X's and O's Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Any coaches or former players out there that want to talk a little X and O? I'm a D guy who played DB in a 4-3 cover 2 man under scheme and have been looking at what film I can get of our beloved Hawks. Hoping someone can help me learn a bit more about how we like to match up.
Since Norm hates to bring the LBs, does he move around the DL a lot, or do they line up the same most of the time? Seeing how we haven't really had a true 1 technique DT in forever, do they go 2 technique with both DTs? I know we run a lot of stunts and slants and in the past moved Mitch King all over and had him blast by people on a slant, but what have we been running lately on the DL?
I've got more questions, but I'll wait to see if anyone answers before getting into that. I loved playing FS in the cover 2, get to be a hawk out there (pun intended). Thanks in advance for any responses!
I love x's n o's

and to answer one of your questions, Norm mixes up his defense depending on the opponent. Iowa likes to run the 4-3 under with the Will taking the slot or TE. But, if you watch the Orange Bowl they sat in a standard 4-3 a lot.
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yeah, i see that now, should have thought that through a little better...my bad to anyone looking for the "other"
Do the LBs ever play man? Doesn't seem like it very often, unless I'm missing something. I know they try to show the same "look" everytime, regardless if its cover 2 or 8 (what i'm used to calling quarters).
Do the LBs ever play man? Doesn't seem like it very often, unless I'm missing something. I know they try to show the same "look" everytime, regardless if its cover 2 or 8 (what i'm used to calling quarters).

yeah, they mix it up, it just depends on the opponent
there was a reason AJ Edds' name wasn't called a lot, he took his man and his space out of play quite a bit. Excellent coverage LB.
yeah, i noticed not a lot of variety in the orange bowl game. but, if it ain't broke why mess with it, right?!
In the schemes Iowa runs the linebackers don't normally play man. The secondary sort of still plays a man in this scheme, generally picking up anything that goes vertical beyond 10 yards. The linebackers job is first to make shoulder pad reads on guards or tackles and watch the #2 receiver. They have to communicate really well to make it work. Don't know if this really answers your question, or if it even makes sense, but thought I'd give it a shot.
yeah, i noticed not a lot of variety in the orange bowl game. but, if it ain't broke why mess with it, right?!

Norm's evolution against spread teams has been fun to watch...remember when he experimented with a 3-5-3 type defense? The Hawks lacked the talented bodies they have now, but it's fun to watch a chess master finding his plan.
i can definitely remember norm toying with a dime package a few times, but we seemed to get burned with it. i specifically remember the game against pitt where they ran for a TD on us and i'm almost positive we had the dime out there.
it sure helps to have very athletic LBs out there so you can be more versatile with the system and don't have to sub a lot for extra DBs when they run the spread.
Norm's evolution against spread teams has been fun to watch...remember when he experimented with a 3-5-3 type defense? The Hawks lacked the talented bodies they have now, but it's fun to watch a chess master finding his plan.

Agree with this- loved seeing that 3-5. Did he run that last year at all? I remember the 3-man front a few times but thought it was basically a 3-4 or a 3-3-5 on 3rd and long?
Any coaches or former players out there that want to talk a little X and O? I'm a D guy who played DB in a 4-3 cover 2 man under scheme and have been looking at what film I can get of our beloved Hawks. Hoping someone can help me learn a bit more about how we like to match up.
Since Norm hates to bring the LBs, does he move around the DL a lot, or do they line up the same most of the time? Seeing how we haven't really had a true 1 technique DT in forever, do they go 2 technique with both DTs? I know we run a lot of stunts and slants and in the past moved Mitch King all over and had him blast by people on a slant, but what have we been running lately on the DL?
I've got more questions, but I'll wait to see if anyone answers before getting into that. I loved playing FS in the cover 2, get to be a hawk out there (pun intended). Thanks in advance for any responses!

Ron Zook, is that you???
Ron Zook, is that you???

Ha! That was a good laugh. Wouldn't put it past the Zooker, but you missed this part, he wouldn't have known what I was talking about. Okay, that was a low blow, but I'm sure he's getting desperate right now knowing they'll get punched around this year.
i can definitely remember norm toying with a dime package a few times, but we seemed to get burned with it. i specifically remember the game against pitt where they ran for a TD on us and i'm almost positive we had the dime out there.
it sure helps to have very athletic LBs out there so you can be more versatile with the system and don't have to sub a lot for extra DBs when they run the spread.

On the play you're thinking of, as I recall, Binns lost contain and the DB in the area seemed to be expecting the action to get funneled inside (as it should have been had the edge been set) ... and therefore he ended up being out of position.
The most basic of x's and o's is the x beats the o. In Norm Parkers words playing defense is simple, you just beat the man you're up against.
I have spent a lot of time watching Norm's defensive gameplans over the last 11 yrs. The smallest adjustments are made from the basic packages. Thats where the chess match takes place.
Against GT, in the Orange Bowl, he had Angerer line up 2 steps deeper than usual, in the basic 4-3. That gave him just enough space to read and react to the running play, without giving the OG time to reach him on the 2nd level block.
The OG was always a step behind blocking Angerer.
It was an interesting adjustment because PA had the speed to read, react and fill the gap before the OG could reach him.
What a difference 2 steps made.
There are lots of other subtle changes but without video against the offenses in question, its hard to remember it all. thankfully, I dont have to. Thats someone elses job. ;)
I enjoy discussing the gameplans while I am watching the games. Its hard to do on the net.

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