Your Souper Bowl prediction


Well-Known Member
I searched and did not find a thread to post score predictions. So here it goes:
Iowa 20
Clone-bags 10
**** isu
For the amount of hype ISU claims not to have, here goes......

Iowa 24
The only place to find good water 17

Go Hawks
Stop calling it OUR SUPER BOWL!!! LOL

I'm not sure what the thinking out there is that Iowa State is some kind of powerhouse because they beat a very bad FBS school in UNI. It's one thing for Clone fans to believe that they are headed toward the top of the Big 12, but, good lord, when Wyoming's head coach says that Iowa's front seven are the best he has seen since he was an assistant coach at Nebraska from 1998-2002 (when the Huskers were a true defensive powerhouse and won a national title), do you honestly think that they are going to move the ball against us? Their running game, which averaged 3.8 yards per carry and has a very weak offensive line, will be stuffed, and - they will be trying to pass into Cover 2 pass coverage. I see a score more like 35-7.

I could be underestimating Iowa Sate, but I don't think I am. The only way this is even a close game is if Ferentz plays the super conservative card...Even so, the defense will be the story of this game.
Having listened to JM & RH's podcast just now, I feel even better about my 10 point win prediction. I think Iowa goes double tight with FB and 1 WR and rams it down isu's throat. Time of possession will be vastly in Iowa's favor.

And again, **** isu.
27-6 Hawks - I expect our offense to look improved from last week and our defense to look just as stingy. If Josh Allen couldn't find the end-zone, Park doesn't either.
There's a 1400 post prediction thread on CyFan. Of course, it was started 2 weeks ago.

This is the least surprising thing ever. Speaking of Super Bowl, did you know Iowa State actually replaced the name on their jerseys with 'Beat Iowa'.

Clone fans love it when calling it Super Bowl. This is Super Bowl 41 I think since it renewed in 1977. Need to have a half time show extravaganza.
Close game at the half and Iowa pulls away in the 4th. Wins by 13. Hopefully not a field goal fest repeat of 2007.

Would love to see Stanley tossing some precision long balls like CJ did last time out there.
This is the least surprising thing ever. Speaking of Super Bowl, did you know Iowa State actually replaced the name on their jerseys with 'Beat Iowa'.

I was at that game. it was about as exciting as a bowl of soup... I'll say 27-20 Hawks. Close but no cigar for that other team.