Wow, the Hawks are looking really bad at the end of this one!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I absolutely couldn't resist after watching the first 8 minutes of this second half. But I am so glad that McCaffery is our coach though.
I hope McCaffery has a lot of patience and can recruit with no tools. Slow or fast, doesn't matter when you can't shoot or dribble.
wake is making the shots that they weren't in the first half...and hawks have been struggling as well.
You guys are nuts. This team is showing me a ton tonight.
This is their first road game. They are younger than ****.
Give them a little time.
They are playing pretty damn good but going through some growing pains - not surprising.
When they are staying within themselves and playing solid team ball they look really good.
There is a TON of upside on this team.
The future is bright.
I totally agree IC Alumni, but they seem to have second half meltdowns, Long Beach game especially and this one. They will improve no doubt about it.
Question, if we can't hold an 18 point lead to one of the WORST BCS conference teams in the country - worse than us - how in the he!! are we going to win a single game in the Big Ten?
Question, if we can't hold an 18 point lead to one of the WORST BCS conference teams in the country - worse than us - how in the he!! are we going to win a single game in the Big Ten?

This team is not worse than us.
We're in our first road game with a mainly frosh-soph team.
Cut them a little slack.

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