Women's basketball- Should the Rim be lowered?

What would we do without seeing a 3 on 1 fast break finished off with a lay up? I couldn't handle it.
I guess I don't know the costs- but i just can't buy this argument at all. it is just a fun topic- not that big of a deal- but this argument for not doing it would not hold water IMO.

In high school baseball- starting 2012- all high school teams will have to use BBCOR sanctioned bats- the current bats they use WILL NOT be allowed.

That means EVERY program in the state is going to be spending between $1,000-$2,000 on new bats. Any program that takes baseball seriously anyway. To supply freshman, JV, and Varsity with bats. To supply all three teams EASILY closer to $2,000 and maybe more.

They don't have a choice. It's a new rule. other states are starting this year.

High school baseball isn't going to just stop because there is a new financial hurdle to overcome.

Schools spend very little money on bats. Even when I played baseball in HS (15 years ago) the school provided a few bats but everyone bought and used thier own.

Every single HS in America would have to replace thier basketball hoops. Not only that they would need to do so with hoops that are adjustible between 9 and 10 feet, that would take some nifty engineering (read a lot of $$$). Further most gyms actually have 6 hoops total, and most schools have multiple gyms.

My alma matter is a consolidated 1A school. It has two gyms, a main gym with 6 hoops, and a smaller gym with 2. At a conservative estimate of 2,000 per hoop you are talking about $16,000.

I think I'd rather my kids have History books than new basketball hoops.
Let's try to play with the topic at hand.

Would you agree....or disagree...... on average...that lowering the hoop would make shooting easier for women's players?

Maybe it wouldn't. Looking for opinions.

So how do explain all of the easy lay-ups that Iowa men miss all the time?
Schools spend very little money on bats. Even when I played baseball in HS (15 years ago) the school provided a few bats but everyone bought and used thier own.

Every single HS in America would have to replace thier basketball hoops. Not only that they would need to do so with hoops that are adjustible between 9 and 10 feet, that would take some nifty engineering (read a lot of $$$). Further most gyms actually have 6 hoops total, and most schools have multiple gyms.

My alma matter is a consolidated 1A school. It has two gyms, a main gym with 6 hoops, and a smaller gym with 2. At a conservative estimate of 2,000 per hoop you are talking about $16,000.

I think I'd rather my kids have History books than new basketball hoops.

I coach high school baseball- I understand the budgets. We are a little different- we have been fortunate enough to make 7 state tourneys since 2001 with a couple state titles- so our focus on making sure are players are equipped properly is probably more keen than a lot of schools.
Some schools budget to provide bats- others expect the kids to provide them...sad.... but thats the way it is.

Now- I appreciate the side of the argument that you're on- it's just a fun debate really.

I do see- a couple of you guys have mentioned the budget concerns- how not every school would be able to do this. Well, there is ways around the money issue. But, not everyone is going to actually put the work in to make that work.

So I see what you're saying.
I watch a fair amount of WBB also. The lane struggles you mention are mainly due to the increasingly physical nature of the womens game IMO. Everybody is shoving, slapping and hacking, usually without much being called.

I do see a surprising number of shots taken directly underneath the basket in the womens' game, with the predictable result of bouncing off the bottom of the rim. I don't understand this, but I don't see how lowering the basket solves the problem. Unless you want it low enough for most WBB players to dunk, but you haven't said that.

I see the same thing. Agree with your observation.

You're right- I don't want it lowered to have women dunking.

it is crazy how many times you will see women hit the bottom of the rim. They are so far below it.
Lower the rim- when they jump.... there hands, the ball, will be equal too...or closer to the rim...... hence making the shot more easy to make.

Differing views....... but we do agree that it is seen far too often those types of missed layups. it's hideous.

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