I voted no, and here is why.
1. We allowed an overzealous fan base to run off our last coach, if we allow an overzealous fanbase to run off his replacement a few years later, no real coach is going to want to come here.
2. I have my doubts as to whether we would find someone better than Lick to replace him. We have no success, a straight up angry fan base (who will probably instantly hate the next coach because he won't have a big name), and crappy facilities. No estabished coach is coming here.
3. Give the guy a chance to succeed. Some of the problems are his fault, but not all of them. As long as we are awful, I would rather give him one year too many, rather than give up on him too soon.
4. Do you really think a new coach is going to have any more success next year? In the off chance Lickliter is building something, at least see it through.