Willies Status?


It has now been 4 weeks since Willies stated that he wishes to rejoin the team. At the time, our coach stated that he didn't have time to think about Willies because he was hard at work concentrating on the remaining two games of the season. Well, all the concentration in the world couldn't give us wins in those games and our passing game sputtered. Sure, we had plenty of short passes to KMM, who likely wouldn't be 3rd team WR on most Big 10 teams.

Now that four weeks have passed and we have a bowl game in 3 weeks. I wonder if the brain trust in Iowa City has taken the 10 minutes required to give it thought, spoke with Willies, and reinstate him back on the team by now? Only then can our most talented WR (who is just a freshmen) workout each day and gain valuable experience running with the first and second units. Even if Willies never plays a down in the bowl game, it doesnt take a genius to know that practicing with the team who he will be with for the next 3 years could be invaluable. Where is the downside of taking 10 mins to resolve the situation?
Willies left the team and his teammates in the middle of the season. I'm not sure he deserves to be allowed back on until after the season.

Also, I'm pretty sure Smith is our best wr.
It has now been 4 weeks since Willies stated that he wishes to rejoin the team. At the time, our coach stated that he didn't have time to think about Willies because he was hard at work concentrating on the remaining two games of the season. Well, all the concentration in the world couldn't give us wins in those games and our passing game sputtered. Sure, we had plenty of short passes to KMM, who likely wouldn't be 3rd team WR on most Big 10 teams.

Now that four weeks have passed and we have a bowl game in 3 weeks. I wonder if the brain trust in Iowa City has taken the 10 minutes required to give it thought, spoke with Willies, and reinstate him back on the team by now? Only then can our most talented WR (who is just a freshmen) workout each day and gain valuable experience running with the first and second units. Even if Willies never plays a down in the bowl game, it doesnt take a genius to know that practicing with the team who he will be with for the next 3 years could be invaluable. Where is the downside of taking 10 mins to resolve the situation?

speaking of 'braintrust'......instead of spewing your drivel, you should read what already has been said. but, that wouldn't serve your purpose, would it?
I have no problem with him not playing in the game but I do think he should practice with them.
We've all made mistakes. We've all done things we regret.

What do we/I remember about those times?

Forgiveness and a 2nd chance.

Of course they should let him back, but just once.
If I was coach, he gets to quit once and come back again, but if he quits again, he will never be invited back. This is his last chance. Hopefully Willies knows that it is time to suck it up, keep your mouth shut, practice hard and do what you are told, and hopefully the playing time will come.
Its already been said that he will come back and meet with KirFer after the new year when the season is over.

To my knowledge he is not practicing with the team during bowl prep. I would assume that right is reserved for CURRENT members of the team.

Lest we not forget a Willies left the team in the middle of the season. And did so very publicly.
We will maybe see what behavioral modification occurs with Willies. Negative consequences for negative actions. He may have got some short term positive reinforcement after he left the team that turned into negative reinforcement as he was shut off from his teammates and not actively practicing and playing. He probably got plenty of negative reinforcement by not getting back on the team this year, etc.

I hope the coaching staff gives all the players positive reinforcement all the time when it is earned. Willies needs to earn that positive reinforcement and playing time rather have more negative actions.
It's Kirk being a Richard. Plain and simple. He has to be right in each and every circumstance so while he may be on the team next year it will clearly be behind Mccaron and Vany at this point so he can prove a point. Richard move.
It's Kirk being a Richard. Plain and simple. He has to be right in each and every circumstance so while he may be on the team next year it will clearly be behind Mccaron and Vany at this point so he can prove a point. Richard move.

I've been plenty down on Kurt the past several years for many things but on this one I'm fully behind him. In college sports, as with many things in life, you're either in or you're out. Derrick made a decision at the middle of the season that he was out, and did so rather publicly.

To have allowed him back on the team a week or two later would have been a distraction for the rest of the season. I have no problem with Kurt putting off a meeting and decision until after the bowl game. Give Derrick time to decide whether he truly wants back in, and if he does he can find out what, if any, expectations the coaching staff has of him. He can then decide whether he's prepared to make that commitment. Good lesson in life for the young man, and a chance for the coach to signal to the rest of the herd how this program operates.
If Willies was the 3rd string punter I don't think he'd have been let back on the team before next yr after doing that would he? So I don't see Kirk doing anything different. He wouldn't have played in the bowl so why give reps to him and take them away from those who will be? I understand those that think he's the best thing we have going into next year on offense but these next 3 wks or so won't make that big of a difference. I hope he can hit the ground running this spring and have his head on strait.
If Willies was the 3rd string punter I don't think he'd have been let back on the team before next yr after doing that would he? So I don't see Kirk doing anything different. He wouldn't have played in the bowl so why give reps to him and take them away from those who will be? I understand those that think he's the best thing we have going into next year on offense but these next 3 wks or so won't make that big of a difference. I hope he can hit the ground running this spring and have his head on strait.

Also if he was the 3rd string punter we could still free up a scholarship
Let him come back or cut him loose so he can find a school for the spring.
It is a dick move to leave him dangling until after the Gator Bowl.

Considering the star-level talent that we are not able to recruit KFz would be a fool to let DW get away.
Let him come back or cut him loose so he can find a school for the spring.
It is a dick move to leave him dangling until after the Gator Bowl.

Considering the star-level talent that we are not able to recruit KFz would be a fool to let DW get away.

he cut himself loose. wonder if he found his 'grand plan' a little harder than he initially thought....

quit putting this on Ferentz.
he cut himself loose. wonder if he found his 'grand plan' a little harder than he initially thought....

quit putting this on Ferentz.

Didn't he cut himself loose because of a father who is dying? If true, I would think that is worthy of consideration when handling this.

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