad for Dillon Doyle. I sat down with him for about an hour long interview right before he enrolled and wrote a long feature. In every interview I ever conducted with him, he was polite and friendly.

Yet, it appears you haven't reached out to Dillon Doyle since. How sad.

Worse, look at his Twitter account with the announcement. A total of six players, three current, have reached out.

Unity, I tell ya. Unity.

Oh, and "dragging up old social media posts" is precisely what people do all the time when they wish to embarrass or hurt them. Now, suddenly, old social media posts have no bearing?

Sorry, you can NOT read that post and say, objectively, "He was just doing it because..."

I know, if Doyle gets fired, his attorneys will bring a host of old social media posts to the table. And guess what? Criminal and civil law doesn't--at least for now--give the option for selectivity when it comes to "Well, it's true NOW...", or "Well, back then..."
What is the definition Bob? Just stop with victim blaming.

If your daughter gets raped by definition, is she a victim? Or not.

What the actual F?

You said "weed out things". Truth isn't selective or optional. His announcement said what it said. If you choose to "weed things out", especially knowing your penchant for ideological agenda-seek, you're literally left with the equivalent of DJK. "Why, one don't know where the stories end and the lies begin!" (Sheriff Thurman, original "Walking Tall")
What the actual F?

You said "weed out things". Truth isn't selective or optional. His announcement said what it said. If you choose to "weed things out", especially knowing your penchant for ideological agenda-seek, you're literally left with the equivalent of DJK. "Why, one don't know where the stories end and the lies begin!" (Sheriff Thurman, original "Walking Tall")

As put to another...try being anti racist than non racist. It will help. Try supporting crime victims rather than screaming.....your a victim mentally. Just try.
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