Note from the Publisher

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Rob, keep your head up -- you've done nothing wrong. It's an important story, moving and changing daily and sometimes hourly, and you've done an excellent job. As someone not on Twitter, I especially appreciated you publishing all the tweets from former and current players -- you just don't get that in other media.
My reaction to the player tweets (which I also posted on another Iowa website):
1) these young men are thoughtful, aware, intelligent and caring.
2) they're aware that across the state of Iowa they are known only as football players. They want to be acknowledged for the complete and complex human beings they are — they care deeply about things beyond just football. The ‘Iowa Way’ with all its restrictions on clothing and prohibiting social media (I.e. players allowed to have contact with the public only under tightly controlled 1-on-1 press interviews), has both purposefully and unintentionally had the psychological impact of stifling the full individuality of each player — which has led to players being viewed by the public as one-dimensional.
3) These stifling restrictions have been based on fear. Fear of what a player might say or tweet. Fear a different opinion than the coach’s may emerge. Fear a big donor may be offended. Fear of the unknown and different.
4) the maturity demonstrated in the content of player tweets shows there is nothing to fear from these strong young men. Hopefully KF will realize that going forward.
It sucks that you were forced to take down that story. DJK doesn't have much for credibility but where there is smoke there is fire and with everything else that has came out I tend to believe that some of what DJK said has some truth to it. I think that information is important for us to read so changes can be made. DJK may not have been good enough to ever played a down of NFL football but he was certainly good enough to have been brought in to some teams camp and I do believe KF played a part in that.
I wish that there would have been some comments from other players on DJK. Specifically regarding the drug raid part. I did see that McNutt on twitter said that he had no knowledge of DJK drug use prior to the arrest. I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't know. But that is what he said. Many parts of the story have been corroborated including being made to run around the field with a trash can on his head.

I saw a video on twitter from 2013 of KF being asked directly whether the allegations of KF submarineing DJK to NFL scouts. KF said he told the scouts "to look at the tape." That's definitely not an endorsement. It was also pointed out to KF in the video that 74 of 80 starters over about 10 years had gotten a camp invite but DJK after finishing his career as the all time leading WR at Iowa, didn't even get an invite. Essetially a KF endorsement means a camp invite even for a non star player. Now I would argue that KF didn't endorse DJK due to the fault only of DJK of avoiding trouble.

I think that KF was trying to motivate DJK to be a better person and unfortunately DJK learned that lesson the hard way. But it's hard to argue that DJK wasn't disliked by KF.

I hope all of this builds a stronger team unity in the Iowa locker room. So far only Doyle is transferring which is understandable. But we haven't seen anyone else enter the portal or any recruits decommit. Which is a good sign for team unity.
an opportunity to give Rob Howe...a piece of my mind and then some.
Gee golly by gosh!! Give 'em heck!!! Just like you did all those Krauts and Japs in ole dubya dubya eye eye, right ol' hoopnhawk?

"A piece of my mind and then some..." If you want to impress people around here you need to do better than some Leave It To Beaver swear words. We're fuckin jaded here, pappy...

Rob started off his recent non-stop effort to destroy Iowa Football with his pathetic "Science Experiment" column; insinuating that our coaches and university officials were "experimenting" with the very lives of our student athletes by risking their possible exposure to the Corona Virus. In reality, these athletes are over a 100 times more likely to die in a car accident on their way to practice, but that doesn't matter to Rob Howe. Like every other good little Social Justice Warrior, Rob has an agenda to sell. The problem with Rob's agenda is that it is flat out EVIL. You see, that adjective in front of the word Justice is there for good reason. It alerts the reader to the fact that "Social Justice" is something different than "Justice". Justice is a virtue; it is a virtue of God himself. It is pure, holy and true. It cannot be improved upon. Any deviation from justice is a movement toward injustice.

