You thought security at Kinnick...

You are wrong again. They moved the games out of respect for the seriousness of the attack.

actually, with such short notice, every major sporting event was put on HIGH alert because of the sheer logistical nightmare of the security needed for said events. If one team had to shut down then they all did, even Giants stadium was used in rescue efforts:

"Major-league teams that had been playing on the road took buses home because every airport was closed. Some athletes, like then-Yankees pitcher Roger Clemens, returned to their respective hometowns to be with their families, while others toured Ground Zero and local hospitals to offer support to rescue workers and victims' families. Sports venues were also used in the rescue efforts. Giants Stadium, for instance, was used as a staging ground for volunteers and supplies for rescue workers at Ground Zero."

-Sports after 9/11 link: Sports after 9/11 | CBC Sports Online
You are wrong again. They moved the games out of respect for the seriousness of the attack.

I'm closer to the truth than you think....

this wikipedia link is quite the read, has many credible sources corroborating its information. i'll quote the opening paragraph, it's tough to miss.

"Many closings and cancellations followed the September 11 attacks, including major landmarks, buildings, as well as postponement or cancellation of major sporting and other events. Landmarks were closed primarily because of fears that they may be attacked. At some places, streets leading up to the institutions were also closed. When they reopened, they opened with heightened security. Many states declared a state of emergency."

whole article: Closings and cancellations following the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nice try scooter ;)
Not saying that I think Kinnick is a high level risk, but anyone who thinks we're safe from terrorism simply because were located in the midwest, more specifically Iowa, is fooling themselves. People tend to forget that Rockwell Collins, who contracts with the Department of Defense, is located in Cedar Rapids, and that there is an Ammunition Plant in Southeast Iowa. Let's not kid ourselves we're not as safe in the middle of nowhere as we'd like to think. Just something to think about.
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So you're saying they should be arresting the people not drinking? Sounds good to me!:D

But wait...maybe the Islamoterroists will get a dispensation or whatever they call it to drink excessively as a cover to throw the authorities off their scent!

It's all so confusing. Per Mar doesn't stand a chance.

Not all terrorists are middle eastern. A large portion of Al Qaida's recruits are from western european and north american countries. They just go to the middle east and asia to train and come back home....your 'terrorist' threat could be enrolled at Iowa as a white farm kid from Ackley and you'd never know.

Maybe that's who's buying up all those tickets in rows 75, 76 and 77 at >$250/tic and up to the Wiscy game on Stub Hub! You never know, it seems a tad excessive and out of character with other games.

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