Why is everyone so scared of little red?

Living in Omaha gives me an advantage to the look and feel for their program. They have recently turned the corner and those loses you mention are way behind them. They have always had the skills to score on anyone and have played close or lost the game in the final seconds. Now they are beating teams handily which makes them dangerous in my book. They were the most injured team in the B1G for most of the season. Now they are finally healthy and that's made a big difference to their consistancy. Lastly their QB is extremely mobile and if he starts rumning, we are in trouble seeing how our defense has had trouble with mobile QBs. I not saying we are going to lose but this game has been the one I have worried about mostly all season. Playing in their house will not be easy. They almost always have a come back in their place if they get behind. Worried is an understatement.

Not sure about handily beating teams. They needed some crazy throws by Armstrong to beat both mich st and Rutgers. And Armstrong also threw like 4-5 picks in those games also. To me the whole game comes down to how we defend Armstrong. He is a talented guy that can be red hot one minute and be awful the next. If Iowa can force a couple turnovers ( which they will), and play clean football... Iowa should be able to win. Plus, I also think it's makes a difference that leidner isn't a turnover machine and Armstrong can be. Iowas defense has thrived off of turnovers in its best seasons. If tommy plays a clean game, it will be very difficult to win next Saturday. Simple as that.
Not sure about handily beating teams. They needed some crazy throws by Armstrong to beat both mich st and Rutgers. And Armstrong also threw like 4-5 picks in those games also. To me the whole game comes down to how we defend Armstrong. He is a talented guy that can be red hot one minute and be awful the next. If Iowa can force a couple turnovers ( which they will), and play clean football... Iowa should be able to win. Plus, I also think it's makes a difference that leidner isn't a turnover machine and Armstrong can be. Iowas defense has thrived off of turnovers in its best seasons. If tommy plays a clean game, it will be very difficult to win next Saturday. Simple as that.

I hate to be pessimistic, but I would put the chances of winning next Saturday at 0%.
1) It's in Lincoln (tough environment)
2) Purdue beat Nebby without Armstrong
3) Our D struggles with mobile QBs
4) All pressure is on the Hawks
5) Nebraska coming off a bye
6) Iowa coming off a short week

Armstrong doesn't play defense, so their D still let Purdue (the worst rushing team in the B10) to score 55. 55. That's like 8 touchdowns. Two per quarter. A touchdown per 7.5 minutes of game clock. To a team that lost to Marshall and Bowling Green. That's basically 2.5 touchdowns more than Purdue could muster against Indiana State. No, I don't think your argument about Armstrong is relevant to the spanking their defense took.
bye week to get healthy and study what isn't the most complicated offense in the world. They have a bad record but shot themselves in the foot. They could easily be 8-2 or something. Tommy Amrstrong can run as well. If Iowa hasn't found a defense by then could be in trouble. Plus there's always the "we need to go undefeated" thing in the back of everyone's mind, don't tell me it isn't there. If you were lucky enough to be on an undefeated team late in the year in any level of sports it's there.

Not saying Iowa's scared of playing them, I don't think Iowa get blown out by anybody in the nation if we played them, it's just a tougher game than it appears to be when you look at the records.
Kirk does not like to show/play a card that he doesn't absolutely have to. A lot of teams watch the last 3-4 games of the team they are getting ready to play, as well as some cut ups of the rest of the games. Being that Iowa has been in control and not had to come back on anyone outside of ISU, Kirk hasn't had to dig too deep into the playbook. So defensively, as I have said in another thread, look for more nickel and maybe some dime packages vs Nebby as long as Iowa can stop the run on 1st and 2nd down.

Phil will bring more early down blitzes in this one, especially after their 1st drive or two and he gets a feel for what they are trying to do offensively. Remember, there is all kinds of tape out there on Nebby too, and this staff from Oregon State. Nothing too new over there that Iowa has not seen yet or cannot get off of film on Saturday afternoon/night.
Scared, no......take'm seriously, yes.........basically because it is college football. Just as I don't see Purdue as a gimme.

Scores vs. common opponents this year has also been fairly close between the two programs. We're not so good that a couple turnovers, missed FG/s, or another hitch in Beathard's giddyup couldn't spell the difference in a W vs. L. We are their Superbowl game this year for many reasons.
Scared, no......take'm seriously, yes.........basically because it is college football. Just as I don't see Purdue as a gimme.

Scores vs. common opponents this year has also been fairly close between the two programs. We're not so good that a couple turnovers, missed FG/s, or another hitch in Beathard's giddyup couldn't spell the difference in a W vs. L. We are their Superbowl game this year for many reasons.

