The defense in the NBA is exceptional. After the influence of Riley's Knicks it was too good (or at least too physical) for a while. Rule changes were adopted, the Phoenix Suns proved that you can create a lot of buzz by scoring tons of points, and now there is a pretty good balance between offense and defense. If you want proof of the great D, look at how great college scorers (JJ Redick, soon Kemba Walker) struggle so mightily to get the ball in the basket in the NBA.
I was with ya right up till that the defense is exceptional part. Honestly I don't know how anyone can objectively call the defense in the NBA good, let alone exceptional. Players in the NBA play defense (great, decent, or good) when they feel like it, and they only seem to feel like it about 5 defensive series a game if that. You sit through a game and guys aren't playing defense, its all one on one, i'll pretend to stand in your way, you pretend to stand in mine. Exceptional? That's just a foolish statement brutha. I'll let ya get away with they play decent defense in the NBA, but exceptional?
Honestly I will not miss a second of the NBA, I hope its gone for good. The NBA makes me think the Nascar fans actually have something when they call that a sport. The NBA is the only "sport" that's faker and more scripted than pro-wrestling. The whole thing is a farce. WWE called and said they should stop making up so many storylines because they're getting ridiculous.