
You're absolutely right. Nobody should have to play college basketball. And unlike the 1970s & 1980s when college basketball was in its prime, some overseas leagues and the G League are higher quality basketball than NCAA basketball. There are better options for kids than college basketball in order to get ready for the NBA these days.

However the NCAA offers advantages outside of just the basketball part that are very valuable, particularly to kids who are marginal NBA prospects and are smart enough to realize that.

I agree with everything you said, but I have a couple of things to add. Seeing kids go straight to the NBA from HS was fine and in some cases necessary. However, going to college isn't hurting those guys, but the ones that go straight to the NBA and flop would at least have some college to fall back on (if they actually go to class) or give them the coaching they need to improve their careers. Should they be required to go to college? I'm up in the air on that one. Lebron? No. Kwame Brown? Well, he did make a lot of money even though he flopped. Leon Smith? Yes. So many of these guys are ready basketball-wise, but do not have the maturity to make it.
Players should be able to go from high school to the NBA. The rule requiring them to wait a year after they graduate from high school before going to the league is ridiculous.
Let the guys considering going from HS to NBA go through the pre-draft process like the NCAA underclassmen. Take that review and decide whether to stay in the draft or go to college. This will be tough for the colleges at times, as they could lose a kid they thought they might be getting, but overall, it's the best way to do things.
Let the guys considering going from HS to NBA go through the pre-draft process like the NCAA underclassmen. Take that review and decide whether to stay in the draft or go to college. This will be tough for the colleges at times, as they could lose a kid they thought they might be getting, but overall, it's the best way to do things.

Good point. It would be no different than what programs currently go through at the end of the year. They don't know if a player is coming back for the following year or not until they have officially put their name in or withdrawn.
If a kid doesn't want to go to college, don't make them. If they want to use their extraordinary basketball skills to get paid let them. I do think the NBA should have a requirement that you must play at least 1 year of D-League basketball if you come straight out of high school. Build your maturity level and get used to playing pro-ball. If a kid doesn't want to do that they can go overseas and play for pay. There's options. College isn't the right option for everyone. So let's stop trying to fit square pegs into circular holes.

You invite obummer to the party, bad stuff goes down....
Let the guys considering going from HS to NBA go through the pre-draft process like the NCAA underclassmen. Take that review and decide whether to stay in the draft or go to college. This will be tough for the colleges at times, as they could lose a kid they thought they might be getting, but overall, it's the best way to do things.

With the expansion of the G-league this makes way more sense than ever

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