your lense


Well-Known Member
Curious when you meet someone for the first time, are you interested in learning about their political leanings? Is your radar up for that?

Do you have friends who don't share your world view?
No, it's not my first thing I ask about. But I try to surround myself with people who don't think like me. We all have myopic views on life and can learn from each other.
No interest in their politics. If they begin the conversation in that direction, I will respond with, “I don’t discuss my political views with new acquaintances.” If they persist, I say, “I am an old 60’s Liberal and have no reason to change.” Then I smile.
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Not at all. Having said that, I have no political leanings. It's just one thing I don't feel the need to waste my time with. Instead of watching CNN, etc. I would rather watch sports, and that's what I do.
Tbh I put politics right there with religion. People have beliefs based on experiences and how they're brought up. I don't have issues with people's political views or their religion and do not judge them based on those. However, it it gets to the point where religion or politics is being thrown in my face or them consistently trying to stir shit up then if i don't have much history with them I'm probably on my way out.
Curious when you meet someone for the first time, are you interested in learning about their political leanings? Is your radar up for that?

Do you have friends who don't share your world view?
A good number of my neighbors don't share my political or world view, but we're friends. Same with my in-laws. But I'll never be CLOSE friends with them, because public policy and politics is my passion and life's work that I care about deeply.
When I meet someone for the first time? Probably not going there.
Most definitely not interested in their political views. And honestly if the topic of politics came up in a conversation w/ someone i've met for the first time that would tell me they're not someone i'd want to be friends with whether they share similar political views or not. Does not mean i'm not open to having political discussion w/ friends, as i think we should be having conversations, however that would only come after i knew them as a person.

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