Worst experience at Jack Trice?


Well-Known Member
I imagine that there has been so many threads on this but would like to share my worse ever experience at Jack Trice. I can't remember the year, but it was when Grant Steen intercepted the pass late and we still managed to lose. Anyway, I went with a friend who is a banker in Des Moines. He led me to the tent where his bank was having what looked like a pretty good tailgate party going. Nice sized lines for free dogs and brats....not bad. When I got up to the front, of course wearing my Hawk gear, they outright refused to serve me. I said I was with Greg from ______Bank and they still wouldn't serve me. I haven't gone back and will never go back to Trice again. hope the Clones are proud!
My friends and I were driving around Jack Trice looking for parking and a group of Clone fans were running around like morons after sharing a beer...and one ran in front our car. We hit him pretty good and he ended up on the windshield. Now the bad part...he lived.
Not at Jack Trice, so sorry if this shouldn't be shared, but ...

Was at Arrowhead for Chiefs-Vikings a few years back, and it was the year that UNI beat Iowa State and then we lost to Iowa State. After the game, I was in the Chiefs' team store place with my son (he was 8 or 9 at the time) and a friend of his, and my son had on a TigerHawk hat. We were in line to check out and here's the interaction ...

ISU fan, about 55 or so: "Hey! Get that hat off! That's the worst hat I've ever seen! It's a loser hat!"

It took me a second to realize he was talking to my son, but when I did, I stepped in front of my son and very close to this guy. I said, "What is your problem? If you are going to get in a 9-year-old's face about a hat he has on, we've got a problem that we're going to have to step outside to settle! Get some class and decide how you want this to go down! Right now!" I admit I was bluffing because, while I could have taken this old bastage easily, I didn't really want to get arrested for pummeling this idiot while I was the only adult with my son and a friend's son.

Meanwhile, a college-age kid was walking by and stopped, and he said to my son, "Don't take that hat off! That hat rocks, my man! That game was crap!" and gave my son a fist-bump. Turns out the kid was a student at to Iowa and really settled the situation.

The ISU fan says, "I don't care, it's a Cyclone state!" I responded with, "Well, isn't it a Panther state this year, or are you too senile to remember losing to UNI?" He just kind of threw his hands up and walked away. I followed him for a couple steps and said, "What, now you don't want to talk about this anymore? You only want to be a big tough-guy when you're talking to a 9-year-old? It's time for the adults to handle this now. Wait outside and we'll keep talking about it in a minute."

After we checked out, the guy was long gone.
I am proud to say that I've never set sack inside of Jack Trice and never will. All that crimson and yella' makes me nauseous.
It was the 2006 game. I indulged in some adult beverage before the game and by second quarter my bladder was like a bursting balloon. Every restroom in Jack Trice seemingly had a line a mile long. I literally walked around the entire stadium searching for relief, naturally starting **** with every Cyclown I saw because they had it coming; them being little brother and all.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I climbed the scoreboard in the south endzone and urinated from the top all over the bleacher proles. To add further insult, I think some of my leak infiltrated their sound system as they have been quite distorted since the incident...
About 10 years ago I was at the ISU Texas A&M game. One of the worst football games I have ever seen in my life. My uncle had sd eason tickets to ISU and would only go to IA vs. ISU. We would go to a lot of games and see a lot of bad football but that was the worst. That game was the first time I ever saw my grandfather get up and leave before the game was over. The other game was when ISU played Wyoming and played in overtime. They didn't pick defense, they picked what side of the field they wanted to play. Its your own field it shouldn't matter.
Thanks guys. Makes me feel a little better. What astonished me the most at this tailgate, more than not serving me, is that these people were supposed to be PROFESSIONAL businessmen and women that work for a prestigious bank. If I really wanted to, I could have been their worst nightmare, but why stoop to that level.

There has to be more great stories at Jack Trice. Bring em on!!
Jon don't ban me for this, but here is the question of the day. What is the difference between an Iowa boy and an Iowa State boy? Iowa State boys walk up and put it in. Iowa boys put it in and walk up. Ha!
2009 was my worst experience inside the stadium...got bruised ribs because some Cyclown chick kept punching me in the ribs every time I cheered for the Hawks...I cheered all game long.

Worst experience outside the stadium would be 2005 - losing was bad enough but cyclowns everywhere yelled profanities at every Hawk they could find - only to top that by spitting on some to start a fight only when they outnumbered the Hawk groups

Some of the most classless fans I've ever gotten to witness....sad that most of them are Iowan's because they sure don't act like it.
What kills me is we know that some Clones are reading this on our board and no responses. It's a one way street I guess.
What kills me is we know that some Clones are reading this on our board and no responses. It's a one way street I guess.

If this thread isn't a response to a similar thread on CyFan, you can bet there will be one popping up (over there) by the end of the night.
When you go to their board they have stories that parallel the ones on here, only it happened to them at Kinnick. I think the bottom line is that we have as many horses a$$$'s as they do. I've been to probably a dozen Iowa/ISU games at Jack Trice and I can tell you that I've never been treated rudely. Maybe I'm lucky, but on the other hand, I treat them with respect and don't go looking for trouble.
Yea...I'm a 54 year old teacher and I go out looking for trouble. Geesh! Edgy....the good ship lollie pop is taking off, don't miss it.
When we beat you guys in '07 and a bunch of sore loser Hawk fans were looking for fights for no reason on the way back to the tailgating lots. Of course ISU fans are going to be celebrating on their home turf! What do you expect?!?
What kills me is we know that some Clones are reading this on our board and no responses. It's a one way street I guess.

I hate to rain on the parade but: A. Every fan in America can name a cruddy moment at an opposing team's stadium. That is the name of the game. Fans in Ames are no different than fans in Iowa City ... I have seen plenty of our own Hawk fans act like complete aholes to opposing team fans... And ... B. You start a negative thread about Jack Trice and then are bewildered that Cyclone fans have not jumped in the mix? What do you think they are going to say?

I am not standing up for ISU fans ... Only stating the fact of there are aholes everyone ... in every town, on every campus, in every stadium ...

Case in point: I have season tickets and one year was fortunate enough to land a tailgating spot on Melrose ... Our group was minding its own business and playing bag toss when about three ISU fans walked by ... Soon thereafter, six Hawk fans were soon in their face and saying "F you ... F the Cyclones, etc." ... I was embarrassed to be a Hawk fan at that moment ... So don't go thinking Jack Trice is any different than Kinnick because it is not.
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I've been to Jack Trice twice. The first time was the ISU-OU game in '95, which was the only game in Troy Davis' 95-96 run that he didn't run for 100 yards. The other time was the ISU-UNLV game in 2000. The Iowa State fans cheered exuberantly when the announcer gave word that the Hawkeyes had lost to Western Michigan. That wasn't fun for me or my dad, and we vowed to never return to Jack Trice after that.

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