Why do NCAA basketball officials...

Calling touch fouls the beginning of the 2nd half, then Uthoff gets mauled under the hoop, no call. Francis gets all over the officials and it seemed like Iowa was having a parade to the FT line after that. The inconsistency is why people have such a problem with college bball officials.
There were numerous very late whistles.

They refs called the two halves completely differently.

They helped one team "catch up" in the foul disparity (in the second half). Iowa did benefit from it,though.

The refs are such a huge and sometimes unpredictable factor in college basketball.
There were several anticipation whistles today. The play where they called the ball out of bounds off Gesell was absolute garbage. Not only did Gesell fail to even touch the ball, but the ball was NEVER OUT OF BOUNDS. Uthoff had control of it while in bounds.

Yes I remember that one - was horrible. I yelled at the television.
There were numerous very late whistles.

They refs called the two halves completely differently.

They helped one team "catch up" in the foul disparity (in the second half). Iowa did benefit from it,though.

The refs are such a huge and sometimes unpredictable factor in college basketball.

Strange officiating. Great teams are usually able to overcome the wildly inconsistent officiating in college BBall, mediocre and worse teams can not. This is the difference between Iowa this year and last year.
There were several anticipation whistles today. The play where they called the ball out of bounds off Gesell was absolute garbage. Not only did Gesell fail to even touch the ball, but the ball was NEVER OUT OF BOUNDS. Uthoff had control of it while in bounds.

I agree with this. So, unless Uthoff's foot was on the line, it was total b.s. call. Why would this not be reviewable when they reviewed a previous out of bounds call that involved Basabe? Then, there was another out of bounds they called call off White in which 2 PSU players dove for the ball and they touched it last and it looked clear to me White didn't touch it at all. This game followed the same damn refereeing pattern as the MSUx game. This time we hit our FT's. I'm telling you, ref's do (for whatever reason) dictate how a game is allowed to be played. If we hadn't hit 16-18 ft's down the stretch, PSU likely would have come back on us.
When a ref hits the prostate exam age..I dont think they should be allowed to ref div1 or Nba games. Just my 2 cents

The nba guys are fine though so i dont think age is the main issue.

Theres no one really incharge of college basketball officiating as far as i can tell. Theres no fear of repercusions for poor performance.

Everyone basically does it however they want.

The garbage that goes on in college sports would never be tollerated by any commisioner of a pro league.
Refs in the Nebraska MSU game are AWFUL. Missed an over and back, and replayed an obvious 3 pointer and let the call remain (2 pointer).
I have a question about officiating. During a rebound or loose ball when the ball goes out of bounds because a player that was making an attempt to grab the ball is hit by another player, it is often not called a foul just out of bounds off of the player that hit the other player. In the last 2 minutes out of bounds plays can be reviewed but only who touched the ball last. They can not call the foul but must change the call because the player that got "fouled" touched it last. Am I right about this?

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