Wow Cubs....ugh


Well-Known Member
Sorry fellow Cub fans...this may open up a can of worms from our non-Cub fan "friends"...but wow was that game awful tonight.

Some highlights:

3 runs scored on 2 errors on 1 play to tie the game at 3.

A bizarre play that almost cost another couple runs in the 6th where the ump didn't realize the batter should have been called out after leaving the plate area and headed to the dugout on a dropped 3rd strike.

They ended up losing 7-5...and all 7 runs were UNEARNED. This has not happened since the
Woody shouldn't have come back...

Well, the real problem there for me was I didn't even get to see Woody pitch. I was trying to get points for "No. 1 Dad" and finally gave in to my 4 year old daughter's plea to watch "Max and Ruby" I finally appeased her in the middle of the 8th...Cubs up 5-3, game in hand, right?
If Quade had any hair to pull out, after this game he'd look just like he does right now. 2 games in a row where just boneheaded plays have killed the cubs in games they had won. disheartening
As a Cubs fan, I've learned we could be up 100 runs and find a way to lose. Its nature for us now.

Lifetime Cubs fan here, but wow have I never seen a franchise do less with a higher payroll. And I agree - it always seems like they find a way to lose, or find a way NOT to win in these close games.

If they get pitching, they can't hit. If they get some offense, then their pitching and/or defense fails them.

7 unearned runs... pathetic.
Wood has been terrible everytime I have seen him pitch this year. I really didn't have high expectations for this years team, so if they continue to tank it won't suprise or bother me too much.
The Cubs are horrible at 2 of the most critical aspects of winning teams:
1. Defense
2. Clutch hitting

I don't see the Cubs getting any better this year at either of these 2 categories, so I fully expect the Cubs to continue to be slightly worse than average.

I will continue to watch them though, and at least hope that Castro can become an All Star, Barney can become the NL Rookie of the Year and Brett Jackson gets called up sometime this summer.

The Cubs minor league system (particularly Double A) has a lot of good prospects, so it will be interesting to see how long management continues to put up with the terrible baseball that is being played by the big club before they start promoting some the of kids down on the farm.

Go Cubs Go!
hey theres always next year :)

Ha, I get tired of saying that but it seems to be stuck in my vocab.

If the cubs want to be in it next year they have a lot of pieces still missing. However, a lot of money comes off of payroll after this season.

Pena (10 million)
Fukudome (14.5)
Grabow (4.8)
Wood (1.5)
Ramirez (14.5) Has a 2 million gets paid next year, but I don't think he'll be a cub

That's a big chunk of money, the cubs need speed and a good 1B. I think Pena is good, but he's not the answer. I really wanted Gonzalez (now at Boston) but too late and I think Pujols is too expensive.

I still think next year is a rebuild.

After 2012
Big Z (has an option but 19 mil could (doubt it) come off)
Dempster (14)
Byrd (6.5)

Now you're going to need another arm.

Unfortunately Soriano doesn't come off until after 2014 and his defense will still suck then.

Cubs have a good middle infield, catcher is solid, a few guys in the rotation and i really like the pen, but I personally think the outfield is in need of retooling which will start this year and next. Teh corners are an issue.

CUBS need some speed and defense. Can't put it much more simply than that.

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