Your updated lists please (top 5)

The intriguing choices:

Stansbury - I'm impressed by his resume, having had sustainedd success at a place not known for winning basketball. He's clearly a good coach - whether or not he'd leave the south for cold winters in Iowa remains to be seen.

Gregory - Big Ten ties (Tom Izzo guy), success at Dayton. Would be a good get if we could lure him away.

Barbee - Indiana native, Calipari protege. Has built UTEP into a winner.

Kruger - Has taken 4 different schools dancing. Tons of experience. Former Illinois coach. Is 57 years old - probably is a little older than what Barta is looking for.

Turgeon - Good coach, has been doing well at A&M. Would he leave A&M for Iowa?

Lavin - has Big Ten ties, had some success at UCLA, has been out of coaching for several years. Would be an interesting choice, if he's looking to get back into coaching. The knock is that he's Raveling-like - a great recruiter and average x's and o's coach.

The bad/unlikely choices:

Pearl - No chance. He has a great job at a school with deeper pockets than Iowa. And even if we offered him a blank check, I'm not convinced he'd jump at the chance anyway. I think he'll use the interest to leverage himself a bigger deal at TN. Yes, Pearl has a history at Iowa - he left after a recruiting scandal almost 20 years ago. Suggestions of Pearl's loyalty to Iowa City are overblown. It would be a home run for Barta, but I just don't see it happening.

Davis - hiring Keno is not an acceptable penance for what many people view as mistreatment of his dad by Bob Bowlsby. Keno is too young, unproven, and a huge risk for Barta. Keno has not yet shown he can win at the BCS level with his own players. To me, Davis would be a lose/lose hire, because expectations would be undeservedlly through the roof, and I don't see Barta risking his legacy (and his job) on the hire.

Drew - Reportedly has very questionable ethics - maybe not a good fit for the Big Ten.

Jacobsen - Doing great at UNI, where he should stay and keep the Panthers winning MVC titles.

Gillispie - Good coach, Erratic behavior (3 DUIs, divorce, lawsuit with UK, job-hopping reputation). Probably not a good fit for Iowa.

Armstrong - Yeah, let's get a guy with ZERO coaching experience - just because he's an Iowa legend. This is a really, really dumb idea.
1.) Bruce Pearl - Even though I suspect he is/would just use again for another extension, I like his energy and passion
2.) Mark Turgeon
3.) Kevin Stallings
4.) Lon Kruger
5.) Tim Floyd
There is one name who would bring instant credibility, butts in the seats and would have the ability to develop the type of players Iowa can expect to recruit and it isn't Pearl.

I remember attendiing games back in the day (i'm 40) and seeing the fans and students wearing the plaid jackets and black glasses. ROBERT MONTGOMERY KNIGHT would lovee this job. He said when he left TT he didnt think he was done coaching and the fact that he can go home to Bloomington once a year and woodshed them makes it even more attractive....I know some may think he is too old, but he could mentor his successor

Pearl is a pipe dream anyways, Gillispie is a gypsy, and keno Davis cant have too much interest in a place that screwed his old man. I would also entertain Lavin and Drew as a distant 3rd and 4th to Knight. there is no 2nd to the General
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1.Self 2.Pearl 3.Williams 4. Pitino 5.Boeheim Its my list and I think those are the candidates I'll pick! Just having some fun with the situation tonight why not!
1. Kruger
2. Forbes
3. Keno
4. Gregory
5. Montgomery

I left Pearl off my list cause I don't think it's realistic. I'm starting to really get intrigued by Forbes. He's from this area, knows what it takes at Iowa, and is an unbelievable recruiter. He could be here for years and wouldn't cost us as much. And wouldn't put Iowa in a weird position of offering more money to our BB coach than Ferentz.

While I think Keno eventually gets the job, I think Forbes is the one I am hoping for.
I think the one item that gets lost in the picture are the assistant coaching staff so this list would largely depend on who comes along but since I have repeatedly heard today how funds are not the concern, I'll play along...

1) Bill Self - if they win the tourney this year I'm sure he would be looking for perhaps something more challenging
2) Tom Davis - give the good Dr some overdue buyout money of his own and bring back the full court press with 5player hockey style substitutions while he grooms someone like Walthall/Horner/etc for another couple of years to take over upon his retirement
3) Roy Williams - think how much easier he could continue to harvest the top midwest talent if they were right in your backyard.
4) Steve Forbes - I think this one makes more sense in terms of bringing TN style of bball to the midwest as the Pearl ship may have already sailed
5) Steve Lavin - out of coaching a while which is a bit of a question mark but the name is still recognized thanks to ESPN and I would think many of his former recruiting connections would help turns things around

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