Will we ever get to the Rose Bowl under the current staff?

Get off it....if u don't like question then move on. Everyone else seems at peace with giving an answer to it.

For the record, sorry to say I don't think this staff has what it takes.

Okay, Cory. So, you discount the fact that this coach went undefeated in B10 play so that the premise of your question remains in tact? What did they do in 2002 but go undefeated and finish first in the B10 and then they didn't go to the Rose Bowl because the way the BCS is set up a team that wasn't a B10 team went to the Rose Bowl when Iowa could have, in theory, gone.The question seems to have been asked by you because you don't think the staff is capable of doing what is needed to go to the Rose Bowl, which really is basically synonymous to winning the B10 championship. Going undefeated in conference is the best that a team can do in conference play and this coach did that and still didn't go to the Rose Bowl. That wasn't his fault. He could have gone undefeated that year and he still wouldn't have been in the national championship game but also still wouldn't have been in the Rose Bowl.That is why I think the premise is flawed. Then you explain your question away by discounting the fact that this coach had the greatest conference season in the history of the program? You seem to infer that this staff is not capable of doing what is needed to go be go to the Rose Bowl when they have already had a season of that nature at least once.So you seem to be inferring the staff isn't capable of doing something they have already done. Am I missing something here?

We had our chance the last few years with a Penn St program stagnating under Paterno, Michigan at an all time low and Ohio St with the ultra conservative Tressel at the helm and without Nebraska in the conference.

I chance at becoming an elite B10 team is gone and at this point I think we're on our way to becoming a Purdue, Illinois level team than a team that challenges for B10 titles.

Excellent post. To play in the Rose Bowl you have to be better than 78th or worse offensively. I honestly don't want to see a KF coached team play Oregon or USC.
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2002 was 10 years ago. College football has changed. Offenses are more dynamic. Iowa runs about 4 plays. Watching games today has made me depressed to be an Iowa fan.
Id go ahead and post the pics. The last guy that posted pics of his hot wife is pretty much the most well respected and now envied guy on this forum.

you mean the "i can has count" award winner bozo? yeah, he's a hero to most
Jeez some of you people need to relax, I think we will definitely get to the Rose bowl with this staff, and I believe Rudock will take us there. We have a lot of talent in the past two recruiting classes, and they'll have good experience within the next 2-3 yrs.

Just be patient, and stop being so negative, this was a rebuilding year, everything will work out for Iowa again very soon.
I would love to in my gen...but if we played Oregon we would lose 105-10. KF would try to keep it close w clock control running. We would own the TOP by 45-15, but lose by a lot of Pts.'
Interesting. If this were an online poll, the result would be more lop-sided than Reagan's win over Mondale. (My vote would also be a resounding "No." Hawkeye fans will never have to worry about making a hotel reservation for Pasadena ever again ... unless they are going as a tourist.)

So what does that say about the state of the program? Many of us are prepared to defend Kurt Ference at almost every turn. And yet we also realize that means we likely will never be conference champions and play in the "granddaddy" of all bowl games?


Iowa mediocrity.

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Id go ahead and post the pics. The last guy that posted pics of his hot wife is pretty much the most well respected and now envied guy on this forum.

I'd post a pic of my girl and her fake boobies, but noone would probably think shes really my girl. Plus I don't want some peeps getting their keyboards all sticky or playing sticky tummies courtesy of her picture.
2003 orange bowl = rose bowl

Again, we lost a game to ISU that year we had no business losing which cost us the Rose Bowl before the bowl selection process did. The Rose Bowl still was contractually entitled to the Big Ten champ if they weren't in the NCG. Problem was, OSU had the head-to-head wins tiebreaker over us, so instead of having the 'hadn't-been-there-as-recently-tiebreaker' (which was still in use) over OSU and being the Big Ten champs in the selection process, we were the Big Ten #2 and an at-large team the Orange Bowl could snatch up.

Not saying this diminishes the staff's accomplishments that season, but for those saying this was equivalent to a Rose Bowl trip, both the 2002 and 2009 teams play in the Citrus/Cap One Bowl in the pre-BCS days.
If you have to win an argument by talking about your wife's big chest...

...you might not be a nerd but you are most certainly disrespectful towards either women in general or your wife or both.

It is pretty much silly to tout your ability to find hot women on an Internet message board where you are anonymous to everyone and can pretty much make up whatever you want for a story and no one will know any better.

I think that is by definition, the act of a loser regardless of whether you are a nerd or not.
By the way, Cory, I am unsure of something.

I miss that game and all that surrounds it. A whole generation is not going to have any idea of how great it is to go to the Rose Bowl.

We have had more than our share of chances but have always lost to a team we should have beaten and were favored against. Are we running out of time?

Perhaps you can tell me again what game we lost in 2002 to keep us from going to the Rose Bowl? I would be interested in your answer, because there wasn't one since Iowa was undefeated in conference play and losing to ISU didn't keep us from going to the Rose Bowl.

