Willies Gone?

Losing to Iowa State the majority of years is also not his fault
I place the blame squarely on KF for the pitiful record against ISU. It's one reason why I am leaning toward the camp that wants KF out. But in this case, I don't think there's enough evidence YET that KF is to blame for this kid leaving or enough evidence that some mass mutiny is about to occur.

I completely understand why fans are frustrated. I just think it seems a little over the top that every piece of bad news is used to further indict KF.
I don't know how much I buy into playing time being a major reason.
First, it's mid season - he will have no playing time for half a season of eligibility. Second, he is a Freshman at a WR spot that is opening up a bit over the next year with Martin Manley and Powell both graduating.
I don't know how much I buy into playing time being a major reason.
First, it's mid season - he will have no playing time for half a season of eligibility. Second, he is a Freshman at a WR spot that is opening up a bit over the next year with Martin Manley and Powell both graduating.

Maybe he doesn't want to spend next year running 20 yard wind sprints every play while Checkdown Charlie hits RB's and TE's for two yard gains.
And this is precisely what's wrong around this forum... what we have
is a bunch of barely legal adults whose moral compass says it's perfectly
OK... even laudible... to walk out on your team mid-season.

There's really no answer for that... it's indicative of what society has become.

Calling the kid out for leaving is one thing but then to make no mention of the fact that he and many other players were flat-out misled and lied to by an overpaid, 60 year-old, has-been is perfectly acceptable. Gotcha!
A player is leaving because he feels he's not getting enough playing time? Totally KF's fault. Good coaches never have players leave for this reason.

Maybe good coaches don't. We're not talking about good coaches. He's not good. If you think he is known for playing the best 11 either you are the dumbest person in the history of the world or you have never actually watched a Ferentz coached game.
Agreed, much more to come...wonder if our sources are the same.

Calling the kid out for leaving is one thing but then to make no mention of the fact that he and many other players were flat-out misled and lied to by an overpaid, 60 year-old, has-been is perfectly acceptable. Gotcha!

As I asked in another post, seems like you are in the know. What were the promises made to players? I'm just curious, as maybe it will change my opinion of the situation.
As I asked in another post, seems like you are in the know. What were the promises made to players? I'm just curious, as maybe it will change my opinion of the situation.

To several players there were promises made in terms of how they would be used in the system and how they would get a fair shake at a spot on the depth chart. For others there were implicit (everything said but a guarantee) that they would see significant time on the field. Those things have not happened for some of the players as they were led to believe by KF and the coaches. Hence, we are seeing the outcome. Like I said about three weeks/a month ago on this board (as did Hawkdrummer?) that there would be multiple skill players on their way out -- this won't be the last I'm afraid.
To several players there were promises made in terms of how they would be used in the system and how they would get a fair shake at a spot on the depth chart. For others there were implicit (everything said but a guarantee) that they would see significant time on the field.

You've now said 3 times Ferentz "flat out lied". Again - what was the lie? Back it up or GTFO.

If you're trying to say the "lie" was that a particular player was promised playing time, every current and former player is laughing at you right now, because Ferentz doesn't do that with a redshirt freshman. I believe he may have come close with Beathard.

If you're trying to say Willies wasn't given a "fair shake", what's your case? The guys ahead of Derrick didn't earn their time? A redshirt freshman's struggles with sets and routes should be ignored because he's a physical specimen?

I think people's unhappiness with Ferentz' offense (which I completely share) is turning some into irrational 5-year-olds.
I would love to hear how the players feel on this. Especially the other receivers, QB's, position coaches, D-backs, even the managers and see what they think of Willies as a person, players, teammate and the fact that he chose to leave mid year.
You've now said 3 times Ferentz "flat out lied". Again - what was the lie? Back it up or GTFO.

If you're trying to say the "lie" was that a particular player was promised playing time, every current and former player is laughing at you right now, because Ferentz doesn't do that with a redshirt freshman. I believe he may have come close with Beathard.

If you're trying to say Willies wasn't given a "fair shake", what's your case? The guys ahead of Derrick didn't earn their time? A redshirt freshman's struggles with sets and routes should be ignored because he's a physical specimen?

I think people's unhappiness with Ferentz' offense (which I completely share) is turning some into irrational 5-year-olds.

Re-read my post man--nobody said a promise of playing time. Us former players have never been promised playing time...however, how we would be used within the scheme, the opportunities we would have, and the fair competition for playing time is conveyed by the coaches. When those things do not happen, a reasonable person might feel they are being misled or lied to. Oh, and you're right...nobody has ever struggled with sets/routes/reads this year on the Hawks offense. JR has been spot on all year long...no mistakes there... Sorry if you think us 'realists' are irrational 5-year olds. By the looks of your logic and reasoning, I might challenge you on who the real 5 year old is. Thanks for playing though.
You've now said 3 times Ferentz "flat out lied". Again - what was the lie? Back it up or GTFO.

If you're trying to say the "lie" was that a particular player was promised playing time, every current and former player is laughing at you right now, because Ferentz doesn't do that with a redshirt freshman. I believe he may have come close with Beathard.

If you're trying to say Willies wasn't given a "fair shake", what's your case? The guys ahead of Derrick didn't earn their time? A redshirt freshman's struggles with sets and routes should be ignored because he's a physical specimen?

I think people's unhappiness with Ferentz' offense (which I completely share) is turning some into irrational 5-year-olds.

ferentz personally told CJB that he would compete for the QB position and if he was better he would win the spot.

im not sure what his definition of "better" is though.
Re-read my post man--nobody said a promise of playing time. Us former players have never been promised playing time...however, how we would be used within the scheme, the opportunities we would have, and the fair competition for playing time is conveyed by the coaches. When those things do not happen, a reasonable person might feel they are being misled or lied to.

