Wisconsin vibe

Iowa has one 3 of the last 4 in Madison. Going up there is not a problem for this team.
Stats like that would matter if any current players had anything to do with those wins... I take those trends with a grain of salt. If Iowa wins it'll be because we are better team not just because of a trend that don't matter. That's like saying KF is 10-2 during games where it's cloudy outside and he called heads to win the coin toss... It's an interesting yet irrelevant trend. BTW I made that 10-2 up you get my point.
On top of that Iowa is a better team. It can also be said that some teams are intimidated playing in Camp Randall, but not Iowa. So it negates the home field advantage.
It's a good series.

They have been better than us since 2009, but the programs have been similar in the KF era.

Great rivalry. Probably our best in terms of equality of programs and genuine emotion.
It will be a tough game for both teams. Any vadge thinking otherwise had too much cheese on the brain. A couple years of success has made the cheese diks a little too cocky.
Stats like that would matter if any current players had anything to do with those wins... I take those trends with a grain of salt. If Iowa wins it'll be because we are better team not just because of a trend that don't matter. That's like saying KF is 10-2 during games where it's cloudy outside and he called heads to win the coin toss... It's an interesting yet irrelevant trend. BTW I made that 10-2 up you get my point.

Couldn't agree more. Most of these "trends" are not even really trends so much as interesting trivia. Give me a meaningful trend backed by a sound theory as to why it accounts for wins/losses and then I'll be interested.
Couldn't agree more. Most of these "trends" are not even really trends so much as interesting trivia. Give me a meaningful trend backed by a sound theory as to why it accounts for wins/losses and then I'll be interested.
Exactly. The stats that include what a coaches record is when they are up after halftime or 3rd quarter or what it is when they win the turnover margin. Stats that are game related for sure I'm down with too. But your exactly right those trends earlier referenced are for sports jeopardy that's all they are good for.
This will be a tough game, no doubt about it. Likely to be another close one.

The Hawks CAN win this came...Wisconsin doesn't appear to be the juggernaut they have been in the past, but then again, how many times in the past have people written them off when they started the season slow?

Hopefully Iowa can shut down Wisconsin's running attack and not allow any big passing plays. Do that, and they have a better than even chance of coming home with a "W".
For the first time in a long time i'm not too concerned with their rushing attack. It's a decent one but there is no Gordan, no White, no Clement. What I am concerned with is stupid mistakes that make them better than they really are. Those "gimme" points and turnovers.
I know there is a thread about them looking past us but from what I have seen they think it will be a blowout. They also act like this game has never been close?

the only ones who think this will be a blow out are them damn young punks who got no sense of history. I'll bet they wear flat billed ball caps and pants that hang down too.

You know regarding Wisconsin I looked at their opponents they've beaten and they're all pretty bad maybe Hawaii is ok but none of them have winning records and have lost to other odd name low league teams. Just saying Iowa State could probably have the same record as Wisconsin if they had their schedule thus far!

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