Why Paterno's behavior was more disturbing than McQueary's

And as I've said, it looks more like the DA is simply trying to protect the legend, just as everybody else has.

Curley and Schultz are not just being charged with perjury, but also failure to report. And failing to report is what Paterno and McQueary are also guilty of.

Paterno's culpability in this is right up there with Curley and Schultz, and there's no reason why Paterno should escape the charges that have been leveled at the other two.

"Shocking"? How insulting, Joe Pa, when you KNEW about this long ago.

Joe Pa appears to be every bit as morally culpable in this as the others. But legally, he's done nothing wrong. The DA can't charge you with a crime if you didn't break the law.
As far as I'm concerned, Penn St. can leave the conference and join some other conference or be left the crumbs of whats left after all other conferences are done with their expansions. Pervert U has no place in our conference.

You're willing to condemn an excellent institution of higher learning because of the actions of one person and the inactions of a few people who will pay for their part in the coverup of a disgusting and reprehensible sicko?

Overact much?
You're willing to condemn an excellent institution of higher learning because of the actions of one person and the inactions of a few people who will pay for their part in the coverup of a disgusting and reprehensible sicko?

Overact much?

Not that I agree with that sentiment, but isn't that how things work in today's society?
You're willing to condemn an excellent institution of higher learning because of the actions of one person and the inactions of a few people who will pay for their part in the coverup of a disgusting and reprehensible sicko?

Overact much?

The cover up by the Vice-Pres., AD, possibly JoePa, and others. Just the kind of institution I want as a member of the Big 10.
You're willing to condemn an excellent institution of higher learning because of the actions of one person and the inactions of a few people who will pay for their part in the coverup of a disgusting and reprehensible sicko? Overact much?
The cover up by the Vice-Pres., AD, possibly JoePa, and others. Just the kind of institution I want as a member of the Big 10.
And all the other sports that had nothing to do with this should be punished as well? You are over reacting.
And all the other sports that had nothing to do with this should be punished as well? You are over reacting.

Not too mention the various colleges within the university populated by many that didn't have any interest in the athletic dept before this week.
Yes, but aren't these select few the backbone, the prestige of the University. If there is smoke there is fire and there will be more to come from this.

I agree. What I don't agree with is people over-generalizing and calling for Penn State to be cast out of the conference, etc.
Mcqueary's career will soon be over. Day -1 of witnessing the incident he may have thought he was doing the right thing. However, as the weeks and months past questions should have been answered. He knows what he saw and should have demanded action. The minute he saw no action being taken and certainly when he saw the guy back on campus, he should have first beat the guy and second gone to the police.
I still don't think some of you are grasping the power structure in place. If a prosecutor decided (or was persuaded) not to bring charges against Sandusky years earlier, why would McQueary think that the cops would listen to him?

Trust me I have a full grasp of the power structure but that doesn't mean as a man you abstain from doing the right thing.

For god sake he saw this man doing something unspeakable to a child and yet this is the place he chooses to coach. In a facility that this man he witness still roamed up til a few days ago.

He has a large burden in this case.
I can't argue with you, TH. He does. What a messed up situation. Think about that. McQueary witnesses a rape in the locker room and his first instinct is to inform the 74 year old football coach, because you can't go outside the chain of command.
Just think, 6 months ago, Jim Tressel was ran out of town, and practically burned in effigy for not notifying the NCAA about memorabilia sales and other stuff. He'll be lucky to ever coach a college football team again. I'm not excusing Tressel, but in comparison to what's happening at PSU right now, it's really, really minor. Selling memorabilia is one thing. This is the serial, systematic abuse of several children. Selling memorabilia can be explained by human greed, stupidity, etc. This, on the other hand, is pure evil.
I don't see any way that Paterno survives this. If he had ANY knowledge of this thing, he should be gone. Frankly, I don't see how a bunch of people here don't stay out of prison. If I were a PSU booster or administrator, I'd be cleaning house. Immediately.
Yes, but aren't these select few the backbone, the prestige of the University. If there is smoke there is fire and there will be more to come from this.