The Social Justice Warrior is so impressed with himself that he actually believes that he knows better than God Almighty and he can improve upon God's Justice, by implementing his so-called "Social Justice". So, he seeks to address the injustices from the past by creating and implementing a completely new set of injustices, which he believes in his depraved mind will remedy those past wrongs. The Word of God tells us: "Vengeance is mine", but the the SJW has decided that's not good enough for him. The SJW says "No, I want my vengeance and I want it Right Now!"
Your double space bar after every incoherent sentence puts your birth date right around 1937, so I'm going to give you a sorta-pass on the whole "I hate Rob" thing, but most of us don't believe in your god fairy tales. Remember, we're all hippie communist infiltrator scum here at HN. You should know better. Take your "shame on you, god's gonna spank your butt" garbage back to Hawkeye Report where you came from.

Of course, true and pure Justice, as we all know, is "Blind"; therefore the color of ones skin is irrelevant, ...Right? Well, not in the case of the Social Justice Warrior; a True SJW is the biggest Racist you will ever find! They are so consumed with Race that they become completely void of Logic and Reason. For example, they are the type of people that can seriously say that Black Lives Matter is not Racist and then, at the same time, turn right around and tell you that All Lives Matter is Racist! If Black Lives Truly Matter, then why is all of their attention given to the few times when an unarmed black man dies at the hands of a white policeman (9 such times in 2019), rather than the THOUSANDS of times one black man murdered another black man. Why? Because Black Lives only really matter when BLM can use the death of a Black man for the political purpose of destroying America and for financial gain. They couldn't care less about David Dorn, or thousands of others like him . . . there's nothing in it for BLM.
Is your Shift Key Sticking? Put Some WD-40 On THAT Son Of A Bitch. It Makes It Hard FOR Us To READ Your Bullshit.

When your fellow East and West Coast Leftists start selling their beach front properties for pennies on the dollar, then you'll know that at least a few of them actually believe their own bullshit. -
And when that happens, tell 'em to give 'ol HoopnHawk a call; I'll be more than happy to take their property off of their hands! Besides, according to AOC the world only has about 10 years left, so why not cash in Now?
Look,'re quite obviously over the age of 75. You're gonna be pickled in a pine box in a couple short years gettin lowered down into a hole by two guys trying to get home before America's Got Talent. Same thing's going to happen to me and everybody else here eventually. Why waste your two or three remaining summers being mad and screaming in a vacuum where no one can hear you, and preaching a bunch of bullshit that no one's going to care about nor change his or her mind for? Go sit on your porch, take a walk, pick some flowers, call your grand kids (although I'm guessing they're just tolerating you till the check comes), and quit fucking worrying what a reporter or a bunch of anonymous people on a message board think. According to you, we're all going to be burning in hell for eternity soon anyway, isn't that good enough for you? Isn't wanting more vengeance against the rules of that dumb book you keep quoting? I read that thing one time to see what all the (unwarranted) fuss was all about, and I remember there was one spot that said something about hoopnhawk casting the first rock because he's never sinned (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't read much fiction), and then there was also something about removing a plank out of your eye before you start working on the splinter that''s in mine...

But you probably get to cherry pick which limericks in there you have to follow. Makes sense.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope the folks at Hawkeye Report are nicer to you than these assholes here. Sheesh.
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Rob, having the “owners” pull the DJK column had to have put you in a difficult spot. Where does it leave you?

In New York City the editor of the Times’ Opinion page resigned for running Sen. Tom Cotton’s column supporting military action against rioters. The Times yanked the piece following outrage on the staff.

In Philadelphia, a top editor who doubled the Inquirer’s newsroom diversity and led his team to a Pulitzer resigned following publication of a headline “Buildings Matter, Too.” It was a step too far.

Crazy things are happening in this highly charged period whenever serious lines are crossed.

Hope you’re OK.
Senator Tom Cotton is the Woke's Worst Nightmare...Donald Trump who acts sane, smart, and mature.

The junior Woke Reporters seem to have carried out a coup on the boss for allowing a senator to share views which are different than their own.

Hopefully the mob vs Iowa can act mature and there will be a fairness and justice based on facts and the rule of law that will prevail. Slams and innuendo on social media are a recipe for a bad ending.

