Why do radio guys defend

Re: Why do radio guys defendjo

Here's an answer - KOK...... we haven't had a good Offensive football team in forever. Putting up 40 on Indiana an NU are nothing to be proud of.

Coaches get players (teams) ready to play. Coaches drive 'execution'. Its getting old that 'they just didn't execute' excuse

Look, prole, ANY offensive problems Iowa has ever had come down to one of a handful of things, none of which has a lick to do with Ken O'Keefe. Ken O'Keefe can turn it on when Ferentz doesn't hold him back, which is always. Ken O'Keefe can only do so much when the defense gets dinked and dunked on all day because of Norm's schemes and we never get the ball. Ken O'Keefe isn't to blame when the special teams unit makes boneheaded plays like missed FGs or fails to cover fake or onside kicks.

The 2009 season was great, but let us not forget that season came down to blocked kicks against UNI to win plus a TON of other luck that ran out when Stanzi ran into the Wootton express. If we face reality here, fellas, we will see that after the guys Philbin and Aiken had coached up left the program, we have seen worse play in the trenches. And let's face it, we're not getting the Ted Ginn's and Charles Woodson's of the world to come to Iowa City, so we better damn well control the lines and we just haven't been doing that.

O'Keefe isn't responsible for the dang o-line and it isn't his fault that thing has fallen apart. So instead of blaming every damn loss on O'Keefe, go after Reese Morgan. I'm sorry, but the guy is in over his head and if Iowa football can't control the line, we're gonna suck. And it ain't Ken O'Keefe's fault. I am at a loss as to what the hell play O'Keefe is supposed to magically know how to call when his RB has no holes all day or his QB gets slaughtered a fraction of a second after the rock gets in his hands. Maybe one of you geniuses can tell me.
Exactly! There is no acceptable excuse as to why you're two years removed from a BCS bowl win and you have 10 walk-ons on the two deeps. Absolutely inexcusable.

Correct. You can say that we are young, or inexperienced, or whatever want but that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that we are still a hell of a lot better than Minnesota and we lost.
But we have more talent the North Dakota State.....and if we don't, shame on this staff.

The Transitive Property does not work in sports. UNI didn't even make the FCS playoffs in '09, and they damn near beat the Orange Bowl champs that year. You really think they played FCS teams that were more talented than Iowa that year?

The talent isn't there to run our usual scheme on defense. That's not Norm's fault, and there's not much he can do to combat that simple reality. And no other DC in the country would have better luck if they were in his shoes.
On the heals of the Reese Morgan comment, is anyone else extremely confused by all the love for Riley R?
The Transitive Property does not work in sports. UNI didn't even make the FCS playoffs in '09, and they damn near beat the Orange Bowl champs that year. You really think they played FCS teams that were more talented than Iowa that year?

The talent isn't there to run our usual scheme on defense. That's not Norm's fault, and there's not much he can do to combat that simple reality. And no other DC in the country would have better luck if they were in his shoes.

Agreed. The scheme is the scheme. When we have two great LBs who can line up against slot guys (Hodge/Greenway and Angerer/Edds) the scheme works great. When we're breaking in new guys (Edds was hard to watch when he was young) or have guys who aren't so great but are good Hawks nonetheless (e.g., Klink and Humpal), we aren't so hot. We've gotta take our lumps and hope some of the youngsters develop and we'll be fine in a few years.
The Transitive Property does not work in sports. UNI didn't even make the FCS playoffs in '09, and they damn near beat the Orange Bowl champs that year. You really think they played FCS teams that were more talented than Iowa that year?

The talent isn't there to run our usual scheme on defense. That's not Norm's fault, and there's not much he can do to combat that simple reality. And no other DC in the country would have better luck if they were in his shoes.

In all sincerity your right regarding paragraph 1. I disagree with paragraph 2. If Norm can't find a solution, we don't need him either.
In all sincerity your right regarding paragraph 1. I disagree with paragraph 2. If Norm can't find a solution, we don't need him either.

Oh good gravy, I would love to hear your solution. Castillo in as a nickel back maybe? Just to expose us to the run even more. A 3-3-5 mid season? A change to a 3-4 mid season when we are thin at LB? What the hell can the guy do with a few hours a day to practice and a game next Saturday?
Either Norm better get "his type of players" or be willing to adapt. I don't want to wait every 2 to 3 years waiting for Iowa to be good again.
Either Norm better get "his type of players" or be willing to adapt. I don't want to wait every 2 to 3 years waiting for Iowa to be good again.

Norm isn't the recruiter on staff. And making huge changes midseason is NOT a good idea. We've also had tons of transfers along the front four, also not his fault.
Oh good gravy, I would love to hear your solution. Castillo in as a nickel back maybe? Just to expose us to the run even more. A 3-3-5 mid season? A change to a 3-4 mid season when we are thin at LB? What the hell can the guy do with a few hours a day to practice and a game next Saturday?

Iowa Football Disclaimer-Even though we expect you to pay more every year including this year, we refuse to change and will disappoint you even more than usual. Please hang with us....btw, send your payment in advance.
Iowa Football Disclaimer-Even though we expect you to pay more every year including this year, we refuse to change and will disappoint you even more than usual. Please hang with us....btw, send your payment in advance.

