You thought security at Kinnick...


Well-Known Member
was tight before.

"Sources have told KCJJ that internet chatter intercepted by Homeland Security has specifically mentioned Kinnick Stadium as a potential target for a terrorist attack. More details Thursday morning on KCJJ."
I understand that but I was wondering if you just pulled it out of thin air...but you gave a source...

but seriously,
This is legit, the nuclear plant in Palo was listed as a potential target in post 9/11 hysteria. ANY sporting event would be a target, that is why most professional and collegiate events were moved after 9/11, remember we played ISU after the big ten season that year.
If terrorists did a Mumbai style attack on Kinnick stadium, say 6 to 8 of them and heavily armed how long do you think it would take for law inforcement to kill them?

I would think at least 5 minutes and tens of thousands could be killed in that time period. Scary thought.
If terrorists did a Mumbai style attack on Kinnick stadium, say 6 to 8 of them and heavily armed how long do you think it would take for law inforcement to kill them?

I would think at least 5 minutes and tens of thousands could be killed in that time period. Scary thought.

^ this
with the correct amount of body armor, grenades, and automatic weapons would = lots of death and destruction.
Maybe an off the wall comment or misguided chatter from some overzealous fans of wisky, MSU or OSU to keep the crowd control noise down. If even remotely true, that will become an issue for our home games. Please post any follow-up after the report.
My initial thought was that the publicity from the Black & Gold Spirit night probably initiated the chatter(we were the talk of the country this past week). But that's pure speculation of course. Like I said, I would expect things to get very tight outside Kinnick. Don't be surprised if they start having more regular pat downs of people coming inside. Whatever it takes I suppose. Our lives our in the hands of Per Mar. Oh boy. :)

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