You seem to think this staff doesn't have what it takes to get to the Rose Bowl when we both know an undefeated conference season is the best a staff can do and we have done that. By the way, Wisconsin went to the Rose Bowl with one more loss in the B10 than we had in 2002 so don't act like they are the measuring stick. They have as many losses in conference as we did in 2009 and two more than we had in 2002.
Wrong, Cover3.

Someone mentioned losses we shouldn't have as a barrier to Pasadena. For those harping on the 2002 BCS selection, a loss we shouldn't have had was a BIG barrier that year. Beat ISU and you actually split all tiebreakers with OSU and aren't an at-large team.

We would always have been the at large team since OSU was voted #1 in the BCS and was an automatic bid to the national championship game. How would we NOT have been an at-large qualifier since there cannot be two automatic qualifiers from the same conference and OSU and Miami would have been ranked higher in the BCS than Iowa no matter what that season. They were ranked higher at the start of the season and we would never have passed either in the BCS that season.

So, again, I ask how would we have been an automatic qualifier that season? We wouldn't have, but if you can explain how you think we would have I will entertain your comments, Covewr3.
Again, we lost a game to ISU that year we had no business losing which cost us the Rose Bowl before the bowl selection process did. The Rose Bowl still was contractually entitled to the Big Ten champ if they weren't in the NCG. Problem was, OSU had the head-to-head wins tiebreaker over us, so instead of having the 'hadn't-been-there-as-recently-tiebreaker' (which was still in use) over OSU and being the Big Ten champs in the selection process, we were the Big Ten #2 and an at-large team the Orange Bowl could snatch up.

Not saying this diminishes the staff's accomplishments that season, but for those saying this was equivalent to a Rose Bowl trip, both the 2002 and 2009 teams play in the Citrus/Cap One Bowl in the pre-BCS days.

Cover3, I am not trying to be dense, but at least now maybe I am getting somewhere. What specifically is the head-to-head wins tie breaker to which you refer? We didn't play OSU that year so it isn't that. What tie-breaker method meant that a non-conference loss to ISU kept us from being a B10 automatic qualifier and out of the Rose Bowl? How would OSU ever NOT have been the automatic qualifier from the B10?
Sure hope so! I think that we can but we have to have the right pieces fall into place. We don't take big chances and we never will with this staff so we have to have some things roll our way. No stumbling to teams that we should beat, beat the teams we shouldn't...then win the B1G Championship (another new hurdle). It is possible but getting tougher. OSU will be a VERY good team under Urban. I think Michigan has finally found their coach. Nebraska is always going to be tough. Wisconsin looks to be the real deal to complete for the B1G year after year.
Jeez some of you people need to relax, I think we will definitely get to the Rose bowl with this staff, and I believe Rudock will take us there. We have a lot of talent in the past two recruiting classes, and they'll have good experience within the next 2-3 yrs.

Just be patient, and stop being so negative, this was a rebuilding year, everything will work out for Iowa again very soon.

I missed the sarcastic smilie in yours so I can only assume you are serious. So a serious question: specifically where do you see the iron curtain coming from on Iowa's defensive squads in the next three or four years to shut opponents down and win a conference championship? Where do you see the offensive firepower coming from? Again, specifics please.

Because when I look at the current talent level on both sides of the ball, Kurt Ference's 1960s-era game strategies and the past year's upgrade in coaching talent at traditional powerhouse B1G programs, I'm not seeing finishes much above middle of the pack for Iowa going forward. For some Hawkeye fans that is good enough, apparently.
Re: By the way, Cory, I am unsure of something.

Perhaps you can tell me again what game we lost in 2002 to keep us from going to the Rose Bowl? I would be interested in your answer, because there wasn't one since Iowa was undefeated in conference play and losing to ISU didn't keep us from going to the Rose Bowl.

For the thousandth time, proles, even applying pre-BCS rules we would not have gone to the Rose Bowl in 2003. First tiebreaker was head to head (N/A), second tiebreaker was overall record, oops, we lost to the Clowns. So even under the old rules, we wouldn't have gone.

Now that Ferentz has to have a better record than Michigan, MSU and Nebraska and then beat the best from the other side of the conference in a one game matchup, I don't see any way we make it to the Rose Bowl in the next 25 years unless some sort of miracle occurs. We only got a leg up on Michigan because Carr was the only coach who was more conservative than Kurt and then their program got ruined by RichRod. OSU is gonna be backer than our basketball team when Urban takes over. At least PSU is prolly toast, though, but that helps Nebraska bince I think PSU is Nebraska's protected rival.

I do believe Wisconsin has been to something like 5 Rose Bowls bince we went to our last Rose Bowl, so second tier teams can make it, but Wisconsin has been out-Iowaing Iowa of late, with consistently dominant o-lines and a robust running attack that can cover up deficiencies in terms of talent and speed on defense other than against the very best of offenses.

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