You Might Be Late to The Iowa Basketball Party If...


Well-Known Member act as if Eric May and Matt Gatens always have been and always will be your favorite players.
You await next season with giddy anticipation because the program is likely to be ranked for the first time ever.......
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You still have a massive amount of butthurt directed at anything related to Steve Alford.

Funny. I was going to post "you have no less than a massive amount of butthurt directed at anything related to Steve Alford."

Different strokes for different...butts. I guess.
You fail to realize that George Ravelling was the inspiration for Will Farrell's "I suffer from voice immodulation" skit on SNL.
is this your attempt at humor? If so. not very funny at all. Something wrong with Eric and Matt?

So much DERP.

Gatens and May were 2 of the most vilified players on these boards until they had fantastic senior seasons and then they turned into everybody's favorite player.

Much the same treatment Oglesby gets around here.

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