Seriously, what the NCAA needs is a logical and respected guy at the top of the organization that could really clean all of these transfers up so that it is cut and dry and applied equally.
The other thing that needs to be established is the penalty these kids must pay when they run afoul of the law. Again, I think it needs to be handled swiftly and fairly and uniformly across all of the NCAA.
I know he doesn’t want to do that after he retires, but KF would be the perfect guy for it.
He has a teaching background so I think his approach would be slanted toward making sure that these kids are students first and athletes second. I think the punishment he has handed out over the years is mostly handled internally and when it becomes more “criminal” the punishment becomes harsher, and so on. I think he could hand over his cheat sheet on what punishment fits the first offense, etc... and standardize it throughout the NCAA. He has stated that some of these offenses for college kids that are newly out on their own “is fairly predictable.” He has a tough but fair progression of what happens to these kids after their 1st offense, 2nd offense, etc...
Also, he is widely respected amongst all of his peers, from the smallest school coaches up to Nick Saban. I think he could be the czar of NCAA’s college football enforcement and he has the “street cred” as well as the history to prove it. The NCAA needs a guy like him in that spot. I don’t think it is likely that Ferentz needs them, though. Maybe if they sweetened the deal for him and said he could “govern” from Iowa City and travel to HQ a couple times per year... that way he can still see his grandkids every day.
I think he would do a much better job on these transfers, too. He would probably say, “Everyone sits out a year unless a close family relative is in Dire health conditions and you transfer to a school very much closer to home.” He may want to not even put that “unless..” condition in there.
Just thinking out loud..