Would JBo grad transfer?

Would guys like Jeff Horner, Matt Gatens, Dean Oliver ever consider grad transfering out? Same applies to JBo.

Guess I don't remember that. Was he caught between the Licklighter hiring/firing was that why?

The rumor is he and Eric May said they were leaving if Lick stayed and forced Barta's hand to make the change.
So what if he did, we have no control over it. I think we can all respect the effort and attitude he put forth every game. If he decides to leave I am sure he has his reasons and we should respect that because he was a great Hawkeye. If this is all crap then keep cheering him on and we should have some success
Then why play at all this season? Take the medical redshirt, spend 15 months rehabbing, and move on to your new school at 100%.

In short, no.
Would guys like Jeff Horner, Matt Gatens, Dean Oliver ever consider grad transfering out? Same applies to JBo.
Gatens was rumored to be thinking about it, which greased the skids for Lickliter, denied him a fourth season some thought he deserved, and led to some acrimony between the two.

Had there been another mass exodus of Iowa's best players after 2010 this program may never have bounced back.
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The rumor is he and Eric May said they were leaving if Lick stayed and forced Barta's hand to make the change.
Also Aaron Fuller, who did leave, and Brennan Cougill, who wasn't that good anyway, had academic issues, and transferred.

Jarryd Cole may have been on that list too, but he stayed.
I saw someone saying the same thing yesterday. Said he had a family source and someone close to the program. Said he was strongly considering Kentucky.

I personally don't believe it for a second. He has a chance to cement his legacy at Iowa and sit atop leaderboard stats for a long time to come. At Kentucky he's a bit player that will be recruited over immediately.
Dude...everyone says they have a source. Show me a link or facts and then let's talk
Also Aaron Fuller, who did leave, and Brennan Cougill, who wasn't that good anyway, had academic issues, and transferred.

Jarryd Cole may have been on that list too, but he stayed.
Talk about half forgetting about dudes. Fuller and Cougill both I'd 88% forgotten about. Cole I sure hadn't I loved his toughness

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