Why does every analyst hate Iowa? You know why


Well-Known Member
We are the biggest whiners on the planet. Now, I'm proud of our fan base for supporting the hawks..but it's human nature. If we email tweet msg board hate and shove our completely biased opinions and force them to have the same opinion..we are gonna get backlash. I'd hate us too. I'm not saying stop...not my right to...but don't be surprised when ALL of college football hates us. Be reasonable in your arguments. We are 5th in the cfp...your job here is done. Let the team handle it the rest of the way. If your complaint is a bias against us then stop and let our players do the talking. EVERYONE hates us. Before you say GOOD..realize that them hating us is in your top 3 of keeping you up at night. Cheer on the hawks but stop forcing people to agree with us. Smile and know the hawks will take care of business.
Easier said than done when the things they say are either incredibly stupid or complete lies.
Might sound like I'm playing into your hand but... they started it. Saying complete ******** like we've played no one or we have the worst strength of schedule when these lines are objectively false. That's bound to ruffle some feathers.
We are the biggest whiners on the planet. Now, I'm proud of our fan base for supporting the hawks..but it's human nature. If we email tweet msg board hate and shove our completely biased opinions and force them to have the same opinion..we are gonna get backlash. I'd hate us too. I'm not saying stop...not my right to...but don't be surprised when ALL of college football hates us. Be reasonable in your arguments. We are 5th in the cfp...your job here is done. Let the team handle it the rest of the way. If your complaint is a bias against us then stop and let our players do the talking. EVERYONE hates us. Before you say GOOD..realize that them hating us is in your top 3 of keeping you up at night. Cheer on the hawks but stop forcing people to agree with us. Smile and know the hawks will take care of business.

Oh sir... biggest whiners on the planet?

Apparently you never have lived anywhere on the east coast...

Midwestern fans are mild mild compared to so many places in the U.S and not to mention the world.

Kind of silly proudhawk sorry.
I know. I love the passion. I listened to 3 guys on espn today address the EsecPN...personal harassing emails and harassing tweets. Not proud of those fans personally. It THEIR right/opinion as well to not respect Iowa for whatever reason. Seriously watch the shows today....iowa fan base is not respected for our methods. Kudos for the passion...and tell them to go to heck if we want...but they will continue to hate. So we get to be that bitter old man sitting alone on the porch drinking whiskey with no friends. Yay.
Im not on twitter or anything, but the things I read earlier in the year regarding Iowa were ridiculous. If youre gonna say something on television, at least do 2 seconds of research so youre somewhat accurate. In the beginning, when Iowa got to 7-0, they really didnt want to talk about Iowa, but knew they had to so theyd give them about 3 seconds, say something degrading and move on. Now, it seems they know Iowa isnt going anywhere as long as they win and there isnt anything they can do about it, so the bashing isnt as severe as it was a few weeks ago.
Oh sir... biggest whiners on the planet?

Apparently you never have lived anywhere on the east coast...

Midwestern fans are mild mild compared to so many places in the U.S and not to mention the world.

Kind of silly proudhawk sorry.

I challenge you to watch the morning talk shows today..it's coming from their mouths...not mine. I'm reporting on what I'm hearing. Have you heard of any other teams fan base this year? And you calling that silly is a perfect example of the problem. It IS the perception of iowa. Not my opinion. Fact. So don't say silly. It is fact.
Im not on twitter or anything, but the things I read earlier in the year regarding Iowa were ridiculous. If youre gonna say something on television, at least do 2 seconds of research so youre somewhat accurate. In the beginning, when Iowa got to 7-0, they really didnt want to talk about Iowa, but knew they had to so theyd give them about 3 seconds, say something degrading and move on. Now, it seems they know Iowa isnt going anywhere as long as they win and there isnt anything they can do about it, so the bashing isnt as severe as it was a few weeks ago.

I disagree with most of the things they say on strength of schedule ..eye test...flashy offense...tradition...closeness of games...but i'm not twitter stalking or crying about it :) not that you are...just saying the backlash is only getting worse.
Sorry but I have to reiterate... people that think Iowa fans are whiny. I guess you haven't ever met a Nebraska fan or sat next to a New Yorker at a Red Sox game or been at a soccer match in South America.

