Why dont top PGs want to play for Fran?


I don't think that guy has done the math on who will still be on the team when that kid is a freshman in college.
Yes, Connor is a PG. Connor has played PG at every stage of his career. I don't care what the "scouting services" say he is! He is playing PG for Fran.
That doesn't mean we won't play 2 PGs if we land a legit player. Fran has done that in the past.

Aaa..duh. 1. Name the legit point guard that Fran has landed and developed.

Neither of the two you are inferring about to do a 2 guards system are what Iowa needs. Im the first person to mention a 2 point guard set. There will be benefits but 2 number two guards dont add up to 1 or two point guards. They are 2 decent 2s maybe.
Lol, are you for real?

Yes I am. He's joking that we shouldn't waste time on a forward because we have so many of them, but only two will still be here by the time he's a freshman. Now if he said he shouldn't waste time on later classes until he gets earlier classes filled, at least that would make some sense. But even then, it's not smart to not spend at least some time on future classes.
Yes I am. He's joking that we shouldn't waste time on a forward because we have so many of them, but only two will still be here by the time he's a freshman. Now if he said he shouldn't waste time on later classes until he gets earlier classes filled, at least that would make some sense. But even then, it's not smart to not spend at least some time on future classes.
Wow lol
Just out of curiousity, you do understand that Cook's class would already be graduated by the time this kid was a freshman don't you? Do you think we should stop recruiting Foster because we have too many forwards right now?
Aaa..duh. 1. Name the legit point guard that Fran has landed and developed.

Neither of the two you are inferring about to do a 2 guards system are what Iowa needs. Im the first person to mention a 2 point guard set. There will be benefits but 2 number two guards dont add up to 1 or two point guards. They are 2 decent 2s maybe.
I'm not defending Fran's recruiting or plan. Just pointing out that Connor is a PG. Had always been a PG and will continue to be a PG. That doesn't mean he'll be good, bad or otherwise. I have no way of knowing that yet.
Isn’t he being sarcastic about the point guard situation? Did I miss something?

He needs to learn how to be sarcastic is all I'm saying. If he kept the "we're thin there" part out, it would have been funny. That part just made it stupid.
If you take the “we’re thin there” out it kind of ruins the punchline lol
If the kid was a senior in highscool, it would make the punchline more funny. Since he's a sophomore, saying "we're thin there" is too inaccurate to be funny. There has to be truth in sarcasm to be funny. I guess I just like jokes that don't have huge flaws in them. You guys strike me as guys who like jokes that don't make sense tho so I'm not surprised.
If one doesn't understand the joke, it is wise to keep silent or one joke might become two jokes. :confused:

The joke is we have way too many post players and no point guard. The thin part is to make fun of the amount of post players, and the good thing he's not wasting time looking for point guards is to make fun of the lack of point guards now. Decent idea for a joke but poorly executed due to the age of the kid.
If the kid was a senior in highscool, it would make the punchline more funny. Since he's a sophomore, saying "we're thin there" is too inaccurate to be funny. There has to be truth in sarcasm to be funny. I guess I just like jokes that don't have huge flaws in them. You guys strike me as guys who like jokes that don't make sense tho so I'm not surprised.

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