Womans hoops in a nutshell

Sorry, i hadnt read your earlier post that would have made that clear.

Not necessarily if you read the linked article. :)

In the first girls-against-boys scrimmage this season the Lady
Vols won by 60 points. They won the second scrimmage by 35. In
the third, on Nov. 21, six days after the Lady Vols lost 78-68
at Purdue for their first defeat of the season, the women were
weary and depressed as they took the court. The guys were down
71-59 late in the game when the women seemed to completely run
out of gas. During a timeout Tennessee assistant Al Brown, who
usually coaches the practice players in scrimmages, told the
men, "You want to make Pat mad and do something to wake up the
team? Then go out and win." They did. Arbogast hit two free
throws with six seconds left to give the guys an 81-80 victory.
Three weeks later they beat the women in the season's fourth and
final scrimmage, 81-79, "doubling our margin of victory," as
Perotti puts it. Once again they came from behind as the Lady
Vols grew fatigued.

However, there were requirements (to even things out). In other words, sioux34, you could not play. :) :)

The requirements for the job are not elaborate. (Hey, it's not
an elaborate job.) Summitt trusts her managers to do the
recruiting, such as it is. Several of this year's practice
players signed on because they know Johnson, and they, in turn,
told some of their friends. Summitt wants 10 to 12 bodies. Most
of the practice players were good enough to have played in high
school but not good enough (or big enough or quick enough) to
have played at a level higher than Division III. Summitt's
instructions to them, delivered by a manager before the first
practice of the season, are simple:

--Play below the rim. (Most practice players are between 5'8"
and 6'2", so that is no problem.)

--Do not be overly physical, such as jumping over backs on
rebound drills. (Sometimes a problem.)

--Never, ever roar in to take an out-of-control layup when a
pull-up jumper will suffice. (Only occasionally a problem.)
Okay, based upon Rob actually reading the article and posting what it said, I guess it is possible that there are enough weekend warrior rec league BB players on this board that we could give the Lady Hawks a tussle. I call assistant coach!

I fully get that male athletes are bigger, faster and stronger. But, women's hoops has come a loooong ways from when I was a kid and Iowa high school was still doing 6-6 style. And, as someone pointed out, coaching, offensive sets, shooting accuracy, and team play matter a lot more in the women's game because of the different athletic prowess of the players. The commentator for the Maryland game said that Iowa's guard is 100% on the year from the FT line. Like 31 for 31. Crazy good.
This is not true. Many high level womens programs regularly scrimmage against a pickup team from the college rec leagues and the men handle the ladies.

Yup. I never played high school sports myself, but my brother was a freshman on the high school team, and they scrimmaged against the girls varsity team, who was routinely one of the best teams in the state, and it was an absolute bloodbath in favor of the men's team.
I just don't understand why anybody would think the women could compete with the men. It's just silly. You all need to appreciate what each team brings. You don't like the women's game. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is just trashing anything and everything about it. If you know so much about the women's game you must be spending a lot of time watching it. Now if you don't like it why watch or why do you know so much about it? The women's game has evolved a lot over the years. It's all played basically the same with the exception of the physical attributes the men have over the women. The women's game will never match the men's game and it doesn't have to. Basketball isn't like racing cars, any type of shooting or something like that where both can compete head to head. The women's basketball team is having a terrific year and has a great female basketball player and why you don't have a few kind words to say is beyond me. Hammer away.
I just don't understand why anybody would think the women could compete with the men. It's just silly. You all need to appreciate what each team brings. You don't like the women's game. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is just trashing anything and everything about it. If you know so much about the women's game you must be spending a lot of time watching it. Now if you don't like it why watch or why do you know so much about it? The women's game has evolved a lot over the years. It's all played basically the same with the exception of the physical attributes the men have over the women. The women's game will never match the men's game and it doesn't have to. Basketball isn't like racing cars, any type of shooting or something like that where both can compete head to head. The women's basketball team is having a terrific year and has a great female basketball player and why you don't have a few kind words to say is beyond me. Hammer away.

Men and women are different. OH...the blasphemy!!!
When I went to Iowa i had some friends on the women's bball team and we played pick up games in the off season. I'm not trying to be mean but we dominated them. The size strength and athleticism just wasn't fair.

The truly elite women's players could hang but they weren't out there dominating anyone.
I just don't understand why anybody would think the women could compete with the men. It's just silly. You all need to appreciate what each team brings. You don't like the women's game. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is just trashing anything and everything about it. If you know so much about the women's game you must be spending a lot of time watching it. Now if you don't like it why watch or why do you know so much about it? The women's game has evolved a lot over the years. It's all played basically the same with the exception of the physical attributes the men have over the women. The women's game will never match the men's game and it doesn't have to. Basketball isn't like racing cars, any type of shooting or something like that where both can compete head to head. The women's basketball team is having a terrific year and has a great female basketball player and why you don't have a few kind words to say is beyond me. Hammer away.
No one's saying we expect women to compete with men. We just think it's boring, and myself when I hear that my dislike for it is sexism, I think that's bullshit. It's great for Gustafson to have a good year, but I'm not going to lie to you and say that I find any of it the least bit exciting.

And I'd argue that isn't that different from "racing cars."

Women's sports is like watching 10 Priuses race on the same track as an F1 race. It has nothing to do with male/female. Nothing.

It's the same reason we don't flock to the local bowling alley to watch league night. There's no elite stuff going on.
Okay, based upon Rob actually reading the article and posting what it said, I guess it is possible that there are enough weekend warrior rec league BB players on this board that we could give the Lady Hawks a tussle. I call assistant coach!

I fully get that male athletes are bigger, faster and stronger. But, women's hoops has come a loooong ways from when I was a kid and Iowa high school was still doing 6-6 style. And, as someone pointed out, coaching, offensive sets, shooting accuracy, and team play matter a lot more in the women's game because of the different athletic prowess of the players. The commentator for the Maryland game said that Iowa's guard is 100% on the year from the FT line. Like 31 for 31. Crazy good.
Ima hafta say I told you so.;)
I will have to pass since at 6' 8" tall i exceed the recruiting limits. I must confess that due to advanced age I do meet the requirement to restrict my play to below the rim.