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Still no reply, still can't access HN Extra. Please fix this, or give me back my $35.99. It's ridiculous that folks have to wait this long for a service that they paid for over a month ago.

Philip Zell
On 5/31, HN put a $35.99 charge on my CC, but I still can't access articles in HN Extra. I'd appreciate your help. Thanks.
Farm Bureau, State Farm, Nationwide will usually take care of you well with a good agent in your corner. Auto rates are increasing for all companies due to several factors. More claims and higher costs. Side mirror years ago cost $50. Now costs $1300 with sensor/camera. Biggest difference in companies shows up more with property claims. I'm an insurance agent in Iowa if you wanted to talk more.
Thank you so much Hawk23. I currently have Amica which I've had for about 15 yrs with great luck.
Jon, I just listened to the Instant Podcast of the Purdue game. No, you are not crazy, going for 2 points down 9 is one of the stupidest things Kirk has ever done. You may have read some of my postgame threads and posts about Kirk making several very strange decisions that almost all coaches would not do. The 2pt conversion was one of them. Kirk is so risk averse all most all the time then he does this, crazy.
Hey Jon. Have you ever done an expose on the year that will live in Iowa lore, 2010? Whether its the Penn State game having 5000 tickets left a week before the game, or the story you felt needed to be said about QB drop off in the program, all of those things to me seem to lead back to 2010.