Iowa fans are not even in the top 2% of any obnoxious, whiny metric in the universe.
I challenge you to watch the morning talk shows today..it's coming from their mouths...not mine. I'm reporting on what I'm hearing. Have you heard of any other teams fan base this year? And you calling that silly is a perfect example of the problem. It IS the perception of iowa. Not my opinion. Fact. So don't say silly. It is fact.

Now you are saying something that's utterly opinion is a fact?

You are making more sense by the moment.
I'm not arguing with you that Iowa fans might be whining about things... but you said we are "the biggest Whiners on the planet"

That is such a monumentally ridiculous statement.
What a microcosm of society...everybody has an opinion that they're so sure is right...everybody has to talk talk talk....look at me... How bout we just play the games and see how things turn out. J... F....C... God forbid we actually let things happen organically, instead of constantly predicting their outcome or rather what it we want it to be.

Instant access to social media and spontaneous broadcasting for everyone certainly brings out the idiots, or perhaps just makes them more visible.
I know. I love the passion. I listened to 3 guys on espn today address the EsecPN...personal harassing emails and harassing tweets. Not proud of those fans personally. It THEIR right/opinion as well to not respect Iowa for whatever reason. Seriously watch the shows today....iowa fan base is not respected for our methods. Kudos for the passion...and tell them to go to heck if we want...but they will continue to hate. So we get to be that bitter old man sitting alone on the porch drinking whiskey with no friends. Yay.
They get paid to make opinions. Ergo, they get paid to take feedback (their employers behind the scenes are loving the clickbait = mo' $$$) -- especially feedback from stupid and illogical reasoning.
We are the biggest whiners on the planet. Now, I'm proud of our fan base for supporting the hawks..but it's human nature. If we email tweet msg board hate and shove our completely biased opinions and force them to have the same opinion..we are gonna get backlash. I'd hate us too. I'm not saying stop...not my right to...but don't be surprised when ALL of college football hates us. Be reasonable in your arguments. We are 5th in the cfp...your job here is done. Let the team handle it the rest of the way. If your complaint is a bias against us then stop and let our players do the talking. EVERYONE hates us. Before you say GOOD..realize that them hating us is in your top 3 of keeping you up at night. Cheer on the hawks but stop forcing people to agree with us. Smile and know the hawks will take care of business.

Everyone does not hate Iowa. That's just a ridiculous comment. Iowa fans have a right to their opinions. Everybody knows that. If we weren't so successful this year, obviously, nobody would even notice.
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The only reason Iowa is not the darling this year is because we hint at the same flaw in the system the Big12 exposed last year.
I love even the Lord of all whiney iowa fans....what i'm saying is if anyone is offended that the national media hates us....stop whining. Otherwise just stop crying about how we are disrespected lol or..stop whining about how great we are and make attacks against networks and individuals. Or stop whining about being disrespected. Or stop whining about THEIR opinions. Or stop whining about being disrespected. Or stop whining about THEIR opinions. Get it? You are now whining and being disrespectful to a hawk fan that is simply telling you that you can't have your cake and at it too.

The whole point is that we are crying disrespect because their opinion isn't your opinion and they can't have theirs. Point two is that enough of our fan base has gone to the extreme of saying you MUST agree with us or we will make personal attacks (even on our own fans) To your twitter, email, your neighbor because...now get this...we don't like your opinion of us.

Attack me fellow hawk fans...i was simply stating that I get why there is a national media backlash on us as fans. I get it. The fact that you might not is the reason it exists.
Everyone does not hate Iowa. That's just a ridiculous comment. Iowa fans have a right to their opinions. Everybody knows that. If we weren't so successful this year, obviously, nobody would even notice.

Watch the shows..read the online articles..listen to their quotes...they make it a point to mention our fans almost as much as our team.
I'm sure the Hawks like the idea we've got their back and aren't going to let all their hard work go unnoticed. How do you think they would feel if we just stood by and shrugged our shoulders and said That's Football! Now I don't like it when a fan goes overboard and makes a complete a$$ of themselves but every fan base has some of those. Anybody remember what happened when Alabama lost last year?

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