I don't care to spend a couple of decades following Rutgers 2.0 in Iowa City.
Senator Tom Cotton is the Woke's Worst Nightmare...Donald Trump who acts sane, smart, and mature.

The junior Woke Reporters seem to have carried out a coup on the boss for allowing a senator to share views which are different than their own.

Hopefully the mob vs Iowa can act mature and there will be a fairness and justice based on facts and the rule of law that will prevail. Slams and innuendo on social media are a recipe for a bad ending.

I don't care to spend a couple of decades following Rutgers 2.0 in Iowa City.

PSU 2 and OSU 2 aren't so bad.
Hopefully the mob vs Iowa can act mature and there will be a fairness and justice based on facts and the rule of law that will prevail.
What if "the facts" turn out to be not what you thought they were? Will you accept it and adapt, or will you just dismiss them as not the facts? Because if it's the latter I don't even know why you're wasting the keystrokes.

I only mention this because I can see now if the investigations come out saying KF did X, Y, and Z wrong and needs to be punished or fired, you're going to hop right on the "this is FAKE!" bandwagon and then your words above are meaningless.

Rev, let's be honest with ourselves. You're a god-fearing Orange City CR, humor me with some introspection...

If we're being truthful with ourselves you (and God) both know that you've already decided for yourself what the "facts" are. And if an investigation finds fact that you don't agree with, you're gonna say as much. At that point, no matter what you call them, they aren't facts; they're your opinions. Why not just cut to the chase and say so?
What if "the facts" turn out to be not what you thought they were? Will you accept it and adapt, or will you just dismiss them as not the facts? Because if it's the latter I don't even know why you're wasting the keystrokes.

I only mention this because I can see now if the investigations come out saying KF did X, Y, and Z wrong and needs to be punished or fired, you're going to hop right on the "this is FAKE!" bandwagon and then your words above are meaningless.

Rev, let's be honest with ourselves. You're a god-fearing Orange City CR, humor me with some introspection...

If we're being truthful with ourselves you (and God) both know that you've already decided for yourself what the "facts" are. And if an investigation finds fact that you don't agree with, you're gonna say as much. At that point, no matter what you call them, they aren't facts; they're your opinions. Why not just cut to the chase and say so? are working on a ton of assumptions here.

I am not Christian Reformed. I never lived in Orange City.

How have I decided any facts, I don't know any?

I am no fan of KF nor of BF but personally don't know either. They tend to operate in a closed system which is dangerous, and has lots of power.

My point is, lynching by slander, on social media isn't fair to anyone, even someone I am not a great fan of.

If I were to guess, Kirk knows a lot. It is his style. Where the evidence goes I have no idea. I am ready to let the facts get sorted out in a fair way, as fair as possible.
@RobHowe , one of the things I think a lot of us need to know here is which is KF?

a) a demanding coach with some huge, perhaps inexcusable, blind spots


b) a vindictive individual harboring racist tendencies

It is hard to believe option b based upon everything we have ever heard about the guy. In Dochterman's recent article quoting McNutt, Anthony Herron, and Fred Mims, all 3 supported and believed in KF:

“At the end of the day, I do believe Coach Ferentz’s heart is in the right place,” said former Iowa wide receiver Marvin McNutt, the program leader in receiving yards and touchdowns.

“It starts with guys being comfortable to go to Coach Ferentz and talk and at the same time, vice versa of coach going to those players and reaching out more on a personal level versus ‘Hey, you’re Mr. President around here.’ This can be a great thing. And I think for our nation this has been a great thing.”
“For as much as (Ferentz) cares about the program and cares about his players and when we see each other, I tell him, ‘I love you, coach,’ and he says, ‘I love you Anthony,’” Herron said, “that doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been a level of stubbornness in him because of that team-first element. It’s a big part of what can perhaps lead to some of the things that will allow Chris Doyle to say things that he said to players and be unchecked about it, because it’s kind of one way that the program has operated successfully. But just to see the world through a different lens is something I definitely think Kirk is willing to do.”
“Kirk is sensitive, and Kirk is a caring individual,” Mims said. “I have great respect for him and what he’s done here at Iowa. It might be a situation or culture that’s not good for some. But on the same token, if you are upfront and honest with people at the beginning, then I think that’s their choice. And not to say that if they’re being treated unfairly that we don’t need to address it. I think we do if we know about it, and we want them to speak up, and let’s address it. It’s easy to criticize the organization, but you didn’t do anything to try to help to change it when you were there.”

