You Are Ugly

So if I tell my wife she is beautiful I'm objectifying her?

Or if you tell her?

Wow brother you want to talk about creepy - your lens on this is creepy to me.

So there's nothing remotely sexist about injecting his girlfriend/fiance into this conversation and calling her "fairly hot" and then posting pictures of her? Sorry, not buying it. You telling your wife that she's beautiful is not remotely similar to posting a strangers photo on an internet message board and evaluating her appearance based on your dim standards of beauty as being "fairly hot." I don't know how old you are, but it's juvenile behavior for someone who claims to be old enough to have a wife.

Even aside from your sexualization of a student athlete's girlfriend on this message board your logic doesn't make any sense. Being in a committed relationship doesn't automatically negate mean-spirited name calling. I really hope that Uthoff didn't take those chants personally, but honestly nobody on this message board is capable of proving/disproving that he didn't. You can assume all you want, but you don't know what sort of deeply-seated body issues a person might have. So while it's great to hope for the best, lets not excuse the poor behavior of their student section as just in good fun.

Don't get me wrong, I think we can all move on from this. But burying your head in the sand and acting like this is an "okay" thing that's just part of college sports is not the answer.
Can we all agree the best thing to do is win the Big Ten OUTRIGHT.. then kick the $#!+ out of them in the BTT Championship, get a 1-2 seed and have some fun in the dance.

We can only hope that our Hawks kick the crap out these worthless and vulgar turtles in the B1G Tournament. And I still don't completely understand why people think that this Maryland bunch is some kind of reincarnation of a John Wooden UCLA team from the past. These jokers had to go to overtime to beat Northwestern on their HOME FLOOR.

Iowa's players (or some of them) cannot allow themselves to be intimidated by Maryland. I hope that, if we play those guys in the B1G Tournaments, we apply that 1-2-2 trapping pressure like we did against NW.
So there's nothing remotely sexist about injecting his girlfriend/fiance into this conversation and calling her "fairly hot" and then posting pictures of her? Sorry, not buying it. You telling your wife that she's beautiful is not remotely similar to posting a strangers photo on an internet message board and evaluating her appearance based on your dim standards of beauty as being "fairly hot." I don't know how old you are, but it's juvenile behavior for someone who claims to be old enough to have a wife.

Even aside from your sexualization of a student athlete's girlfriend on this message board your logic doesn't make any sense. Being in a committed relationship doesn't automatically negate mean-spirited name calling. I really hope that Uthoff didn't take those chants personally, but honestly nobody on this message board is capable of proving/disproving that he didn't. You can assume all you want, but you don't know what sort of deeply-seated body issues a person might have. So while it's great to hope for the best, lets not excuse the poor behavior of their student section as just in good fun.

Don't get me wrong, I think we can all move on from this. But burying your head in the sand and acting like this is an "okay" thing that's just part of college sports is not the answer.

The level of your political correctness terrifies me. My wife is hot and I tell her that all the time and that I love her. You really can't be so robotic?

Calling people ugly is wrong and childish - I wouldn't like it if the Iowa students did it.

But making it into such a travesty is so out of touch with reality I don't know where to begin. I like your logic... so if you can't disprove something 100%... then it makes it worthwhile or more likely to be true.
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Gotta' love how some people here are creepily injecting Uthoff's girlfriend into the conversation as if it somehow makes things better. Here's a hint, objectifying his girlfriend in order to justify the mean, unsportsmanlike conduct of the Maryland student section, is equally creepy and wrong.

I've heard Iowa students say equally mean-spirited stuff including racial slurs. However, just because we value the 1st amendment, doesn't mean that we should defend or condone this garbage. I'm doing my best to keep my personal politics out of this comment, but it sounds like some of you have swallowed a little bit too much of a certain political/ideological Kool Aid and are applying it to all realms of life in blanket-esque fashion just because you care more about defending your stupid political ideology than the University of Iowa and its student athletes.

Had I been the coach of Maryland in that situation, I would've called a timeout, walked over to the PA or the student section and told the fans to "act like human beings, not animals." But, hey, that's just me.

You can try to convince yourself otherwise, but not many folks would enjoy being called UGLY, in unison, by a thousand students at a basketball game. It's human psychology. We care what others think.

Another way to look at this would be to imagine Uthoff was a loved one of yours. Would the chant take on more meaning then?

I think what bugged me the most about this is that Uthoff is the most mild-mannered athlete I've ever watched at Iowa and to see him seemingly flustered by the chant really ****** me off. Had it been, say, Reggie Evans, it may not have been as big of a deal, as he had the type of personality that could withstand insults thrown his way, IMO. And Reggie would of played to the chant, making it ineffective.
Freedom of speech? Pussafication of America? LMAO! And to say you have heard other fans say things equally as bad, and you use that as a defense for boorish and insensitive behavior like this is beyond belief.

This is ignorant, rude, and childish behavior. To insinuate that it as anything else is equally crass and immature.
I don't think it bugged him either. He could hold up a picture of his g-friend and say "Take that & F off Terps". The guy is going to make it far in life, regardless if it's on the ball court or in corporate America. He just has that kind of personality, drive & moxy. Glad he's on our team.
Nice choice of words.
Shameful by Maryland crowd. Zero class. I doubt uthoff cares, I'm sure he can handle it, but pretty bad IMO. Low blow to make it about someone's personal appearance. Maryland are ugly. Good for you terps.

Uthoff ain't ugly. He's skinny. And he has excess vowels.

This is ugly.


Or if you want to see some ugly in real time, just take a casual stroll through a Wal Mart. The end product of billions of years of evolution ain't that impressive.

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