Okay, so you don't have any solution either. Glad we're clear on that.
Re: Why do radio guys defendjo

Look, prole, ANY offensive problems Iowa has ever had come down to one of a handful of things, none of which has a lick to do with Ken O'Keefe. Ken O'Keefe can turn it on when Ferentz doesn't hold him back, which is always. Ken O'Keefe can only do so much when the defense gets dinked and dunked on all day because of Norm's schemes and we never get the ball. Ken O'Keefe isn't to blame when the special teams unit makes boneheaded plays like missed FGs or fails to cover fake or onside kicks.

The 2009 season was great, but let us not forget that season came down to blocked kicks against UNI to win plus a TON of other luck that ran out when Stanzi ran into the Wootton express. If we face reality here, fellas, we will see that after the guys Philbin and Aiken had coached up left the program, we have seen worse play in the trenches. And let's face it, we're not getting the Ted Ginn's and Charles Woodson's of the world to come to Iowa City, so we better damn well control the lines and we just haven't been doing that.

O'Keefe isn't responsible for the dang o-line and it isn't his fault that thing has fallen apart. So instead of blaming every damn loss on O'Keefe, go after Reese Morgan. I'm sorry, but the guy is in over his head and if Iowa football can't control the line, we're gonna suck. And it ain't Ken O'Keefe's fault. I am at a loss as to what the hell play O'Keefe is supposed to magically know how to call when his RB has no holes all day or his QB gets slaughtered a fraction of a second after the rock gets in his hands. Maybe one of you geniuses can tell me.

occasionally KOK4Prez has a genius post that reveals his true feelings. (no I am not his alt). Nearly everything he wrote here is true. Iowa's oline play has taken a slide since Philbin left. Iowa's offensive playcalling has had to become more exceptional since Brad Banks running in our style of offense force single coverage... hint it hasn't happened. McNutt isn't running free on wide open posts in single coverage because Vandenberg might spring 60 yards. Iowa has a lot of talent on the offensive side of the ball. Reiff, McNutt, and Scherff (barring injury) are no worse than 3rd round NFL talents. Vandenberg has the tools to be drafted. Coker could get a sniff, Zusevics will get a chance, Ferentz will get a chance. This offense has the tools to score points. Iowa is going to be in big trouble for the next few seasons if nothing changes. Iowa's offense doesn't limit how much or often they can score. Iowa's playcalling does.

Norm could have called a better game, Iowa's defense held up throughout much of the game, but if last season's defense couldn't protect a lead how do you expect this version to do so. Iowa's failures on offense are always magnified because of bad red zone playcalling. This isn't a new problem. Take away Shonn Greene and look at our TD/Red Zone opportunity on offense and it isn't a pretty picture.

Finally no one has brought this up at all this season, but Adam Robinson would make a world of difference if he were on this team. We lack a tailback in obvious passing situations that can pick up a blitz or be a weapon as a tailback. We hadn't seen it since 2006 and didn't realize what a big part of the offense it could be until last season. Robinson is the kind of silent attrition that is killing Iowa this season.
The truth is that the ferentz regime is not what it once was... and in my judgement its the ultra conservative head coach shoulders the biggest blame
Re: Why do radio guys defendjo

Finally no one has brought this up at all this season, but Adam Robinson would make a world of difference if he were on this team. We lack a tailback in obvious passing situations that can pick up a blitz or be a weapon as a tailback. We hadn't seen it since 2006 and didn't realize what a big part of the offense it could be until last season. Robinson is the kind of silent attrition that is killing Iowa this season.

I've been thinking the same thing, I can still see the wicked block ARob put on Greg Jones in last year's MSU game. Stanzi got the first down and Jones got knocked on his butt.

BTN's coverage really didn't show who missed his assignment when JVB was sacked and fumbled. To me that was the critical play of the game. Anybody know who didn't pick up the blitzing corner?
How do you have a running back with over 250 yds and not score more than 21 points? He runs the ball down the field and then they change the play calling and don't score. That is on the offense and its coordinator. How do you have 2:48 left and have receivers on the field that shouln't be? That is on the offense and its coordinator. How do you not even attempt a throw to McNutt or KMM in the last drive? Again on the play calls and on top of that we throw short on every attempt. We don't even think about running Coker on first or second down when he has gashed them all day and they are expeting pass. We had plent of time and 2 timeouts to run anything in the play book we wanted. No bubble screen, no screen pass. Nope, nothing different except short passes to guys that should have been on the sideline. Passes should have been going to McNutt, KMM, Fiedorowicz, or Coker out of the backfield. That is Okeefe's area.
Re: Why do radio guys defendjo

I've been thinking the same thing, I can still see the wicked block ARob put on Greg Jones in last year's MSU game. Stanzi got the first down and Jones got knocked on his butt.

BTN's coverage really didn't show who missed his assignment when JVB was sacked and fumbled. To me that was the critical play of the game. Anybody know who didn't pick up the blitzing corner?

JVB missed him- 7 on 6. They blitzed 7 we blocked with 6. Never saw him and had no chance.
Did you choose you wife? Or did your parents? Makes a lot of difference.

Hey...and while we're at it, since it doesn't matter that #2 or #3 (depending on your preference) on your football staff don't recruit, lets sub in the other one with a Casey's pizza maker.

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