The backbone is the faculty and students. Administration is overhead.
There is nothing that can justify McQueary's actions or lack there of. He had witnessed a 10 year old boy being sodomized! I don't care if you thought Paterno was god or had a million dollar job on the line, the minute Sandusky was allowed back on campus you leave and report the proper authorities.

How do you leave the poor boy in that situation in the first place? He did not even attempt to stop it from happening, he got scared and ran off! These are days of cellphones, the least he could of done is run out of the building and call the police!

I said this over and over in the other post. He was a coward to the nth degree. Imagine that poor kid getting violated by a man who was supposed to help him. Now imagine an adult walking in and thinking you're saved. Then imagine that man turning his back on you and running away. What in the hell does that do to you as a person? What does that do to your self worth? I said before I think the GA is almost as vile as Sandusky and I stand by that.
What do think Gary Barta would have done or most other AD's done if faced with this sickening information? Before you answer that think hard about our own poor track record on reporting crimes related to athletes. I realize we now have a mandatory system of reporting in place, but did we 12 years ago?

AND think about how a big joke our drug-testing program for athletes is. A U of I doctor (in-house) implements and runs a drug-testing program and he uses university students to collect the samples. Huh?? And Barta wanders how the athletes could be getting around the testing program.??

My larger point is this: We as a society and particularly a fan base put way too much emphasis on sports- at all levels- and I suspect more AD's than we care to believe would have done what the sleazy administrators at Penn St. did. Why? Because it would hurt the reputation of the team, the Athletic Department and the University itself. And therefore hurt the MONEY FLOW. CHA-CHING! Why else would University presidents tolerate these actions and in some cases be complicit?

Universities seem beholden to the their little cash cow the Athletic Department and protecting their investment can often lead them to act as a self-policing entity that holds itself above the law. Let's not forget every institution whether it be a church, corporation, or university is run by human beings who can be deeply flawed and act out of desperation or a sense of entitlement.

Whether it be running a halfhearted drug testing program or protecting pedophiles it comes back to the same thing doesn't it? We must protect our reputation and we must not do anything that infringes upon our real mission-To Make Money.
This whole thing just makes me sick and angry....Ik MM did report it to Joe pa...but man, how do you leave that kid?! Come on man, how can he live with himself.

And as far as Sandusky....this song is about the terrorists, but I think it fits how I feel about him when his time comes down the road.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRxEXryTQxo]welcome to hell - YouTube[/ame]
I said this over and over in the other post. He was a coward to the nth degree. Imagine that poor kid getting violated by a man who was supposed to help him. Now imagine an adult walking in and thinking you're saved. Then imagine that man turning his back on you and running away. What in the hell does that do to you as a person? What does that do to your self worth? I said before I think the GA is almost as vile as Sandusky and I stand by that.

I agree with you and this was my initial reaction. I read a couple "put yourself in his shoes" posts but no. This was a 20+ year old adult witnessing a child being raped and you do nothing? That is bullsh!t no matter how you slice it. He and Paterno should be fired immediately. Period. The seriousness of this crime is the key issue. There is no talking it over and then going to the AD and see what he does. The pressure this week will grow and they will be gone as they should be.
I agree with you and this was my initial reaction. I read a couple "put yourself in his shoes" posts but no. This was a 20+ year old adult witnessing a child being raped and you do nothing? That is bullsh!t no matter how you slice it. He and Paterno should be fired immediately. Period. The seriousness of this crime is the key issue. There is no talking it over and then going to the AD and see what he does. The pressure this week will grow and they will be gone as they should be.

Exactly....how can you not do something? It was an old dude, you're like 20...and you know he doesn't have a weapon on him (if that factors in) I mean how did he know Sandusky wouldn't have molested and then killed the kid? Not saying that was likely, BUT HE LEFT THE KID TO THE PERV....sickening.

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