"You talk about a program where people get mad because they win 10 games every year..."


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Maryland Head Coach Mike Locksley on hiring Brian Ferentz as an analyst:

"You talk about a program where people get mad because they win 10 games every year..."

The fact is that we will not settle for such a bad offense even if we are undefeated. I once lived in Pittsburgh and the Pirates could hit but had no defense and people quit going to their games. That is my kind of fan. I once saw the football Hawks score 78 on offense. All we need is about a third of that.
Two things can be true at the same time. BF can be fairly labeled as one of the worst OCs in the modern history of the Big 10, but still be a valuable analyst/coach to a program that does not have the type of consistent, winning culture that Iowa does.

In any event, what is the guy supposed to do, respond, "you are right, he sucks, I am a dumbass for hiring a guy who has worked in the NFL, this conference, and he is coming over as a lightly paid analyst. This is why I am at Maryland and not Notre Dame (then pick his nose on camera)."
The thing I think coaches lose sight of is the entire picture. HCs get tunnel visioned on Ws and Ls. They lose track of that it's entertainment for those paying for everything. Some would almost rather lose a game 45 to 40 then win 6-3.

KF doesn't give a rip what the score is so long as they win. A lot of coaches would fall into that category.

Myself the type of fan I am I want to win end of the day. But if something needs improved never be satisfied. I felt like the offensive side of the ball for Iowa for yrs under BF was complacent and they didn't take steps to try to improve. Situationally and schematically they didn't even try to tweak things. Personnel injuries and issues is one thing that happens but when your overall strategy is to basically not even try to move the ball 10 out of your 12 possessions a game and just hope to punt it and not turn it over isn't going to cut it for many who go to games hoping to not only win but be entertained.

To some winning is the entertainment. But not all. It's tough to thread that needle for coaches I suppose. They gotta keep the main thing the main thing or they won't stay employed. In BFs case though it turns out you can't be the worst in the country at your job and continue to keep it even though the team had been winning despite you. That went on about 3 yrs too long.
It was itching real bad at the OC position - I mean almost the worst in the nation kinda itching. So we scratched where it itched, just like Hayden taught us. Thanks to Beth, thank you mam!
Locksley almost made it sound like a charity case. He knows Brian's father, Kirk and felt bad for Brian. He has a weakness for coach's sons. Which is a weird weakness to have. Coach's sons seem to be sime of the most entitled people in the business.
Damn!!!!! You guys pretty much nailed it!

One comment that Kirk made in the past week made me wonder about something. Kirk talked about Lester’s offense and the complexity for him (Kirk speaking for himself) of remembering the plays and formations.

So maybe Kirk wanted it to be a simple as Brian made it. Maybe Kirk didn’t care about how simple it was. Many years ago he also stated that the success of the offense is based on being better with how you execute. Although there is obvious truth in this, it is also obvious to not let defenses be able to key on your offense (like loading the box agains the run.)

This has been the downfall of the offense over the years. Predictable and lack of creativity. Being able to keep the opponents defense off balance is vital to a team. It’s also vital to have the skilled players in the most vital positions. One of the announcers from the BTN stated that “ the quarterback is the most impotent position on the team since they touch the ball every play.” We all know that true…….. well at Iowa the last two years we changed that to the “Punter!!!” Sarcasm can be humorous even if it is very painful to suffer through. “Punting is winning!!!”
Damn!!!!! You guys pretty much nailed it!

One comment that Kirk made in the past week made me wonder about something. Kirk talked about Lester’s offense and the complexity for him (Kirk speaking for himself) of remembering the plays and formations.

So maybe Kirk wanted it to be a simple as Brian made it. Maybe Kirk didn’t care about how simple it was. Many years ago he also stated that the success of the offense is based on being better with how you execute. Although there is obvious truth in this, it is also obvious to not let defenses be able to key on your offense (like loading the box agains the run.)

