Would a 5 man defensive line do better against Denard Robinson?

Thats an interesting question. My first reaction (having never studied MICHs film) would be "no".
I dont think the MICH O-line is getting to the second level as much as its just DRob getting into open space and making things happen with his speed and athleticism.
If I were game-planning for DRob, I would line my DEs out wide (1 step) and 2 LBs in the gaps betwenn the DTs and DEs (in standard LB depth). Let my DEs get up field, forcing DRob to stay between the tackles, if he decides to run.
I think our D-line is quick enough to close the gaps between the tackles and the LBs are fast enough to clean it up. Let DRob take some hits for his decisions.
Thats how I would do it.
Of course, I'm sitting here on a message board, so, what do I know?

I honestly don't think Michigan's Oline gets enough credit. Sure, after the first level, it's all Denard but they have to get him there. Their Oline is definitely one of the better, if not the best the Big Ten has to offer at this point. I'm not saying they can control the LOS against Iowa but if they can't, I don't see anyone else doing it either.

I also don't think MSU can set a blueprint for Iowa. MSU's strength is the linebackers, specifically Greg Jones and Iowa's is the Dline with their weakness probably being linebackers.
5 man line against Wisc so we can not the stuffing out of Clay again. If MSU plays well they will win or keep it very close and also give Iowa a solid look at what they need to do.
I honestly don't think Michigan's Oline gets enough credit. Sure, after the first level, it's all Denard but they have to get him there. Their Oline is definitely one of the better, if not the best the Big Ten has to offer at this point. I'm not saying they can control the LOS against Iowa but if they can't, I don't see anyone else doing it either.

I also don't think MSU can set a blueprint for Iowa. MSU's strength is the linebackers, specifically Greg Jones and Iowa's is the Dline with their weakness probably being linebackers.

I like MICh's O-line. I just dont think they are responsible for DRob's gaudy numbers. Thats all.
The good news is that Iowa's DL play has really been excellent against the run this year. Ballard has really been showing some excellent power ... and our ability to rotate Mike Daniels in has benefited the whole unit with regard to fresher legs throughout the game.

Michigan's OL really is a quality unit. In fact, last year, I really think that Michigan's OL got the better of Iowa's DL ... at least, for the most part. However, I think that Iowa's DL will be able to use that as extra motivation for the game. Furthermore, quite frankly, Iowa's DL is much better than it was last year. As for Iowa's LB play being a weakness ... I really wouldn't go that far. Iowa's LB play has had to contend with injury issues ... and that likely has contributed to some inconsistencies. All the same, I imagine that it would be hard for ANY of us to be complaining about the quality of play that we've seen from our D this year.

The most alarming thing that Iowa fans SHOULD note is that our tackling has still been a bit lazy on occasion. That could spell disaster if a guy fails to wrap-up a sure tackle on Denard ... because that guy can really make you regret it if you miss a tackle. Thus, quality tackling will be HUGE against Michigan.

Really, I think that consistent, quality tackling will be the most important thing that we'll need to see against Michigan's O. Our Hawk D has already seen many of the elements that they'll be facing off against Denard and Michgain's O. One of the few differences is Denard's speed. However, if you're still getting at him before he's getting to the secondary ... then all you have to do is tackle him. Thus, again, TACKLING is central. The guy is an impressive talent and he'll make some nice runs. However, if we contain him well and minimize the number of 10+ yard runs he makes ... then Iowa will most likely win the game.

If Michigan actually has to be patient and EARN every point they get ... then their D will not be able to hold up their end.
I know this may sound a little crazy, but I feel our corner back play may be the key to this defensive game plan. I believe Norm is going to play alot of man coverage and allow Sash and to play the run almost extensively. He has to take something away from Robinson...and putting another man in the box would be key...and a sure tackler to boot. Hyde and Praeter are going to have play very, very well as Robinson is going to have to beat us with his arm...

I also wouldn't be surprised to see a 5th defensive back replace a linebacker on 3rd and long to shadow Robinson. I know it's not a typical move, but Norm will scheme something.
How about a 7-2 or even better a gap 8. Obviously I am kidding. We need to do what we are accustomed to and do it well. Switching from a 4-3 to a 3-4 is not that big of a deal, one linebacker basically becomes a "walk away" end (example Joe Mott back inthe day). Switching to a five man line takes some serous changes in scheme.
I think its a horrible idea. If you watch all the big Runs of Robinson alot of them happen when teams loads up the box and give Robinson only 1 line to get past to break free.

Considering he doesnt get the snap and come right at you the LBs can afford to play back and defend the pass and come up to stop him.

I dont like his odds of getting past our line, and I REALLY dont like his odds of getting past our line, LBs, and then Sash. Not gonna happen, make him work for every yard.
This is a stupid thread. Why not play a two-man line? Against Robinson, Iowa will need more speed. A five-man line makes Iowa slower. Get more speed into the lineup. Two lineman & five linebackers to run him down. Have Clayborn & Ballard line-up between the guards and tackles with the responsibility to disrupt the offensive line. They don't have to make any tackles, just cause as much mayhem as possible. Then let the five linebackers mop-up the play.

Whatever! The Iowa coaches will study the MSU tapes extensively. They will develop a sound strategy based on the review of those films. Iowa will do somethings because they worked for MSU and won't do other things because they didn't work.

Hopefully, MSU will give Iowa a blueprint to contain Robinson.

If they come out in a two-man line I will have to change my shorts.
It must be a stupid thread... You answered it!!

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