Why not give Vandeberg a couple of series?

Stanzi, ARob, Clayborn, or Sash get hurt playing when the team is up by 30 in the 4th quarter Kirk Ferentz should be fired the next day. I take that back. He shouldn't even be allowed to go into the locker room after the game.

That pretty much sums up this thread. I hope you're exaggerating, but even still, get a grip.
Why is it that many of the folks on here feel the need to talk smack even when we win by 31 points.......I understood some (only some) of the miserable crap last week but this is totally stupid.......Anyone who is complaining about the coaching or players or anything should be made to be CLOWN fans for the next three years..........Just enjoy a nice win and step away from the Cliff's edge guys.........There was a reason some of the guys played longer and some guys didn't get in.......probably even a reason for the reverse......DJK would have broken the catches record on that play.......Could have been cool for the highlight reel as we recruit WR .........I thought COker looked nice as did Morris and Dibona and R Petersen..........Lets all try to say something good about the game or do you all just B#@CH about the team all the time......Sorry in advance to the regular fans


Of course, there are some who were ******** about the reverse pass, so there's always going to be a few who are unsatisfied. I wouldn't worry about the few who are critical - their family and friends are probably tired of listening to them go on about this or that, so they need to turn to a message board like this to find the few others who agree with them. It gives them a forum to grumble . . . . so it does a social good.
That pretty much sums up this thread. I hope you're exaggerating, but even still, get a grip.

I was. I guess I assumed the "he shouldn't even be allowed in the locker room" would tip everyone off.

Make no mistake though, I would be extremely ******.
i thought it was a very lame answer...similar to last week's lie about the clock that he ended up changing as the week went on.

KF has given lame answers all the years he has been here. Where you been? :confused: That's just Kirk being Kirk.

Do you feel you have a right to know everything about what's going on in the coaches head? Get the F off Jon's back. It's not Jon's job to keep you informed or curve your curiosity.

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