Woodbury is regressing

So I take it that we've ignored the idea that the OP was being blatantly sarcastic?

Yea...that was the complete opposite of blatantly sarcastic. If you're going to be sarcastic on the internet you have to at least give some clue of that. His post just read like normal message board complaining, and given his post history it wasn't a stretch to think he was being serious.
So I take it that we've ignored the idea that the OP was being blatantly sarcastic?

With a follow up post complaining about his stat line not being the absolute best in college basketball, I'd throw sarcastic out the window.
He does a lot of things that you can see in the box score. He's never gonna be a 20 and 10 guy. Good hustle and plays with intensity. He was a bit over hyped when he came to Iowa and some people still haven't figured that out. If you combine Woody and Olaseni stats they averaging a double double.
With a follow up post complaining about his stat line not being the absolute best in college basketball, I'd throw sarcastic out the window.

Because a guy trolling the people who have been excessively hard on Woodbury wouldn't continue the schtick for a couple posts?
This is where a little moderation on this site would be helpful. This thread should be nuked under the category "Poor Attempt at Sarcasm"
Holy cow some people have sarcasm detection problems. I was going to make a "is Aaron White terrible"thread. I'm glad I didn't.

If it was sarcasm, it wasn't good sarcasm.

I think some folks need a primer on different styles of humor.
There're wasnt an ounce of sarcasm in my posts and this last game backed me up. Although I never thought he's resort to these cheap shots.
Specifics of this thread aside, Woodbury just isn't that good. Let's face it.

Is he a D-1 player? Yes. But he's nothing close to the big recruit he was hyped up to be. An above average center with a limited game.
Lol cheap shots what game were you watching. Oh wait no you are a hater and nothing more.

This from a poster who has given twice as many thumbs down as thumbs up. Calling somebody a hater is the last bastion of a person who has no argument.
I think this thread needs to be revisited because it's clearly not true. Woodbury has added a lot of new skill sets. They should all serve him well in his WWE career. The high elbow. The eye gauge. The shhhhh. If he adds McCabe's hip toss and Fran's chair throw, he's a made for TV professional wrestling villian if I ever saw one. :)
Woody could just be a late bloomer. Who's to say he won't be an awesome center a couple years after college. It happens sometimes unfortunately. Timing isn't always there. Really unfortunate to see the eye poking incident and trying to figure why a guy doesn't have better control of where his hands and fingers are at and going. / On a side note. Do people actually keep track of Thumbs up and downs. Yikes. Those goofy things need to go anyway.
Specifics of this thread aside, Woodbury just isn't that good. Let's face it.

Is he a D-1 player? Yes. But he's nothing close to the big recruit he was hyped up to be. An above average center with a limited game.

If Woody was a 2 star recruit, the fans would have been much easier on him. Not his fault he was over rated out of high school. High school ball must be ridiculously easy for a 7 foot kid, it just doesn't translate to the BIG10.

The kid seems to try hard, just doesn't have 4 or 5 star talent.
Someone mentioned that Woodbury might be a late bloomer. A lot of 7 footers are. I remember Jared Reiner seemed to be a wasted scholarship but he really made strides his JR season. A few things I have said and still will say about Woodbury.
He should not be starting or getting nearly as many minutes as Gabe.
He does some things well. Defending back to the basket post players. Running the court. Gives good effort.
Woody could just be a late bloomer. Who's to say he won't be an awesome center a couple years after college. It happens sometimes unfortunately. Timing isn't always there. Really unfortunate to see the eye poking incident and trying to figure why a guy doesn't have better control of where his hands and fingers are at and going. / On a side note. Do people actually keep track of Thumbs up and downs. Yikes. Those goofy things need to go anyway.

A player that is slow, uncoordinated and clumsy with no jumping ability and short arms will not change in college, after college or in any other lifetime. Woodbury is what he is. (a very average 7' tall basketball player)

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