This has been the downfall of the offense over the years. Predictable and lack of creativity. Being able to keep the opponents defense off balance is vital to a team. It’s also vital to have the skilled players in the most vital positions. One of the announcers from the BTN stated that “ the quarterback is the most impotent position on the team since they touch the ball every play.” We all know that true…….. well at Iowa the last two years we changed that to the “Punter!!!” Sarcasm can be humorous even if it is very painful to suffer through. “Punting is winning!!!”

ROFLMAO!!!!! I went back and reviewed a few typos I just made on my post. Some of it was caused by that damn auto correct but one of them is hilarious. Auto correct changed the word Important to impotent! How fitting is that when describing our QB position last year. Sorry for the typos sometimes . I saw a few others on my post but just left them.
Wins and loses is the best metric for deciding whether or not to fire a head coach. But it doesn't work for assistant coaches. I swear Kirk thinks having a terrible offense helps us win games.
Locksley almost made it sound like a charity case. He knows Brian's father, Kirk and felt bad for Brian. He has a weakness for coach's sons. Which is a weird weakness to have. Coach's sons seem to be sime of the most entitled people in the business.
That is not what he said at all.
Personally, I think it's a team sport and you win and lose as a team. I don't think it was really all on Brian mostly because we know he wasn't calling the shots. I think if Kirk had gotten his way, he would have demoted Brian to an analyst position or Oline coach and promoted a different assistant to OC because he likely knew that Iowa's problem on offense had more to do with himself then Brian. I would have preferred that as well because I think BF is a heck of a coach (TE and OL) and was a great ambassador of what Iowa football is and was likely the 2nd loudest voice in room in most cases. I will be interested in seeing how things look this year, but I bet it's only marginally better and resembles what we've watched for the better part of 25 seasons.
Maybe people should tamper things down a bit when talking about Brian. I cheered for him as a Hawkeye player and at every coaching position he held at Iowa. Things didn’t work out at the OC position for him.

Not sure who to point fingers at in that situation as I don’t know what was going on behind the scenes at camp Kinnick. I had stated in several post how I wished it had worked out and been a very successful move by the U of I. What a story that would been. The Fry hire, all of Fry’s assistance who went onto become successful coaches (including Kirk and Brian).

Yes it was painful as hell to watch the last two or three years of the offense. Fans were unhappy and angry about the results of the offense. How bad was it when a revered former Iowa QB and Heisman runner up (Chuck Long) to come out and publicly criticize the situation?

Changes have been made, water is under the bridge, and its time for the fans to move on and now hope for improvement under Tim’s guidance.

We should try to remember all the good that Brian did as a player and coach and try to honor that part of his life.
Locksley crammed a lot of stupidity into one sentence.

-Nobody gets mad about winning 10 games
-Iowa doesn't win 10 games "every year"
-You just hired the very guy that the people were "mad" at.

I've always felt he was the biggest douche in the conference (yes, over Franklin and Fleck)
ROFLMAO!!!!! I went back and reviewed a few typos I just made on my post. Some of it was caused by that damn auto correct but one of them is hilarious. Auto correct changed the word Important to impotent! How fitting is that when describing our QB position last year. Sorry for the typos sometimes . I saw a few others on my post but just left them.

Self Correct is working well

Although there are some who would characterize our offense lately as at least sightly impotent

Of late, I find myself waiting for the offense to get on the field to get another drink, beer or snack
Even if the offense was worse this year I wouldn't change a thing. It's Kirk and Brian's doubling down on so many bad decisions. Could anyone believe honestly that the choices made by K and B the last several seasons were the right ones. Kirk has always had a blind spot about QB play and his lack of expectations for the position were maddening. Will that change? I don't know but at least the nepo part is gone and we can expect some accountability with Lester. Lester seems like the guy who will hold himself accountable and not try to make the fans seem stupid or unreasonable. Brian's demeaner felt defensive and arrogant, it never felt right to me. Kirk has earned his battle scars Brian didn't.
Self Correct is working well

Although there are some who would characterize our offense lately as at least sightly impotent

Of late, I find myself waiting for the offense to get on the field to get another drink, beer or snack

Let’s hope that the offense is erect for sixty minutes every game.

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