All of these things have happened, along with nearly half the offensive line injured at one point, loss of an All Big Ten defensive end... dipping into third and fourth string running backs... loss of top big play receiver...
They are terrible, they lost to freaking Purdue. We will put up as many points as we want to against them. All they have is the occasional lucky bomb play from their glorified RB of QB. No consistency or ability to beat us with sustained execution.

I wish we had the confidence a 10-0 and soon to be 11-0 team should against a 5-6 team.

Regardless of who is coaching them they are a very dangerous team at home. The stars are aligned for a Nebraska team that gets a bye week to prepare, will get some defenders healthy, Senior Day, need the W for a bowl trip, Iowa has a short preparation week, things all point to some advantages for Lil Debbie. They actually are extremely dangerous with the passing game. Tommy is very erratic, but he is capable of taking them right down the field and scoring quickly. They have capable receiving targets, including tight ends which tend to trouble us. Tommy is also a mobile QB that loves the read option, again something problematic for Iowa.

The advantages for us, in my eyes, undefeated season, payback of last years debacle, AD's comments about where Iowa's program was at last year, plenty of bulletin board material for Kirk and his staff. Real chance for these seniors to be 2-2 against a new rival.
They are terrible, they lost to freaking Purdue. We will put up as many points as we want to against them. All they have is the occasional lucky bomb play from their glorified RB of QB. No consistency or ability to beat us with sustained execution.

I wish we had the confidence a 10-0 and soon to be 11-0 team should against a 5-6 team.


- they have to win to get bowl eligible
- they have 13 days to prepare, Iowa has 5
- it is at NE
- we were better lest year to and still lost at home pathetically.

- they have to win to get bowl eligible
- they have 13 days to prepare, Iowa has 5
- it is at NE
- we were better lest year to and still lost at home pathetically.

You mean better than Nebby last year or better than we are this year? Because that last one is totally false. We're better than last year, they are worse last year.

And while they need the win to get bowl eligible, it's the fact that they need the VERY last game of the regular season to get there that indicates that they are really not good this year.
Regardless of who is coaching them they are a very dangerous team at home. The stars are aligned for a Nebraska team that gets a bye week to prepare, will get some defenders healthy, Senior Day, need the W for a bowl trip, Iowa has a short preparation week, things all point to some advantages for Lil Debbie. They actually are extremely dangerous with the passing game. Tommy is very erratic, but he is capable of taking them right down the field and scoring quickly. They have capable receiving targets, including tight ends which tend to trouble us. Tommy is also a mobile QB that loves the read option, again something problematic for Iowa.

The advantages for us, in my eyes, undefeated season, payback of last years debacle, AD's comments about where Iowa's program was at last year, plenty of bulletin board material for Kirk and his staff. Real chance for these seniors to be 2-2 against a new rival.

Why are all of our advantages mental stuff? How about our great and underrated offensive line and backs that have steamrolled far better defenses this year?

How about the all American DB who takes away a side of the field?

We are rolling into that Memorial to sanctimony stadium and burning it to the damn ground on the way to Indianapolis.
Well, if Neb lost to fricking Purdue, maybe we should be worried about fricking Purdue instead of Neb.

Seriously is anybody talking about Purdue? Other tham thats the game everybody assumes Iowa will clinch the division against. I have to admit I don't know much about the Boilers, and based on the threads on this board, nobody else does either.

They are 2-8. Any other concerns?
Armstrong doesn't play defense, so their D still let Purdue (the worst rushing team in the B10) to score 55. 55. That's like 8 touchdowns. Two per quarter. A touchdown per 7.5 minutes of game clock. To a team that lost to Marshall and Bowling Green. That's basically 2.5 touchdowns more than Purdue could muster against Indiana State. No, I don't think your argument about Armstrong is relevant to the spanking their defense took.

5 turnovers. 28 of the 55 were basically on the offense, 2 of the turnovers were essentially returned for touchdowns, the other 3 gave Purdue the ball either in nebby territory or close to the 50.

Turnovers and where/when turnovers occur determine a ton.

If we win turnover battle and limit the big pass play, I like our chances.
The Fuskers have won quite a few games in the B1G after being down by large margins in the 2nd half after the teams they were playing, including the Hawks last year, let up on the gas and allowed them to come back. That hasn't been the case this year. I think the Hawks dominate the first half and keep them at bay in the 2nd for 12-0.
Don't be so cocky. They've won no less than 9 games per year for many years. Anyone who doesn't understand that Nebraska has the talent to slap every team they've lost to this season once they get their heads in the games can't be taken seriously.

They've won a couple in a row now... one a very big win... their confidence is building. We should definitely defeat them but it's far from a lock... realistically speaking.

Muhammed Ali and Rhonda Rousy both lost while appearing to be invincible... and we ain't them.

Look no further than Michigan vs Appalachian State to get a dose of what can happen in the real world.

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