But what DJK has to say and what Wadley's mom has been saying is that KF is the scum of the earth. Many of us would really appreciate it if you could help us to get heart of this matter.
@RobHowe , one of the things I think a lot of us need to know here is which is KF?

a) a demanding coach with some huge, perhaps inexcusable, blind spots


b) a vindictive individual harboring racist tendencies
Is it possible that he's a little bit of both? I don't understand how it has to be one or the other.

None of us knows Kirk Ferentz. The only time we've ever seen the guy is on camera when he's representing the football team. We've never been to a practice. Never been to a team meeting, a recruit's living room, and certainly never been in an office with the door closed.

Players have.

Even the Washed Up Walkons podcasters (who are huge KF supporters, btw) have said he's completely different in person and as a coach. They've talked about it numerous times. They've said he drops as many if not more F-bombs than anyone on staff. According to them he's absolutely not the guy he is on the radio or on camera, and frankly none of us would be.

I just still fail to see how all the KF apologists keep painting such a rosy picture of a guy who've they've never met other than when he's putting on the media facade, but they continue to tell players who know they guy very well that they're full of shit.

It's just Paterno worshipers.
@RobHowe , one of the things I think a lot of us need to know here is which is KF?

a) a demanding coach with some huge, perhaps inexcusable, blind spots


b) a vindictive individual harboring racist tendencies

It is hard to believe option b based upon everything we have ever heard about the guy. In Dochterman's recent article quoting McNutt, Anthony Herron, and Fred Mims, all 3 supported and believed in KF:

“At the end of the day, I do believe Coach Ferentz’s heart is in the right place,” said former Iowa wide receiver Marvin McNutt, the program leader in receiving yards and touchdowns.

“It starts with guys being comfortable to go to Coach Ferentz and talk and at the same time, vice versa of coach going to those players and reaching out more on a personal level versus ‘Hey, you’re Mr. President around here.’ This can be a great thing. And I think for our nation this has been a great thing.”
“For as much as (Ferentz) cares about the program and cares about his players and when we see each other, I tell him, ‘I love you, coach,’ and he says, ‘I love you Anthony,’” Herron said, “that doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been a level of stubbornness in him because of that team-first element. It’s a big part of what can perhaps lead to some of the things that will allow Chris Doyle to say things that he said to players and be unchecked about it, because it’s kind of one way that the program has operated successfully. But just to see the world through a different lens is something I definitely think Kirk is willing to do.”
“Kirk is sensitive, and Kirk is a caring individual,” Mims said. “I have great respect for him and what he’s done here at Iowa. It might be a situation or culture that’s not good for some. But on the same token, if you are upfront and honest with people at the beginning, then I think that’s their choice. And not to say that if they’re being treated unfairly that we don’t need to address it. I think we do if we know about it, and we want them to speak up, and let’s address it. It’s easy to criticize the organization, but you didn’t do anything to try to help to change it when you were there.”

But what DJK has to say and what Wadley's mom has been saying is that KF is the scum of the earth. Many of us would really appreciate it if you could help us to get heart of this matter.

Short answer - I don't know. My only exposure to the program is as a media member. I don't know what it's like to play for KF or be in the locker room.

I respect and know all three of those guys you quoted. Does that mean what they are saying about their experiences at Iowa are right and others are wrong? IMO, both can be true. If there is bad stuff, how much is OK? Again, that depends on the individual.

