Worst BCS Stadiums

I'm taking the over because I think they'll somehow get 4 wins.

I'm thinking they could possibly get 4 wins too, when they do they can officially claim CPR as the greatest coach in the history of sports. If you can win 4 at ISU while your not playing an easy big 12 north schedule u clearly are the greatest coach ever to live. Then he'll leave and win a national championship at a real school like Chiz or Cael
Tell that to the national media as fans across America as the preseason accolades are almost more anticipated than the post season ones.

Jebus you are flat out stupid. No wonder Iowa fans look down on us.

You sure have a posting history like a guy who was banned from CF awhile ago, hopefully it comes here soon.
I do hereby officially proclaim this thread, "Longer than it ever should have conceivably been"...

I have never been to Ryan Field but I will say the fact alone that it is in the Chicago metro area makes it 10 times better than it's equivalent, Jack Trice.
Replace NW with Indiana and the list would be about right.

NW is a cool place. Near the lake. Neat neighborhood. Stadium is cozy and gets loud.

Indiana on the other hand has ZERO football atmosphere....AND....they just added 5000 much UNneeded seats. Awful place to watch a game. Horrible.

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