Why I Do Not Care About the National Championship


Well-Known Member
The National Championship Game has no meaning to me. It is an unfair popularity contest based on meaningless, biased polls and other subjective criteria. A team like Boise State, which plays one of the easiest schedules in the country, has a much better chance to play in the game when compared to teams like Iowa, Penn State or Ohio State, which play murderous schedules by comparison.

Iowa's goals should be the same every year:

1. Rose Bowl. If not, then
2. BCS game. If not, then
3. New Year's Day game. If not, then
4. A bowl game.

Achieving any of the above 4 goals means it was a successful season for Iowa, in my humble opinion. Using that criteria, Iowa has been successful in 8 of the past 9 seasons, with a good chance to go bowling this year.

There will be no legitimate national champion until a real playoff is instituted. I am not a sincere proponent of a playoff, but the current system is so ridiculously subjective that it does not really produce a true national champion (only 2 teams qualify for the final game!).
I couldn't agree more. Winning a Nat'l Title would be like wearing Sex Panther, it stings the nostrils with how popular the game is to me.
I care. an undefeated Iowa, Penn State, or Ohio State would make it to the National title game over Boise. I hear what you are saying, but we are only 1 game into the season.
I would love to play for the National Title, just because the exposure it could set up for Iowa. The recruiting would be something we've never seen before. To be called kings of football for a year would be unreal. But in general, the goal every year I always think about is get to the Rose Bowl! Something Ive never really seen before in my life. And it's something that means a lot to any person who lives in Big Ten country. But I couldn't agree more how it's turned into a popularity contest to get to the national championship game.
Can't agree more.

BCS is run by ....oh never mind...I'd only be repeating my previous bazillion posts.
Then I assume you also do not care about the Heisman which is even more of an unfair popularity contest almost always given to the QB or RB with the best stats on a top 5 team.

To take a recent example, Shonn Greene and C.J. Spiller never got a sniff of the trophy only because neither played on teams in the top 5.
Then I assume you also do not care about the Heisman which is even more of an unfair popularity contest almost always given to the QB or RB with the best stats on a top 5 team.

To take a recent example, Shonn Greene and C.J. Spiller never got a sniff of the trophy only because neither played on teams in the top 5.
From my personal standpoint, you'd be 100% correct.
Of course I would be thrilled if Iowa made the final NC game. I love the Hawkeyes.

I do think it is highly unlikely - with our schedule getting through all of the games without 1 or 2 losses minimum is almost impossible.

Thus, I will not be troubled if we do not make it (this year or ever). The other goals I mentioned are attainable.

I also believe someday there will be a national playoff, for the same reasons that the Big Ten is expanding to 12 teams (the almighty dollar eventually wins out).

Why not keep the same bowl format, and then have the winners of the Fiesta, Orange, Rose and Sugar playoff in a four-team playoff? It would only take 2 extra weeks.
It is all about championships. According to Nebraska fan, Iowa does not matter until they win a championship. No matter what rules apply to winning it, It should be the main goal of Iowa football. Well, that and beating the crap out of Nebraska every year.
Yes, beating the snot out of "N stands for Nowledge" is a major goal. It is truly easy to hate Nebraska. We will win our share against them, I promise you that.

I would respectfully point out that the disgusting Cornheads won their "national" championships under subjective polls before the BCS came into existence (and I believe at least one of them was shared with Michigan).
While a the college division 1 national title is very flawed I think that it would give Iowa's program well deserved credibility.
It would give recruiting a boost. Lets face it, it's not easy to sell Iowa to 5 star athlete who can go anyplace.
I agree. Would I like Iowa to be in it? sure.

But it is a MYTHICAL national title, there is nothing real to it. The greatest sport in the country wants to pick its title game constestants similar to a beauty contest, or a gymnastics or figure skating event. Its all subjective. Until at the very least they let the major conference champions play each year for the title its a MYTHICAL title.

I think the goal each year should be to win the conference, because Iowa could win all their games or finish with 1 loss along with 2-4 other teams and still not have it in their ability to make the game.
Of course I would be thrilled if Iowa made the final NC game. I love the Hawkeyes.

I do think it is highly unlikely - with our schedule getting through all of the games without 1 or 2 losses minimum is almost impossible.

Thus, I will not be troubled if we do not make it (this year or ever). The other goals I mentioned are attainable.

I also believe someday there will be a national playoff, for the same reasons that the Big Ten is expanding to 12 teams (the almighty dollar eventually wins out).

Why not keep the same bowl format, and then have the winners of the Fiesta, Orange, Rose and Sugar playoff in a four-team playoff? It would only take 2 extra weeks.

How do you select which eight teams make the Fiesta, Orange, Rose and Sugar? The six BCS conferences would all want a spot, assuming you leave one spot for non BCS teams, then you're only letting one other team in. So now only one conference can get the payout you would get from having two teams in the BCS. That's 14 million you're taking away from either the B10 or SEC, I'm sure they're going to love that. Also, the non BCS conferences aren't going to go for having a maximum of only one team in the playoffs.
come talk to me november 21st, you know, the day after iowa beats tOSU to get to 11-0 and #1 in the polls. then come tell me you don't care about a national championship.

i will say right now, i don't believe you
I love the thinking of not caring about the NC. The way they do the NC has some flaws but is still a major deal. Winning the NC is still better then winning the rose bowl. I'd take #1 ranking over being #4 any day of the week. Now if we're talking winning the Rose Bowl vs. playing in the National Championship game and losing then you got a point.
it just seems to me like people are already starting to make excuses about it and making themselves feel better if iowa isn't in it.

we aren't alabama, florida or texas so we have no shot at the title game so i don't care about it blah blah blah. don't want to hear it