I re-read your posts, man:

"Leaving the team midseason and getting blatantly misled/passed over when you've been working your behind off are linked."
"a coach that has misled/lied/greatly exaggerated/whatever to you and has refused to give you ample opportunity to prove your talents"
"To several players there were promises made in terms of how they would be used in the system and how they would get a fair shake at a spot on the depth chart."
"the fact that he and many other players were flat-out misled and lied to by an overpaid, 60 year-old"

Translation: he felt he was promised playing time. Sure, any competitor would be annoyed at getting just 4 catches so far. But you haven't explained how he EARNED a spot ahead of KMM, Tevaun Smith, Hillyer or Powell. And there's a difference between an inept offense (which we have) and "flat out misled and lied to". You think Powell's happy with his 12 or Hillyer with his 9?

As the saying goes, never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
ferentz personally told CJB that he would compete for the QB position and if he was better he would win the spot.

im not sure what his definition of "better" is though.

There in lies the rub. KFz's definition of "better" has always been (and it's fair to assume at this point, will continue to be) the guy who makes the fewest mistakes in practice...not the guy with the biggest play making potential.

Risk management drives his decision making (or rather his perception of it)
Re-read my post man--nobody said a promise of playing time. Us former players have never been promised playing time...however, how we would be used within the scheme, the opportunities we would have, and the fair competition for playing time is conveyed by the coaches. When those things do not happen, a reasonable person might feel they are being misled or lied to. Oh, and you're right...nobody has ever struggled with sets/routes/reads this year on the Hawks offense. JR has been spot on all year long...no mistakes there... Sorry if you think us 'realists' are irrational 5-year olds. By the looks of your logic and reasoning, I might challenge you on who the real 5 year old is. Thanks for playing though.

Now I'm not sure if you are saying that you are a former player for the Iowa Hawkeye, or if you are saying you played football at some level. Either way, I'm going to say thank you for shedding light on what you know. I do think everything you and 23 have said is what every coach is gonna tell every player from the pee wees to the pro's. So I personally don't feel that is reason to leave the team....but to each their own. If you and Willies and others feel that is egregious enough, fine that is your opinion. It doesn't mean one side is a 5 year old, etc.

I will say just walk a mile in a coaches shoes before you lay down such vitriol. Imagine that you have a "physical monster" on your team (yes KF knows talent, and knows NFL talent). Imagine that you have players in front of him that work harder than he does, put in extra time, knows the offense, knows the reads, and display a better attitude day in and day out than that "physical monster". What do you do? Do you play the more talented play who is actually not getting as much out of himself as he can? Do you reward him, when you know that he can be even better if he just puts in more work? Does this send a good message to your team as a whole that those not working as hard and really haven't passed up the players in front of them in practice are rewarded? I think it is obvious that tie goes to the harder work under KF, simple as that. Once it is no longer a tie, the better player sees the field.

I'm throwing that out there because I don't think KF does these things to punish anyone. He does this to motivate, and force his players to practice and prepare harder, which in turn makes a player better. He knows what it takes to make it in the NFL. He has seen physically gifted players (NFL physically gifted) come and go and never make it in the NFL, sniff the NFL, and basically waste the talents they have. To make it in the NFL you have to do much, much more than just be physically gifted. To get the most out of your own God given talents you have to be pushed further than you think you can/should be to tap the true potential that you have.

I feel bad for Willies, I have never walked a mile in his shoes, and his life experience is different than mine. Maybe I should have always been saying if I would have walked away mid season I know that I was just quitting. For Willies it is obviously different and he feels pushed pass the point of no return. I wish nothing but good luck for him wherever he goes.
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There in lies the rub. KFz's definition of "better" has always been (and it's fair to assume at this point, will continue to be) the guy who makes the fewest mistakes in practice...not the guy with the biggest play making potential.

Risk management drives his decision making (or rather his perception of it)

I don't believe this at all. I think the "better" player is the player who works hard in the weight room, film room, and the practice field, and displays a good and learning attitude. If it is a tie between 2 players I think he obviously goes with the player who works harder on those things.

I think some posters miss the point that this is to motivate those not playing to work harder in practice. I'm not sure how anyone could actually think this is a bad thing. Can anyone honestly say that working harder at something is a bad thing, or makes a player worse? CJF came out and said as much about his own time. He had a bad attitude, he wasn't working hard at practice. Once he changed that he got playing time, became a better player, and went from not ever blocking in HS to being one of the best blocking TE in the nation.

I have said I think it is time for KF to go. I hope that the next coach makes every player earn playing time in the same fashion. This is why Iowa always gets the most our of its players, and why so many 2* and 3* kids get to the NFL
Leaving to be with sick family member doesn't raise a flag with me. Of course I believe in taking people at their word and i understand that the tinfoil crowd will always believe they know more.

Players leave all the time, correct. Players do not leave mid season unless their are other circumstances. You can believe a kid is giving up a year of football because he is mad, or you can believe he is leaving to be with family.

If he is leaving out of spite than he is forfeiting more than he understands. You don't get years of eligibility back because you are feeling slighted.

Actually seen a spate of players leaving teams this week, including a senior RB at O$U. This must be the time of year for those that do the "during-the-season" thing...
To several players there were promises made in terms of how they would be used in the system and how they would get a fair shake at a spot on the depth chart. For others there were implicit (everything said but a guarantee) that they would see significant time on the field. Those things have not happened for some of the players as they were led to believe by KF and the coaches. Hence, we are seeing the outcome. Like I said about three weeks/a month ago on this board (as did Hawkdrummer?) that there would be multiple skill players on their way out -- this won't be the last I'm afraid.

Sorry, but I flat-out do not believe this. Even $EC coaches don't do that. Coaches simply don't "promise" playing time or a starting position.

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