Wrestle off results thread

It appears that some changes have been made to the matchups as well. Here is what it looks like now for the next 2 days.

Friday’s Match-Ups – 4:30 p.m.

133 – Nate Moore vs. Nick Trizzino

133 – Tyler Clark vs. Tony Ramos

141 – Joe Moore vs. Ethan Owens

149 – Stew Gillmor vs. Jeret Chiri

149 – Jake Ballweg vs. Ethan Sebert

157 – Matt Ballweg vs. Nick Moore

157 – Michael Kelly vs. Derek St. John

165 – Jake Kerr vs. Joe DuCharme

174 – Mike Evans vs. Jeremy Fahler

184 – Tomas Lira vs. Vinnie Wagner

Hwt. – Bobby Telford vs. Jordan Johnson

Saturday’s Match-Ups – 10:30 a.m.

125 – Matt McDonough vs. Matt Gurule

133 – Winner of Nate Moore/Trizzino vs. winner of Clark/Ramos

141 – Mark Ballweg vs. winner of Joe Moore/Owens

149 – Winner of Stew Gillmor/Chiri vs. winner of Jake Ballweg/Sebert

157 – Winner of Matt Ballweg/Nick Moore vs. winner of Kelly/St. John

165 – Aaron Janssen vs. winner of Kerr/DuCharme

174 – Ethen Lofthouse vs. winner of Evans/Fahler

184 – Grant Gambrall vs. winner of Lira/Wagner

Hwt. – Blake Rasing vs. winner of Telford/Johnson
I can provide live text updates for anyone that would like them I will be there tomorrow morning only though. PM me your number and I will text a response.
Friday's Wrestling Results

Moore dec Trizzino 3-2
Clark dec Ramos 3-2 in ot
Owens techs Joe Moore 16-1
Chiri dec Gillmor 8-5
J. Ballweg maj. Sebert 9-1
Matt Ballweg dec Moore 3-2
St. John dec Kelly 11-4
Evans dec. Fahler 7-2
Wagner dec. Lira 2-1
Johnson beats Telford 2-1 in ot at HWT

** It appears Kerr and DuCharme did not wrestle.

Final pairings:
125-McDonough v Gurule
133-Moore v Clark
141-Ballweg v Owens
149-Ballweg v Chiri
157-St. John v Ballweg
165-Janssen v Kerr
174-Lofthouse v Evans
184-Gambrall v Wagner
Hwt-Rasing v Johnson
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OT for Ramos & Clark. Clark rides Ramos out in the first TB, Still 2-2

**Edit, Clark wins 3-2 over Ramos. This is all via tweets from Andy Hamilton.
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St John over Kelly 11-4
Evans over Fahler 7-2
Wagner over Lira 2-1
Johnson over Telford 2-1 TB1
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Ballweg and St.John will be the most interesting wrestle off for me. Ballweg did beat him once last year. If St.John is the wrestler people are making him out to be then he doesn't lose to Ballweg, or even let it get close.
Ballweg and St.John will be the most interesting wrestle off for me. Ballweg did beat him once last year. If St.John is the wrestler people are making him out to be then he doesn't lose to Ballweg, or even let it get close.

I don't think that match will be all the close. Ballweg is very strong and kind of controlled things with Moore tonight but that won't happen against St John. Derek will find ways to get to his legs and when he does he will finish.

133, 165, and HWT will be the interesting matchups. Telford could have just as well beaten Johnson tonight. Johnson just struggles taking down really big guys and if he can't do that then he's in trouble wrestling HWT at the D1 level...

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