
He's on the team and sounds like the university as well as he himself squashed that rumor. He's staying at Iowa unless something changes that we don't know about. In fact, it's pretty past the time you'd expect to hear about a transfer IMO. I think that means they all buy in to what Fran is putting down.
Wiliams is staying at Iowa.

As I wrote in another thread last week, he was considering if a transfer would be best for him but a lot of guys think about those things during their careers. Bobby Hansen once told me that he considered leaving Iowa after his freshman season.
Sounds like what holds CW back the most is that he doesn't believe in himself. I hope he gains confidence in himself, along with working on his handle and shot a bit. Those things go hand in hand I guess. Good luck, Christian, and get after it next year!
Knowing CW, I don't think it's a confidence thing. He believes in his ability.

Sometimes guys just wonder if they fit in at a place. They can get inpatient, too, and end up bailing for that reason. There were like 700 transfers last year.
Well while we are here let's talk Williams.

He had his ups and downs this year in his adjustment to playing PG.

At times I was impressed with his ability to get places with the dribble and at times it looked like he didn't know how to dribble a basketball.

There was a play we ran quite often where the PG faked as if he was going to use a high ball screen but spun back away from the screen and threw a bounce pass to a player in the post. It appeared to me that Fran liked using that play with Williams on the court. His length made the pass easier for him to make down into the post.

Next year he has to shoot that mid range shot with confidence. He may never be a threat from 3, but if he's open in the midrange I think he needs to shoot it. He needs to continue to tighten up his handle. I would like to see him post up smaller point guards some too.

This kid still has tons of potential. I would not be surprised at all if he made a big leap next year.
There was a time in the middle of the season where I didn't think he should even be in the game due to him being in a slump. But the last 6 or 7 games, he really stepped it up. I thought he was playing a lot smoother, and really digging his heels in on the defensive end. If he can just get a couple go to moves to driving to the lane, he could really get productive. When you have a 6'6 guard driving the lane, you have to help and it opens up some passing lanes. Personally I am glad that he decided to stay and I think he can be a great asset for us. Especially if Bohannon were to get injured.
CW is long and lanky. I like him in the full court press and the half court zone because he can be disruptive with his long arms. He also seems to play decent defense. If he played 25+ minutes a game there's no doubt he would lead the team in steals.

However, he can't seem to shoot the ball...at all. Last season he shot 15% from 3, 35% from the field, 52% from the free throw line. That is....terrible for a guard. You simply can't play with those numbers. 1 turnover per 1.6 assist is not good either.
Well while we are here let's talk Williams.

He had his ups and downs this year in his adjustment to playing PG.

At times I was impressed with his ability to get places with the dribble and at times it looked like he didn't know how to dribble a basketball.

There was a play we ran quite often where the PG faked as if he was going to use a high ball screen but spun back away from the screen and threw a bounce pass to a player in the post. It appeared to me that Fran liked using that play with Williams on the court. His length made the pass easier for him to make down into the post.

Next year he has to shoot that mid range shot with confidence. He may never be a threat from 3, but if he's open in the midrange I think he needs to shoot it. He needs to continue to tighten up his handle. I would like to see him post up smaller point guards some too.

This kid still has tons of potential. I would not be surprised at all if he made a big leap next year.

Sounds like you are describing a Shaun Livingston-like backup PG. If he could provide Iowa's team what Livingston gives GSW, that would be awesome.
Sounds like you are describing a Shaun Livingston-like backup PG. If he could provide Iowa's team what Livingston gives GSW, that would be awesome.
I've thought the same thing. He needs to watch every minute of Livingston tape that he can. They have a similar build, style, and could someday have a similar skill set. Heck, they even look the same.

On College Sports Nation, satellite radio, today, a guy from ESPN was interviewed. He is a wonk for college basketball. He and his buddies are predicting tranfers to surpass 800 this year. This is, in his view, the new and enduring reality in big time college basketball. Wow, just wow.
On College Sports Nation, satellite radio, today, a guy from ESPN was interviewed. He is a wonk for college basketball. He and his buddies are predicting tranfers to surpass 800 this year. This is, in his view, the new and enduring reality in big time college basketball. Wow, just wow.

I don't blame kids for wanting to play. It would suck to dedicate so much of your youth towards a sport and then not get to actually play. What bothers me is that kids are looking for an easy way out. They'd rather transfer than work hard and beat out their current competition. That's why I will always respect Anthony Clemmons. He knew he would never beat out Gesell but he knew if he kept working Fran couldn't keep him off the court.
I am glad CW is staying, he stabilizes the pg position. The JoBo/CW combo works and with improvement it will only get better.
Ball handling and post moves, that's what CW needs to work on. If other teams want to beat us with smaller quicker guard play, which has been the recipe for taking us to the cleaners. We need to isolate our 6'7" point guard in the post...over and over again. Seriously, if he can handle the ball better and make good decisions, he doesn't have to shoot 40% from three. He can create mismatches down low...he just needs that in his game. Nothing will change a teams approach better than a guard abusing a smaller player in the paint. I hope Fran is reading this because I'm only going to tell him once.
Ball handling and post moves, that's what CW needs to work on. If other teams want to beat us with smaller quicker guard play, which has been the recipe for taking us to the cleaners. We need to isolate our 6'7" point guard in the post...over and over again. Seriously, if he can handle the ball better and make good decisions, he doesn't have to shoot 40% from three. He can create mismatches down low...he just needs that in his game. Nothing will change a teams approach better than a guard abusing a smaller player in the paint. I hope Fran is reading this because I'm only going to tell him once.
Fran liked posting Jok up every now and then I don't see why not Williams. I do hope that they get away from that cross the lane posting up they tried doing a lot. It's just a bad angle and why you'd set up the play that way is beyond me. They made it work a few times but they also turned it over trying it too.
Knowing CW, I don't think it's a confidence thing. He believes in his ability.

Sometimes guys just wonder if they fit in at a place. They can get inpatient, too, and end up bailing for that reason. There were like 700 transfers last year.


He does remind me some of Marble with more versatility but not effectiveness at least not yet. You would know better than me, but I never thought Fran liked Marble as a player.
On College Sports Nation, satellite radio, today, a guy from ESPN was interviewed. He is a wonk for college basketball. He and his buddies are predicting tranfers to surpass 800 this year. This is, in his view, the new and enduring reality in big time college basketball. Wow, just wow.

This a crazy stat and to think Iowa is very rarely part of it too. Rarely have anybody leave and certainly don't take any transfers. Also Fran does not believe in "Prohming or Creaning" anyone either. Iowa is about the only Big Ten/Big 12 team who has had less than 5 transfers in or out the past 4 years. Considering the epidemic across CBB and how dependent teams are on transfers, for Iowa to be one of the few that can win with traditional recruiting is quite remarkable.
Knowing CW, I don't think it's a confidence thing. He believes in his ability.

Sometimes guys just wonder if they fit in at a place. They can get inpatient, too, and end up bailing for that reason. There were like 700 transfers last year.

His lack of believing in himself was mentioned on the Jimmy B and TC show in which Wolfgang I think was a guest. They mentioned his high school coach said he had a lack of self-belief that was evident until well into his senior season. They then speculated that this was going on now, or perhaps they had sources that told them that.

But you would know more than I about CW's confidence level so good to hear.