I'm not condoning driving drunk. I'm condemning all types of distracted driving.
.10 is 13x more dangerous than a good sober driver.
<.099 is 7x more dangerous than a sober good driver.
Bad driving record sober drivers are 3x more dangerous than good sober drivers.
Texting, drowsy, angry, drivers conversing with their passengers or listening intently to a call or radio program are as equally dangerous as drinking drivers.
In other words -
If you are in a car and doing anything other than intently driving the car ONLY, you are as dangerous as anyone below .10 BAC that has been drinking.
Basically, driving while human is always dangerous.
DUI carries a larger social stigma and legal penalty because it is easier to prove and fewer people do it than people who talk in their cars.
There is 0 chance that everyone who drives in this forum have never driven tired, distracted, or been social while driving. The holier than thou attitude is not supported by statistics. The fact is that humans are not equipped to drive cars safely. Iowa fans driving their families home after a loss while listening to Soundoff doubly so. Let's stop throwing stones from glass houses.