Would firing Brian Ferentz solve anything?

it's always been Kirk... we been complaining about the offense for 20 years.

Doesn't matter who the OC is

Let the record show that I never complained about O'Keefe because I knew where Iowa's ceiling was. I would wager that the loudest O'Keefe haters want Ferentz gone as well and they are going to find that they long for the glory days of 8 or 9 wins like clockwork.
It wouldn't IMO. It would change nearly nothing. It would likely cause a step back initially that I don't particularly want to go through at this stage in Kirk;s tenure. In the past, changing out OC's, or any position coach hasn't really been a smooth transition year the following.

He's calling the plays, but it's his dad's plays. He's coaching the offense, but it's within the confines of what his dad wants it to be coached. He's recruiting players (that his dad wants) and he's trying to execute a game plan that his dad came up with.

When people say they want BF fired I think they are really saying they want Kirk Ferentz fired. Which is fine by me if that's what you want but there is 1 guy who is keeping him employed and that is really the issue.

It's going to take a lot more than a new OC to change Iowa football.

I think you've landed on the core issue. The thing is Kirk can't see that.
This reminds of the discussion last year of whether it would be worth it to play Padilla at QB instead of Petras. Iowa had the worse offense in the country last year and was unwilling to consider switching QB's. And I was like, are you seriously telling me we could be worse? OK, maybe Padilla was not the answer, but when you are that bad, you need to try something different. And if Padilla would have started a couple games and did worse, then you at least know and move on. Then you move on to Labas. What you don't do is change nothing.

Same with Brian as OC. Are you seriously trying to tell me Iowa's offense could be worse if Brian was fired? Even if it gets worse, you had to try something. You have to try to eventually get better.
No in season moves of that sort would be a positive at all. Contrary to popular belief many of these players like BF. Replacing him in season would be really bad I think. (yeah yeah save the how much worse could it get jokes) It wouldn't lead to any immediate improvement and most likely Iowa would lose a game or two they shouldn't because of it. That needs to take place during off season and practices leading up to the season.

I still maintain Cade missing so much of camp in Aug and not being 100% even now has really hampered him and his part of what's gone sideways. He's clearly not himself and there's no more crucial time for getting on the same page with a new teams O then the month leading up to the season and he barely got a week of practicing at like 65% of himself maybe.

The Oline for what improvements they looked to have made the first few games looked to be fools gold against a good team. Richman was supposedly our best Olineman and he was about as bad as it could get against PSU. That's definitely the largest issue as a unit they have going.
The Ferentz's should be ashamed of what our offense has become. There is plenty of Big Ten football money coming in to fix this. Even enough of such money to fix it and let Brian continue as the OC. We owe the Ferentz's but they also owe us. If it does not get fixed and soon the Ferentz legacy may be down the drain.
I'm starting to understand how boosters and and now days collectives could turn on a coach -a stuborn coach who won't adapt and a funding source refusing to help recruit and accelerating the coach's departure
This is all a moot point. What ever is going to happen with Iowa football is going to happen. The past, future, and present is dictating it. Unfortunately KF is at the helm. His past keeps him here. The future isn't looking any better than the present. I don't expect much change because he is not one to really direct himself to adapt to where college football is going. The ones happy with the 8 wins over pasties will continue support and settle. The ones wanting something fresh and new will ask for change and sit back and wonder about the could of beens. Regardless KF kept Iowa relevant. Unfortunately the BF experiment is one that never should of been allowed. There is alot of blame to be passed around but Gary built this. So when we talk about KF's legacy in the final stages, it is also Gary's. Time will tell what happens but I will probably spend a little more time doing meaningful thinks on Saturdays. I'm more upset about being a national joke because of what is needed to be competitive than competing and losing to the better team. A half-assed offense could of played better than the no-ass offense we have now and that is in all phases, Running, catching, Qb and o-line. All teams have some deficiencies in areas, but we have them in all offensive categories.
This is all a moot point. What ever is going to happen with Iowa football is going to happen. The past, future, and present is dictating it. Unfortunately KF is at the helm. His past keeps him here. The future isn't looking any better than the present. I don't expect much change because he is not one to really direct himself to adapt to where college football is going. The ones happy with the 8 wins over pasties will continue support and settle. The ones wanting something fresh and new will ask for change and sit back and wonder about the could of beens. Regardless KF kept Iowa relevant. Unfortunately the BF experiment is one that never should of been allowed. There is alot of blame to be passed around but Gary built this. So when we talk about KF's legacy in the final stages, it is also Gary's. Time will tell what happens but I will probably spend a little more time doing meaningful thinks on Saturdays. I'm more upset about being a national joke because of what is needed to be competitive than competing and losing to the better team. A half-assed offense could of played better than the no-ass offense we have now and that is in all phases, Running, catching, Qb and o-line. All teams have some deficiencies in areas, but we have them in all offensive categories.

You rocked this the last 3rd of what you stated. Well stated.