Why did Ferentz lie?


Well-Known Member
He said he had the hands team lined up on the kick-off with the score 21-16. If that's the case, why didn't they act like the hands team? That was not the hands team. Kirkie Boy doesn't want to admit he got his azz outcoached again.
1. Because he knows he has a job for life and will never be in danger of getting fired.

2. Because he refuses to acknowledge he doesn't have a clue how to be a gameday coach.

3. Because he knows he can say anything and his bootlicking acolytes will believe anything he says and lay the blame for Iowa's losses on everyone but him.
Minnesota's players and coaching staff ACTED and PLAYED like they wanted to win today even though they knew Iowa had better players...notice I said better players not coaches.

Ferentz and his staff were badly outcoached today In fact, the bus should stop at Tiffin and make the entire staff, yes especially Norm, walk home...like Gable used to do to his wrestlers when they wrestled badly.
We had one guy in the area and he was blocked by 2 or 3. We had no chance, the bad thing was the kicker started moving towards the ball and then changed course giving the on-side kick away and we still had no one even close.
We had one guy in the area and he was blocked by 2 or 3. We had no chance, the bad thing was the kicker started moving towards the ball and then changed course giving the on-side kick away and we still had no one even close.

our guy on that play got smoked....hell with a bounce minny might have been able to run that ball further down the field
Minnesota's players and coaching staff ACTED and PLAYED like they wanted to win today even though they knew Iowa had better players...notice I said better players not coaches.

Ferentz and his staff were badly outcoached today In fact, the bus should stop at Tiffin and make the entire staff, yes especially Norm, walk home...like Gable used to do to his wrestlers when they wrestled badly.

Seriously, GTFO.
Minnesota's players and coaching staff ACTED and PLAYED like they wanted to win today even though they knew Iowa had better players...notice I said better players not coaches.

Ferentz and his staff were badly outcoached today In fact, the bus should stop at Tiffin and make the entire staff, yes especially Norm, walk home...like Gable used to do to his wrestlers when they wrestled badly.

NewMex, this is in such bad taste I can't even believe it! You are on fire! I am dying of laughter over here!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Minnesota's players and coaching staff ACTED and PLAYED like they wanted to win today even though they knew Iowa had better players...notice I said better players not coaches.

Ha. Yeah, I'm sure the Minnesota players were sitting around this week thinking how inferior they are to the Iowa players. What world do you live in?
I did think it was the Onside Prevent squad. It was White out there, after all, who got creamed on that play. Don't know who 29 is but he was the other guy over there. Just didn't execute. Don't mistake this post for in any way excusing an unfathomable loss.
Ok the thing about norm was in bad taste....but its time for him to go...hes like joe pa...be realistic do you think Norm is putting in the time required to gameplan between film and such?? I bet he goes home and rightfully so...he needs to take care of himself. And its time he hangs up the football whistle
He said he had the hands team lined up on the kick-off with the score 21-16. If that's the case, why didn't they act like the hands team? That was not the hands team. Kirkie Boy doesn't want to admit he got his azz outcoached again.
Why would he lie? Obviously it's not that hard to go back and check. If he said he had his hands team on the field, then he probably did. Just because you have your hands team on the field doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for an onside kick.
Why would he lie? Obviously it's not that hard to go back and check. If he said he had his hands team on the field, then he probably did. Just because you have your hands team on the field doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for an onside kick.

Why would they all be lined up at the 45 to 50 yard line?
Here is Kirk's quote from Rob Howe: "Not totally surprising," Ferentz said of the on-side kick. "I didn't think it was a situation we throw our hands team out there. It was a great call on their part and the execution was outstanding. Excellent call by Coach Kill."
To summarize KF...we got our azzes out coached. Wouldn't have thought of that my self and certainly wouldn't have done it. Hell we wouldn't have enough told our kick off team to be ready for it. You could see they weren't.
Looking at the replay it certainly looks to me like they were set up for return not the hands team. I'm sorry but one lonely guy getting lit up like White did does not stand much of a chance to recover an onside kick against four of five flying missiles from the other team.
I don't think we were pitiful today but this was one of a handful of things that had me screaming at the TV. It really and truly looked like no one (from Iowa) expected that onsides kick. Probably because no one at Iowa would ever attempt that.

Sitting on the damn ball with over a minute at the end of the first half seems to be the sign we're going to lose. Try something, anything! I realize we were tied but show your guys you have some faith in them. Or, or, how about give it to the guy who got 250 yards for you and actually try to get in a few plays.

The last three minutes were unacceptable. There was zero clock management, we abandon our successful running game and start trying to pass to Jason White. I mean, the kid is a nice kid but damnit, if you're going to pass, get McNutt and KMM out there and THROW IT TO THEM.

I don't quite understand calling for Ferentz's head but it becoming apparent to me that we're all going to have to be ok with a 10 win season every few years with no hope of ever winning a national title. I guess I could live with that but these damn 7-5 years are hard to stomach particularly with the talent we have on offense.
Here is Kirk's quote from Rob Howe: "Not totally surprising," Ferentz said of the on-side kick. "I didn't think it was a situation we throw our hands team out there. It was a great call on their part and the execution was outstanding. Excellent call by Coach Kill."

It's **** like this that makes me lose my mind and makes KF look like a complete *******. For a guy who supposedly is risk averse, wouldn't you do the least risky play? It's the Wisconsin game all over again. Worst case scenario is you don't have blockers back to set up a return. Big friggen deal.
yeah the dumb a$$ guys on the bigten network had poop in their ears or somethign... he didnt have the hands team out there... I figured that bit of retarded information would spread on here.

P.S. excuse my animosity.. don't think I can remember the time I've been this mad at a loss

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