Yesterday was bad but.....


Active Member
Games like this happen. What makes us different than Michigan, Nebraska, Texas, etc. is that we believe. Ferentz has earned that and he will get it turned around. We are buidling again. This year may not be good (I say 6-7 wins) but look at the overall picture. Nebraska loses 70-3 at TT with Callahan. Michigan loses at home to Appalacian State. Texas had multiple losing seasons. It's a cycle. Make no mistake, without Kirk we wouldn't be upset because games like yesterday might be the norm. The whole idea of "Kirk has lost his edge" is bull.
Take nothing away from CMU. They won, straight up. That said, get back to me when they win a New Year's Day bowl. Or any major bowl.
Scorpio, it's one game. A sucky game. But one game. Look at the past 10 years. We are successful we will continue to be. This year ? Who knows. Look what happened after Tom Davis left. We JUST NOW are getting back to moving forward - 15 years later. Kirk is the best thing we got going.
This is sooooooo stupid. It happens every frickin year pal. It didnt just happen once.

What has KF done to prove that Iowa should wait around for his boring game plan to work?
OUTof TOWNHAWK - it ain't fun. But I've been a fan for 35 years and I've seen darker days. Powerhouses have fallen apart. We are not falling apart. As bad as it is, we are 2 plays from being 4-0. We are average at best, but I would argue, over the past 10 years we have been way, way, above average. As far as KF, he's the best thing we got going.
OUTof TOWNHAWK - it ain't fun. But I've been a fan for 35 years and I've seen darker days. Powerhouses have fallen apart. We are not falling apart. As bad as it is, we are 2 plays from being 4-0. We are average at best, but I would argue, over the past 10 years we have been way, way, above average. As far as KF, he's the best thing we got going.

This is so not true Kirk is digging a hole for the program. He wont change he doesnt want to. His type of football doesnt work unless you have amazing talent. He cant get amazing talent. You should be a couple plays from beating Central Michigan. A bad Central Michigan. Also you shouldnt have to make that excuse every year.

Face facts Kirk is an awful coach. He used to have amazing defenses. Thats the only reason people think kirk is worth anything. Also Ive been saying this for years not just because of yesterday. Yesterday was just a cherry on top of the turd that is KF football.
Games like this happen. What makes us different than Michigan, Nebraska, Texas, etc. is that we believe. Ferentz has earned that and he will get it turned around. We are buidling again. This year may not be good (I say 6-7 wins) but look at the overall picture. Nebraska loses 70-3 at TT with Callahan. Michigan loses at home to Appalacian State. Texas had multiple losing seasons. It's a cycle. Make no mistake, without Kirk we wouldn't be upset because games like yesterday might be the norm. The whole idea of "Kirk has lost his edge" is bull.

That is what makes us different than those schools? LOL! I thought it was the national championships, Heisman winners, larger fan bases, historical top program, etc. I guess if those schools could just believe they could have all that we have in Iowa City and more.
Scorpio, it's one game. A sucky game. But one game. Look at the past 10 years. We are successful we will continue to be. This year ? Who knows. Look what happened after Tom Davis left. We JUST NOW are getting back to moving forward - 15 years later. Kirk is the best thing we got going.

Uh... we're successful?

If we will continue to be this successful, then you just go right on enjoying the ride at the bottom of the B1G.

Kirk is the best thing we got going... because he is our current coach.
This is so not true Kirk is digging a hole for the program. He wont change he doesnt want to. His type of football doesnt work unless you have amazing talent. He cant get amazing talent. You should be a couple plays from beating Central Michigan. A bad Central Michigan. Also you shouldnt have to make that excuse every year.

Face facts Kirk is an awful coach. He used to have amazing defenses. Thats the only reason people think kirk is worth anything. Also Ive been saying this for years not just because of yesterday. Yesterday was just a cherry on top of the turd that is KF football.

correction, KF used to have pretty good defenses with amazing statistics
That is what makes us different than those schools? LOL! I thought it was the national championships, Heisman winners, larger fan bases, historical top program, etc. I guess if those schools could just believe they could have all that we have in Iowa City and more.

Perspective might be in order. None of those teams suffered 17 straight losing seasons. Belief is all we had because nothing looked good. Those teams get upset if they don't win 10 games. None of us like to lose, but better times are ahead. Maybe not this year, but they are. Removing a quality head coach is not a good idea.
Better times are ahead maybe not this year, maybe not next year, maybe not the year after that but Ill tell ya what Kirk will put together a 8 win year in the next ten years.

There is nothing that shows that KF is a quality head coach. Im sick of the it could be worse excuse.
Perspective might be in order. None of those teams suffered 17 straight losing seasons. Belief is all we had because nothing looked good. Those teams get upset if they don't win 10 games. None of us like to lose, but better times are ahead. Maybe not this year, but they are. Removing a quality head coach is not a good idea.

You are confusing. You said what makes us different from those teams is that we believe? We believe what? What happened with Iowa football over 30 years doesn't really have much of an impact at all on what happens today, recruits aren't looking at game films from the Bob Commings era to decide where they are going to school.
I used to chant the "it's a cycle" mantra - until 2010. In case you've forgotten, that was the year the staff lost the team. That's on the coach. Wisky surprised no one with a fake punt, no one except the Iowa staff. That was on the coaches. Later on in the same game the clock ran out because the staff had no clue what it was doing and yet again was guilty of poor clock management. That was on the coach. The onside kick against Minnie, on the coach. 2005 meltdown vs the mighty NU kittycats, on the coach. P!ssing it down their legs vs CMU, on the coach.

These are just a few games that come to mind, other posters could easily add to the list.

Lessons aren't being learned. Mistakes are repeated year in year out. It's on the coach. KF took the ultra conservative ball control offense relying on a stout defense as far as it can go at little ol' Iowa.

2010 was the crest of the "cycle" and that wave crashed hard. It's not a cycle, it's the coach.
The problem with excuses is that we hear the same excuses every year....we went 7-6 last year, 8 wins the year before...we don't have an outright big 10 championship...shared 2 in 14 years....for a coach making 3 million dollars, the team should be more competitive....rebuilding...rebuilding..rebuilding...young on so on....14 years the team should not be rebuilding, but reloading....wasnt yesterday a 17 point point spread....didnt we lose to the worse team in the big the Gophers the last 2 years...we lose to CMU....this is getting bad....excuses need to go away and leadership needs to prevail....

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