why doesn't Gabe play?

Correct. At beginning of year, Brommer was dealing with bad knee and Archie was limited too, as I recall. (He has had so many injuries, it is hard to keep track) . Fran didnt want to keep Gabe out as wanted to be sure he was ready if needed. Possible redshirt if Woody and Meyer are as good as projected but that would put them all in same class. I dont think Fran plans to redshirt anyone unless injured and unable to play.
Gabe's not the type of player we should be redshirting anyway. No use tying up a scholarship for another year when he's the type of guy Fran will hopefully be recruiting over.

Wait a second... are u telling me that eventually we will have scholarship players that wont see the floor?? Thats when we will know we are back!!
Yeah i don't know why we would recruit someone who doesn't play at all. I imagine once he develops he will be a 10-15 mpg guy backing up woody next year. McCabe will probably back up Basabe at the 4 and White will slide over to the starting 3 as a swing man who can go to the 4 when we want to go smaller. That means Meyer will probably serve the role of 7 mpg guy like brommer this year who comes in when we want to give fouls or at the end of the half so we can keep Basabe and Woody out of foul trouble.
Just what do expect from a thin framed freshman? Do you really expect him to come right in and be a huge contributor? Gabe has talent but he hasn't been playing basketball all of his life. He has a lot to learn. Fran is slowly bringing him along and he will probably not be a contributor until his junior year. At that time he could be very good. Why are you talking about Brommers 4 minutes a game? He is brought in to try and motivate Basabe who is in never never land. Are you going to post about everybody on the team or are you just bored because you have no real knowledge of player developement and what Fran is trying to accomplish?
Per McCaffrey's presser, Archie gives more athleticism and Brommer gives better passing and size (over Olaseni). It seems even McCaffrey wants to see what Olaseni can do, but as others have mentioned, just doesn't feel he is a better option than B&A.

Kind of mystifying why McCaffrey recruited a guy to sit on the bench during a year when we desperately needed help or at least didn't red shirt him. Meyer and Woodbury are better than Archie & Brommer, thus making it more difficult to find PT for Olaseni next season IMO.

Unrelated, but weren't we in on Ross Travis, who ultimately signed with PSU? He looks like a budding Aaron Fuller.

No way is Archie more athletic than Olaseni, just in their limited action thats obvious.

I dont think Fran was inferring that at all.

What Fran was inferring was that Archie is capable of bringing good shot blocking and D and that Gabe needs to play with a higher level of energy and aggression to make up for his lack of skills and familiarity with the game.

Allot of basketball can be taught but allot of it is intuitive. Its hard to be aggressive when you lack the proper instincts.
Just what do expect from a thin framed freshman? Do you really expect him to come right in and be a huge contributor? Gabe has talent but he hasn't been playing basketball all of his life. He has a lot to learn. Fran is slowly bringing him along and he will probably not be a contributor until his junior year. At that time he could be very good. Why are you talking about Brommers 4 minutes a game? He is brought in to try and motivate Basabe who is in never never land. Are you going to post about everybody on the team or are you just bored because you have no real knowledge of player developement and what Fran is trying to accomplish?

Jesus Christ RADMAN shut the hell up. I was just starting a conversation about Gabe and what everyone thinks his role will be. I don't doubt Fran at all, in fact I'm a big fan of his. (smart people would probably be able to infer that by my username, but noticing your obvious mental deficiencies I didn't want to leave that to chance with you)
The first time I saw Gabe shoot I said to myself there is no way this guy will contribute this year. He is not better than Brommer. How many people wanting Gabe to play have actually seen him play.
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I would love to see what this young man's game is like. We need the size.

Gabe was injured for much of the pre-conference and into the beginning of the B1G season. He had a hip flexor injury. Bad timing for a freshman's development. It is possible that it is still nagging him. Regardless, his progression in his freshman year was wrecked by the injury.

A hip flexor can take you out completely for weeks, the best thing for the injury is to do nothing. That is kind of difficult when you need you hips to walk to class... The injury can be recurring too. Like a hammy pull, sometimes they don't go away for a while...
Gabe was injured for much of the pre-conference and into the beginning of the B1G season. He had a hip flexor injury. Bad timing for a freshman's development. It is possible that it is still nagging him. Regardless, his progression in his freshman year was wrecked by the injury.

A hip flexor can take you out completely for weeks, the best thing for the injury is to do nothing. That is kind of difficult when you need you hips to walk to class... The injury can be recurring too. Like a hammy pull, sometimes they don't go away for a while...
He played in the Cental Arkansas game,which was the 12th of 13 non-conference games... hardly "most of our pre-conf. schedule".

Even though Fran said he doesn't recruit projects, it's apparent he got one in his first full class. It's ok to admit it.
I'm starting to get excited about Gabe's future with the Hawks...

I see some have predicted him to have the best shot at making an NBA roster and I see some have him labeled as more athletic than Archie.
He played in the Cental Arkansas game,which was the 12th of 13 non-conference games... hardly "most of our pre-conf. schedule".

Even though Fran said he doesn't recruit projects, it's apparent he got one in his first full class. It's ok to admit it.

Well he said much of the pre-conf schedule, not most. And you don't think that the 12th of 13 games is "most of the pre-conf schedule?" I'm not quite sure where you're going with that
Kind of mystifying why McCaffrey recruited a guy to sit on the bench during a year when we desperately needed help or at least didn't red shirt him. Meyer and Woodbury are better than Archie & Brommer, thus making it more difficult to find PT for Olaseni next season IMO.

Unrelated, but weren't we in on Ross Travis, who ultimately signed with PSU? He looks like a budding Aaron Fuller.

Brommer and Archie have proven nothing, but being unreliable, not a shocker. Honestly, I thought Gabe would have been more of a contributor, but something happened. McCabe has taken all of his minutes and Bromarch are taking the minutes Gabe would have had. Gabe will be fine in the end, we knew he was unpolished.

On your unrelated topic, I will gladly have Aaron White over Travis as they play the same position. Also, keep in mind that Aaron Fuller looked better than he was on really bad teams, kinda like this year.

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