Mel's quote made the article for me as well. Kind of ironic for me. My roommates and I have called him "Mamba" all year (referring to Kobe Bryant's nickname).
He's been my favorite player to cover this year (Basabe). He just walks in the room and goes off calling Marble Kobe. Also, funny little interaction from after the Howard game.
Marble is the only player in the room, so naturally we're all huddled around him. Mel walks in, sees everybody around Marble and playfully says to the SID "Aw you don't need ME in here!" and tries to leave. Comes back inside and drapes his arms around like 4 reporters and just listens in on Devyn's interview.
Eventually someone turns around and asks Mel if he has a question for Devyn. Long pause.
"How many waffles did you eat this morning? Cause I made waffles, and HE stole MY waffles."
Then when they're both doing interviews (I'm still talking to Devyn), somebody asks about Marble's eating habits in their house. What's Devyn eat? Apparently, Basabe does all the cooking.
"He can't fix eggs or bacon...Fruit snacks, yogurt. Anything in the house that's already made, is his."
"Does he have to go to the grocery store and restock?"
"Man, he don't buy no groceries!"
Devyn had already been keeping one ear open to that conversation for a minute or two at that point, and then stopped in mid-answer to one of my questions to retort.
"I'm on my way to the store RIGHT NOW!"
That was the night I knew just how much I was going to love covering this team. So much more playful and laid-back than the football team.