Each player has his own individual story. KF, CD and the rest of the staff has their story. The external review will hear from them.
Short answer - I don't know. My only exposure to the program is as a media member. I don't know what it's like to play for KF or be in the locker room.

I respect and know all three of those guys you quoted. Does that mean what they are saying about their experiences at Iowa are right and others are wrong? IMO, both can be true. If there is bad stuff, how much is OK? Again, that depends on the individual.

Each player has his own individual story. KF, CD and the rest of the staff has their story. The external review will hear from them.

Have you heard anything on O'Keefe or Parker? Is there a chance we see O'Keefe take over as Head Coach this year?
Is it possible that he's a little bit of both? I don't understand how it has to be one or the other.

None of us knows Kirk Ferentz. The only time we've ever seen the guy is on camera when he's representing the football team. We've never been to a practice. Never been to a team meeting, a recruit's living room, and certainly never been in an office with the door closed.

Players have.

Even the Washed Up Walkons podcasters (who are huge KF supporters, btw) have said he's completely different in person and as a coach. They've talked about it numerous times. They've said he drops as many if not more F-bombs than anyone on staff. According to them he's absolutely not the guy he is on the radio or on camera, and frankly none of us would be.

I just still fail to see how all the KF apologists keep painting such a rosy picture of a guy who've they've never met other than when he's putting on the media facade, but they continue to tell players who know they guy very well that they're full of shit.

It's just Paterno worshipers.

It hasn't reached a point where it is cult like the way it got at Penn St.....not yet anyway. This is so polarizing I can see people digging in their heels out of spite or just being contrarian, simply wanting to be on the other side of the argument.
It hasn't reached a point where it is cult like the way it got at Penn St.....not yet anyway. This is so polarizing I can see people digging in their heels out of spite or just being contrarian, simply wanting to be on the other side of the argument.
Similar in a lot of ways to Penn State, there's a contingent of 50-80 year old folks who have this Norman Rockwell version of Iowa football in their heads where Kirk Ferentz is a flawless, god-like dude who takes boys and shapes them into hardworking, honest, beautiful, polo and khaki-wearing aw shucks farm-raised Eagle Scout Americans with his bare hands, a father figure to the masses who couldn't possibly do anything wrong or steer the program down any direction other than laser straight down the path of righteousness, hay bales, and apple pie. Any of his kids who stumble but don't rise from the ashes get counseled and helped and pressed to be the best versions of themselves they can be, and anyone who still refuses to be the farm strong, hayseed, yes sir, yes ma'am gets politely asked to leave so that the innocent sacredness that is Iowa football may yet be preserved for another half century.

That right there is a bunch of melodramatic bullshit but it's the way a whole lot of people feel about KF. And it's the exact same way older folks (and a lot of younger ones too) feel about Joe Paterno. They've David Koreshed the dude into mythical status. If he gets fired or retires over this deal, just watch. Holy shit will they burn IC to the ground.
Great analysis Ree4; is that really the best you can do?
Yeah I wasn't going to waste an hour destroying your post sentence by sentence while providing links and evidence when you aren't doing the same. Honestly I thought it was a straight up troll post because it was looney AF.
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if the iowa team kneels for the anthem, i will take it as a metaphor for kneeling on the neck of this country. no more iowa football for me, in that scenario. let's see how 68k fans feel, should that happen. disrespecting the country is not going to solve one damn issue. you flip the entire country the bird, then demand respect back? nope, the world doesn't look that way. i wonder how the man in charge apparently was absolutely clueless this had been going on for years and years and years and "change in that culture is long overdue" but he gets to say "gee, i didn't know." right.
if the iowa team kneels for the anthem, i will take it as a metaphor for kneeling on the neck of this country. no more iowa football for me, in that scenario. let's see how 68k fans feel, should that happen. disrespecting the country is not going to solve one damn issue. you flip the entire country the bird, then demand respect back? nope, the world doesn't look that way. i wonder how the man in charge apparently was absolutely clueless this had been going on for years and years and years and "change in that culture is long overdue" but he gets to say "gee, i didn't know." right.
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